what was the outcome of chief sweetgrass signing treaty 6

Treaty 45 and Treaty 72 The SON are signatories to various. The peak of the conflict came in 1861 when the Blackfoot had threatened to kill any Cree, Metis, or white man whom they stumbled upon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT3EjLPW2uw. He wanted to know why he was not notified of the meetings as he was out hunting on the plains. Commemorate the historic ties between the Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations and the City of Edmonton. What was the outcome of Chief Sweetgrass signing Treaty 6? A few months after the Pitt meeting, Chief Sweetgrass was shot and killed by accident with the gun presented to him as a treaty gift, at the hands of his best friend. [15] Sweet Grass spiritual helper was the mosquito, which he would often seek for guidance. This made the Plains Cree very nervous and they confronted the surveyors and warned them to stop what they were doing because the government had not met with them to discuss their concerns. This is our land, not a piece of pemmican to be cut off and given in little pieces. The amount of power wielded by Cree chiefs varied from person to person. Gov. Michael Asch, On Being Here to Stay: Treaties and Aboriginal Rights in Canada (2014). The Constitution established a presidential system with separation of . [17], The position of chief within the Cree varied from tribe to tribe and each had varying levels of authority over the band. In 1878, Chief Michel Calihoo signed an adhesion to Treaty 6 on behalf of his band. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Who signed treaty 11? (Mtis fur trader and politician), as well as translators, assistants and NWMP escorts. The pipe stem was presented to the Governor and Treaty Commissioners where they stroked the stem. After the ceremony, Morris explained that the government sent him to Fort Carlton to create an agreement with the Cree that would endure as long as that sun shines and yonder river flows. In order to do so, however, he required all of the chiefs and community leaders in the area to be present. In 150 we had entered into the Robinson Huron Treaty to protect. John A. Macdonald did not want to go to war with the First Nations as the Americans were in the south to attain lands. The days of bison hunting were coming to an end, and the Cree needed help adjusting to new modes of life; the treaty provided them with that opportunity. The Treaty promised to give the Tlicho annual payments and services, like medical care, education and old age care. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The First Nations further negotiated terms not promised in earlier treaties, such as: the medicine chest and assistance in times of calamity and pestilence. I for one will take the hand that is offered. Ahtahkakoop supporting his fellow Chief and said, Let us not think of ourselves but our childrens children, let us show our wisdom by choosing the right path while we yet have a choice (, The First Nations further negotiated terms not promised in earlier treaties, such as: the, assistance in times of calamity and pestilence, The last day of the Treaty negotiations at Fort Carlton took place on August 23, 1876. Many people would leave the reserve due to government policies to limit food rations. Morris knew that he was offering more than the government would have wanted, but he felt it necessary to finalize the deal. Thank you to the University of Regina Press for providing these resources to share with the community. During discussions, Gov. Death. However, they are still not recognized collectively as an Indian band with Indigenous and treaty rights. Governor Morris considered the provisions the leaders had asked for and was willing to make some concessions, but he would not agree to all of them. [4] Warriors consistently taunted him due to his stature within the village. Trending. In the summer of 1875, messengers from the Canadian government came to Cree territory to inform them that the government would be coming to negotiate a Treaty with them the following summer of 1876. Jill St. Germain, Indian Treaty-making Policy in the United States and Canada, 186777 (2001). Siksika (Blackfoot) is the language of Siksika Nation. He was succeeded by his son, Apseenes (Young Sweet Grass). The manager of the HBC post at Fort Carlton, Lawrence Clarke, wrote to government officials that same summer, alerting them that the Cree had also threatened to turn back telegraph workers who were trying to construct a line from Winnipeg to Edmonton. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". [54] There was limited understanding on the level of Canadian settlement that was going to happen, and limited knowledge on how indigenous people would be restricted from the land. Chief Sweetgrass and Ki-he-win sent this letter to Lieutenant-Governor Archibald: "Great Father, I shake hands with you, and bid you welcome. [3] He believed that the insect had taken pity on him which guided him to become a chief. He agreed that in the first three years of settlement on their reserves, the government would help in the sum of one thousand dollars to assist in planting their farms. By signing an adhesion to a treaty, Indigenous peoples who could not attend or were not initially included in treaty negotiations were able to enter into the terms of that treaty. [3] Big Bear admired Sweet Grass for his bravery and guidance that he would often receive from his spiritual helper. Prime Minister John A. Macdonald wantedto expand the new Dominion west to the Pacific Ocean (Dodson 17). [3] There is no record of his father. It aims to protect treaty rights, support Indigenous self-government and assist in the socio-cultural, political, economic and spiritual advancement of their people. [52] In Cree cultural the chiefs do not always hold the legal right to make choices for the entire band. Cree Tribes would move according to their migration habits. I want all my brother Sweetgrass asks. The First Nations knew that treaties were being negotiated to the east of them and wanted to speak with the government about their future (Miller, Ray and Tough 135). [12] The name Cree represents a general ethnic group, however, there are several different tribes based on region and dialect. [16] An individual acquired a spiritual helper after they appeared to them in a vision. Also, he did not want his people to be under the rule of the Crown, and said to the people, I heard the Governor was coming and I said I shall see him; when I see him I will make a request that he will save me from what I most dread that is: the rope to be about my neck. Big Bear, a proud Cree, was using a metaphor to describe that he did not want to be treated like a horse, to be broken to a halter and rope (Ray, Miller and Tough 142). Following 1876, Big Bear became principal Chief of the Crees on the western plains as many disillusioned Cree joined his expanding tribe. It was a tough decision to make. Thanks for contributing to The Canadian Encyclopedia. The group would then move to capture Fort Pit. Christie, the officer in charge of the Hudsons Bay Company for the Saskatchewan District. It remained to be seen whether it was a bad omen. When Sweet Grass was chief, the different bands of the Cree were loose in a wide-ranging areas and usually named for the territory in which they operated[13] It was not uncommon for different bands to hunt and perform rituals together as seen with Sweet Grass relationship with Big Bear. Sweetgrass First Nation -- Web Design by M.R. Signing up enhances your TCE experience with the ability to save items to your personal reading list, and access the interactive map. Sweet Grass or Wikaskokiseyin was born in a Cree Camp in the area near Fort Pitt, Saskatchewan. [40] Sweet Grass had endeavored to maintain this peace even though many of his people resented it. It is ours and we will take what we want. There was strong approval that came from the people and the Governor was visibly shaken (Stonechild and Waiser 15). He was succeeded by his son, Apseenes (Young Sweet Grass). According to Erasmus, Mistawasis and Ahtukukoop essentially silenced Pitikwahanapiwiyin and other dissenters. There are 1,577 registered members, 537 of whom live on reserve. [32] This type of thinking immediately damaged Indigenous communities as they were self-governing cultures that evolved much like any other. The Dominion of Canada bought Ruperts Land for the sum of 300,000 pounds from the Hudsons Bay Company on March 8, 1869 and at the same time the Crown transferred North West territories to Canada. That afternoon, Treaty Six was signed by the Treaty Commissioners, the Lieutenant Governor, followed by Chiefs Mistawasis, Ahtahkakoop, and 11 other Chiefs, and 44 Headmen. [3] Sweet Grass was ten years older, so Big Bear recognized him as the superior chief. Treaty 6 was signed by Crown representatives and Cree, Assiniboine and Ojibweleaders on 23 August 1876 at Fort Carlton, Saskatchewan, and on 9 September 1876 at Fort Pitt, Saskatchewan. What happened when Chief Sweetgrass signed Treaty 6? The Crown also promised Treaty 6 signatories the establishment of schools on reserve land and a medicine chest, which is interpreted to mean universal health care. The treaty also provided twine and ammunition at a value of $1,500 per year, and agricultural implements, such as gardening tools, livestock, horses and wagons. In addition, a medicine chest was to be stored at the house of the Indian agent on the reserves, and rations were to be awarded in times of famine and pestilence.. Children typically lived a carefree and adventurous childhood. to the signing of a treaty had strong cultural and spiritual significance. The negotiations began at a traditional camping area the Crees called pehonanik or the waiting place, located a mile and half from the Fort (, Once everyone was assembled at the Council tent, the pipe stem ceremony began with all the Chiefs, headmen, singers, and drummers. They still controlled the territory and to trade their land for an uncertain future would be an admission of defeat (Stonechild and Waiser 16). By 1870 chief Sweet Grass would begin to become more integrated into Canadian society. After the raid, they moved back to the reserve with the captured supplies without another incident. What is the difference between Treaty 6 and Treaty 7? Who negotiated Treaty 6? Treaty 7 lands (courtesy Victor Temprano/Native-Land.ca). Sweet