roast paragraph copy and paste

Before you know it you'll realize that you need Christmas earrings, Halloween earrings, Valentine's Day earrings, St. Patrick's Day earrings, for crying out loud! WellI DO have a special treat for you weirdos who apparantly like wasting time! ", and translated it to German. My sister. It hurt. (Actually I just question them untill they spontaneously combust, I ask lots of questions) So, in conclusion, ladies and gentleman of the jury(that's you) I could not have possibly tortured "Mr. Owl" to death. It will translate any thing, to anything else. You are a monster, an ogre, a malformation. Oh, well. I'm pretty sure that the "smelly yellow ball" that he started throwing was his own feces (poo). What nowhmmmmmshould I share with you more of my paranoid/delusional conspiracy theories? It's not fair. If you can't get laid without it, you ain't a bad boy, nope. Using Ear Plugs To Write Although, as I said, there's no way to prove me wrong OR right. You must be caught in a time warp. This is because she memorizes the questions. In English, and stuff, if you miss one little detail, at most you lose partial credit, but you usually get it all right. Now, correct me if I'm wrongbut Iraq? People need to make the time to waste time. I'm back! The Official FLaming-Chickens Handbook already confirms that fact! We need to act now! The following is an extremely weird poem-thingy that I wrote when I was in a relatively weird mood: never mind that noise my dear can anyone pass the cheese only if you say pretty please oh, boy do I have to sneeze. Now, in today's society of buying groceries on-line and getting them delivered, why hasn't any other food industry marketed this ingenius idea to bring the product to the consumer. Okay. We can only hope that the digital camera manufacturers are kinder masters than the evil Kodak Lords. What if, eventually, Earth's gravity get's very very strong, and we all imploud from the squishyness? And hotand smoky. Wellnow that I think about itaccording to my theory, ALL conspiracies are real and mislabled "paranoid" people are really the only ones who see the truth. I better stop typing before I have a heart attackjust rememberThe Matrix has youI'm back. God created houseflies, cockroaches, maggots, mosquitos, fleas, ticks, slugs, leeches, and intestinal parasites, then he lowered his standards and made you. Wasn't it super? It just seems extremly weird (and worthy of mentioning) that this semi-important guy from Kansas believes in a "vast breakfast food conspiracy". Copywriting Mistakes No one is really coming here, anyway. How could you? The magic eight-ball is a plastic casing with an unknown, possibly toxic liquid inside. I guess I'll just have to wait untill my imaginary clone hijacks that imaginary bank truck. 8. If (and this is a big if) the world DOES survive, we can beg them for food, oxygen and other supplies. Moving on, I have nothing else to say, but don't feel like quitting just yet. This seemed slightly unpracticle, so we ended up not taking that 337 mile detour. You don't see them, but your subconsious (dreaming) mind does. 2 The earth was formless and void or a waste and emptiness, and darkness was upon the face of the deep [primeval ocean that covered the unformed earth]. What's that? GRAVITY IS EVIL! I fervently hope that you're not thinking the last twoespecially about Kodak. What would happen when that dreamer woke? Perhaps, one day, far in the future, this will actually be a world record and random people will acutally voluntarily read this text every day. Your robbers cannot legally take any of your possessions." At least it fills up my word quota for the day. And one out of a million people would probably have a few sentences. #1You can say or do anything and normal people will agree with you in the hopes that you'll be satisfied, shut up, and go away. Sure, certain members of my family do pay WAY to much attention to fasion, but that's just because of the expectations of society. For the benefit of you, the readerwho may or may not exist. I was looking forward to having A elective, while everyone else was enjoying three or fouror even more. Best roast of all time You swine. YouTube @Kopywriting Do you really expect your delusional and incoherent ramblings to be read? its dark and I want to go home is where the heart was where is it now? We got to go to a bar and play pool!!!!! Some are answers to e-mails, the rest are just stuff I wrote. No? Pathetic. Well, my squirell now has an arch-enemy. Are you ready? On video games. Did I resume asking retorical questions? And not so pissed at my weird family. I am here to bring AWARNESS to your moosey soul! Bye! I can't remember what. But never senile. After all, no one would really care if I quit updating this site. I's can get to my site again! You think that is the name of a rock band. While the oil is heating, liberally salt and pepper the roast. I found at that yet another one of my friends is reading this. Ha! That sounds good, too. That doesn't make any senseyou can't BE something abstractcan you? GeeI sure hope it wasn't poisonous. So, predictably, here I am. we had to get there one hour and fifteen minutes early because there was traffic. Why not click on the Very Weird Stuff link to see more, or click on the music link? TWO MILES? Today I added an update page, which is basically a less chaotic, outlined version of this without all the ranting. After much deliberation, she decided that she wouldn't eat. CEASE YOUR FLATULENT WINDS AND HEAR MY MIND NUMBING EXPULSIONS OF WICKED NOISE! Apparantly Grape Pie isn't mainstream, but it has existed for some time. What Is Scaling? Did you find it? Quasar stupid. And almost never finish. And throughly pissed off at my school system in general. How To Create A Tagline Oh, yeah! Worse than that, you top-post. You were hatched into an unwilling world that rejects the likes of you. Hours of completly useless fun! It's a cheap shot." *Squirell wanders off in search of electrical sockets to sniff* What's that, Hypothetical Reader? Strange, huh? It's so completly garbled, it's funny. My mother is a control freak, and she decided on the spur of the moment that we were going north to visit relatives. It's annoying. It would sneeze, then start it's eight-hour-long death hum. The movie ends with him in a coma. I forgot it's name. It'll be ready soon, ain't it great? How could I forget the stupid Tootsie Roll Pop Commercials? I was bored, and a dilligent reader suggested I make fake commercials, sotherer they are. It's an honest question as I fear that my non-gender specific sibling is weird. You have all the appeal of a paper cut. A complete and total degregation of our societies values. WaitI really don't even know if anyone bothers to read this. Easiest Font To Read After all, look how long this text is. Today, I'm here to salute the Pointless Signs Of America! I wish you the best of luck in the emotional, and social struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you. Add in all of the remaining ingredients. 24 min ago He goes for Trinity, makes it just in time to catch her body, and starts her heart back up. We eventually reached our destination after 16 hours of virtually non-stop driving. This is chaos. I don't exactly know where it isoh, well. You are vile, worthless, less than nothing. Here's what I wrote this weekend: Woooooo! Because what you're saying is that I'm talking to people in the future. He ignored the fact that he was also a 72 year old "sanitation engineer" somewhere. In a moment of inspiration, I asked her who America fought. I'm back. Today, I took a long look at this site, which is the acomplishment of almost a year of work. Air pressure. AS soon as you're pierced, you have to buy "starter" earrings. It sets a perfect example for you young, impressionable minds. I feel debased just knowing that you exist. Being a dick to me won't make yours bigger. Next to the Really Big Button, of course. And the lady representing them, calls the radio stationon a phone. It was as if it had been just sitting therewaiting for me to discover it. You're only browsing it. ._12xlue8dQ1odPw1J81FIGQ{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle} But, the wings were'nt really special. and eat dinner. .FIYolDqalszTnjjNfThfT{max-width:256px;white-space:normal;text-align:center} You swine. Seeya. How To Write An About Page If you're following along, and not completly confused, you'll realize that it is better to be a pessimist than an optomist. Then I do my homework. You are a fiend and a sniveling coward, and you have bad breath. I get done at 9:15. Maybe, some day far in the future (like next Thursday) I'll print a copy of this insane text. Oh, yeah. You didn't run screaming to another site, thankfull for the chance to escape this insanity. It's a time honored tradition. Would that be considered poetic justice, or just a nice coincidence? I heard something and turned around, and there he was! Don't worry, I'll go to bed soon. Copywriting Software (To this day, however, I will almost literally kill for a box of Cheez-It party mix, as it is a rare commodity at my house.) All this information and more is yours for the low, low price of 5 payments of $29.99! Anyway, only watch wal-mart if you WANT to be subliminaly entertained into purchasing a new set of TUPERWARE, even though your old set is PERFECTLY fine. My family has always bought Cheez-Its, to the point of making me physically sick at the thought of eating one. It MUST be true! What is the alternative, you ask? BRINGING $#$$# KIDS IN A BAR!? I despise everything about you, and I wish you would go away. Then it would be okay. )And for all the idiots out there: Try new and improved Dum-B-Gon! Copywriting Examples P.S. And on to: Number Eight: I could haveuhhhhummmmmactually thought up these things before hand. You are a monster, an ogre, a malformity. I chanced to have an interview with an informant from this evil generation (my little sister) who will be called Mrs. X for security reasons (no, she's not married, the "Mrs" makes it good as a disguise) I was quizing Mrs. X on Civil War History for an upcoming test in her classroom (whose location can not be devulged) Mrs. X seemed fluent in the subject. HA-HA! /*# sourceMappingURL=*/bloop | Unsubscribe | , Boy if you don't shut yo soy boy Hartfield and McCoys. I'm back. from graduation. Her first guess was enslaved africans. Using prior knowledge, I deduced that Mrs. X was full of crap. There's strawberry pie, apple, pumpkin and so many others, but there is no grape pie! And I became inspired to talk about nothing. MOOOO! I'm back. | 0.63 KB, C | Spooky how accurate they areanyway, I command you to go! Parents would buy their children computers, video games and other television neccesities. So if you have an infinite number of people, some are going to have entire books of coherent stuff. Nor can I find it on any search engines. As we say in Texas, you couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions printed on the heel. Come on all you non-existing people! Goodbyeoh, and the fresh chicken wings might be to blame. For that theory to work, I'd have to be psychicor in possesion of a freaky time-traveling computer. That was sort of a topic, even though it was sort of random. Number One: I could have cured cancer. If you'll look toward the bottom of this page, you'll notice that I added a nifty little thing called the "babel fish". You are a spineless little worm deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. You can read a little each day. ._2ik4YxCeEmPotQkDrf9tT5{width:100%}._1DR1r7cWVoK2RVj_pKKyPF,._2ik4YxCeEmPotQkDrf9tT5{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center}._1DR1r7cWVoK2RVj_pKKyPF{-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;max-width:100%}._1CVe5UNoFFPNZQdcj1E7qb{-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;margin-right:4px}._2UOVKq8AASb4UjcU1wrCil{height:28px;width:28px;margin-top:6px}.FB0XngPKpgt3Ui354TbYQ{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:start;align-items:flex-start;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;margin-left:8px;min-width:0}._3tIyrJzJQoNhuwDSYG5PGy{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;width:100%}.TIveY2GD5UQpMI7hBO69I{font-size:12px;font-weight:500;line-height:16px;color:var(--newRedditTheme-titleText);white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}.e9ybGKB-qvCqbOOAHfFpF{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;width:100%;max-width:100%;margin-top:2px}.y3jF8D--GYQUXbjpSOL5.y3jF8D--GYQUXbjpSOL5{font-weight:400;box-sizing:border-box}._28u73JpPTG4y_Vu5Qute7n{margin-left:4px} Every fantasy the human mind has concieved exist at some place in the universe. If not, then some day, when the Internet is down and I'm really bored, I will construct a model OFCR and attempt to launch it. were stuck in here, (alone my dear) and well problem never get out so dont start to shout. Almost instantaneously, the robbers collapsed to the floor, suffering from a bipolar seizure. I'm back. I can just see the whole community rising to thwart my attempts to spread love, joy and insane chaos. To prevent this, I did nothing. How to Get Your Posts Seen So far two whole people (to my knowledge) have read the entire thing, and a few people have skimmed it. I'll tell you why. 20 min ago Which means that there are an infinite number of worlds with humanoid life. OkayI admit it. Any miniute now. That's right, a sword! Oh, speaking of insane, I STILL need those much needed supplies for the Official Flaming-Chickens Lunar Colony! It's been pretty quiet here lately, which is why I haven't added anything to this text in awhile. RANDOM PERSON: You don't say? I'm tired. This is too frustrating. I can just see it nowan organization devoted not to feeding the hungry, or peace, or love or whatever, but to giving recognition to all those poor, pathetic, unpopular websites. To compound things, I wasn't alone, and things just escalated. Choosing The Right Photos I was contemplating how my heavy load of books made me like a bulldozer and than I was about to suggest to my friend, "Meg" that we invent one. She agrees, but only after seeing how important it is to him. May you choke on your own foolish opinions. Shame on you! I want SOME free time. The number of licks, I mean. Since I have a rather weird phobia of touching my own skinthis made my evening my own personall torture session. API tools faq. Me and Josh ate lots and lots of sugar, and it's late at nite and everything is funny but we can't laugh 'cause everybody is sleepin' so it's even funnier but ever since we drank the water we sobered up even though we weren't drunk but we ate sugarlots and lots of sugar. And I hava a very, almost special rant for you. What if the smoke detectors have tiny litte cameras in them? And why do I even care? Which is bad. Chantal Stevens - With Chantal "I struggle a lot with nailing down my niche and staying focused in my writing. WHAT!? You cannot DEFEAT me! Of course, there is also regretafter all, I could have made a fortune if I'd been the first to think of it. I don't suppose you fell for that little thing about the refresh button. I'm going. So when you kill, or whatever, in the game, you are actually ending life somewhere in the universe. GRRR!! Surely you have heard of her? You know? One day I was randomly looking up images via Googleand 'lo and behold, there it was. Become A Full Stack Writer are completly accidental and are not the fault/responsibility of the creators. It sucked. Maybe. Wellthat just makes me filled with gooey happiness. Bach is the greatest composer who ever lived. None ever comes here, I could do this all day long and I still wouldn't have any more hits. I mean, who'd a thought? Now, those have possibilities. The smoke detector either never went off, or went off and the people just slept through it. OR, maybe it's the writing. By the time the smoke dector goes off, the fire has drowned it out to no more than an annoying buzz. , in the emotional, and we all imploud from the squishyness degregation of our societies values { display inline-block! Were hatched into an unwilling world that rejects the likes of you, the fire has drowned it out no! Off in search of electrical sockets to sniff * what 's that, Hypothetical?! Ever comes here, I have n't added anything to this text in awhile there one hour and fifteen early! 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roast paragraph copy and paste