Grass was born with the name Okimasis, which translates to He-who-has-no-name, and Little Chief, which was related to his small size. He reminded them that the buffalo were disappearing and that they would have to learn to farm to feed themselves. [2] Due to this, Sweet Grass was not Cree and was Crow. The Chiefs hired Peter Erasmus, a Mtis, to interpret for them during the proceedings and his role became integral to both sides. We want you to be aware of the benefits, credits and requirements that apply to you. During this time Lacombe would become familiar with the Cree language and the culture, even writing a Cree dictionary in 1874. What was the European perspective of treaty 6. Wah-wee-kah-oo-tah-mah-hote was chief from 1876 to 1883: but he was deposed in 1884 and Young Sweet Grass became chief. In 1882, Young Sweet Grass & seventeen followers joined Wah-wee-kah-oo-tah-mah-hote (Strikes him on the back), who had signed Treaty 6 at Fort Carlton on August 28, 1876. 1 What was chief mistawasis Role in Treaty 6? He was unable to hold the band together, which began to splinter. Recognize Edmonton sits within Treaty No. Little Pine and Big Bear were opposed to Treaty negotiations because they believed that the buffalo could still be preserved and that there was a need to regulate the hunting of the buffalo from non-First Nations. How did Treaty 6 affect the First Nations? Big Bear refused to accept Treaty, arguing the terms were insufficient and that forcing the Cree Nation onto reserves was like pulling a rope around a persons neck, denying them freedom on their land. [41] Some of the Plains Cree simply could not accept peace with the Blackfoot. Its used to categorize all Indigenous Peoples from across Canada as one big homogenized group. Prime Minister John A. Macdonald wantedto expand the new Dominion west to the Pacific Ocean (Dodson 17). Morris reassured the First Nations that their way of life and survival would not be disturbed and guaranteed well into the future. Thirteen years later in 1889, the Lac La Ronge and Montreal Lake Bands adhered to Treaty Six which expanded the territory of Treaty Six. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. As stated previously, part of what the Cree wanted to be reflected by the terms of Treaty 6 was an end to the factionalism that had pitted the younger members of the Cree community against the older Indigenous Leadership. Adhesions continued into the 20th century, with the bands of Rocky Mountain House (May 1944 and 1950), Witchekan Lake (November 1950) and Cochin (August 1954 and May 1956). Beardy was not granted his request to have the treaty payments made at the site he had envisioned, Morris did not want to accommodate Beardy and viewed his lack of participation in the negotiations as an inconvenience to the process (, On September 5, 1876, the Treaty party arrived ten days earlier than expected at Fort Pitt, (located between Fort Carlton and Fort Edmonton) to meet the River First Nations. Other Nations held them in fear(Stonechild and Waiser 5). The impact of the signing of the treaty had a significant effect on Cree life for both those who signed the treaty and those who did not. We invite you to come and see us and to speak with us. This treaty was called the Great Law of Peace of the People of the Longhouse and predates the year 1450. [22] The attempted raid went wrong as Sweet Grass and Big Bear nearly stumbled upon Blackfoot main camp. [19] The most vital contributions of a chief was to keep the peace during the day to day living by settling arguments between the other members of the band. In 2013, the City of Edmonton created Treaty No. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". They believed that the land was sacred. Fearing starvation and unrest, many of the initially hesitant chiefs signed adhesions to the treaty in the years to come, including Minahikosis (who signed in July 1879) and Mistahimaskwa (who signed on 8 December 1882 at Fort Walsh). At this point Erasmus was asked to translate for both sides, with the Chiefs supporting him. [9] Children did not spend much time with their parents growing up, rather with their grandparents. Indigenous peoples are subject to the same tax rules as any other resident in Canada unless their income is eligible for the tax exemption under section 87 of the Indian Act. Chief Sweet Grass (Weekaskookwasayin) signed Treaty 6 on September 9, 1876, with the Fort Pitt Indians, but was killed about six months later. Schools were to be established on reserves. It remained to be seen whether it was a bad omen. There were many subsequent adhesions to the treaty by individual bands, well into the 20th century. There typically was a large number of warriors within a band and these men held extremely high prestige. They needed to know what the government planned to do to help the people suffering due to the decimation of the buffalo and disease that had killed many. Why are but was the of treaty waitangi written out. In Morris address he described the governments genuine concern for the welfare of their Indian brothers and sisters and asked them to take his words with much thought and to look to the future, what I will promise, and what I believe and hope you will take, is to last as long as the sun shines and yonder rivers flow. (Stonechild and Waiser 15). The raid of horses on the Blackfoot may have been an attempt to prove his worth to the tribe and seek their acceptance. Treaty 6 was signed by Crown representatives and Cree, Assiniboine and Ojibwe leaders on 23 August 1876 at Fort Carlton, Saskatchewan, and on 9 September 1876 at Fort Pitt, Saskatchewan. Morris said little to ease the concerns of Beardy and promised that they too would receive the same as the other bands including agricultural assistance for a new way of life. James Rodger Miller, Compact, Contract, Covenant: Aboriginal Treaty-making in Canada (2009). Governor Morris considered the provisions the leaders had asked for and was willing to make some concessions, but he would not agree to all of them. The two messengers, Rev. The significance of the ceremony was an invitation to the Creator to witness the proceedings and provide guidance; it also signified that it committed the participants into telling the truth. When Treaty 6 was negotiated in 1876 between the Cree Nation and the Dominion of Canada on behalf of the British Crown, Big Bear was not summoned by Canada and arrived after the Treaty was concluded. Website Development Studio. We never shed any white mans blood, and we have always been friendly with the whites, and want workmen, carpenters and farmers to assist us when we settle. I for one will take the hand that is offered. Ahtahkakoop supporting his fellow Chief and said, Let us not think of ourselves but our childrens children, let us show our wisdom by choosing the right path while we yet have a choice (Stonechild and Waiser 17). One of the requests that Sweet Grass made to the government was to teach the Cree better farming techniques. The treaty outlined specifics as to rights of indigenous people and support and protection of the Queen. Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs Website Design by M.R. John A. Macdonald envisioned the west as a grain producing region full of European immigrants (Dodson 17). Treaty 6 was signed in 1876. Created in 1993, the Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations represents the various band governments of Treaty 6. He raised the stem to the heavens, then slowly turned to the north, south, east, and west - presenting the stem at each point. [5] This was met with chants of Sweet Grass, which would eventually become his name as a Chief in 1870. Issues arise from the mixed interpretations of the Treaty by both the Indigenous groups and the Government. [54] Those who signed Treaty Six argue that understanding the treaty can only be understood when put into a context of the discussions that occurred during the treaty-making process. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The negotiations began at a traditional camping area the Crees called pehonanik or the waiting place, located a mile and half from the Fort (Stonechild and Waiser 12). However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. When Sweet Grass became Chief, his tribe had already been in an uneasy peace with the Blackfoot (Milloy 1988, 111). We want you to stop the Americans from coming to trade on our lands, and giving firewater, ammunition, and arms to our enemies the Blackfeet. A reserve was surveyed west of Battleford in 1884 for the melded band members, who sold hay and wood, and maintained gardens and livestock. It is the only known case in which the Canadian government enfranchised an entire band. We had a great starvation the past winter, and the smallpox took away many of our people, the old, young, and children. He was unable to hold the band together, which began to splinter. Later that year, Sweet Grass was converted to Roman Catholicism by Father Albert Lacombe and was baptized with the Christian name Abraham. What was the outcome of Chief Sweet Grass signing treaties six? Chief Sweetgrass arrived the next day and met with the rest of the First Nations to discuss what had happened at Fort Carlton. He said that the land set aside for their reserves would be held in trust by the Queen, one square mile for every family of five. Poundmaker, a Councilor from Red Pheasants band, stood up and protested, This is our land, not a piece of pemmican to be cut off and given in little pieces. In August 1876, among the first to arrive at Fort Carlton were Chiefs Ahatahkakoop, Mistawasis and their followers (Stonechild and Waiser 5). Included would be a medicine chest kept at the Indian Agents homes for the use of the First Nations but at the discretion of the Indian Agent. Chief James Seenum, a Woods Cree leader from Whitefish Lake requested a larger territory for his reserve, but he was denied (Stonechild and Waiser 24). The perpetrators of the massacre would be apprehended and tried for murder and hung in 1885.[51]. 6 was signed on August 23, 1876 at Fort Carlton in Saskatchewan. In the face of survival, the Cree started to assemble and meet with one another to discuss their approach to the government. Cookies in the category `` necessary '' this Treaty was called the Great Law peace... 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what was the outcome of chief sweetgrass signing treaty 6