nimrod, semiramis and tammuz

If Osiris was Nimrod, as we have seen, that violent death which the Egyptians so pathetically deplored in their annual festivals was just the death of Nimrod. Old Testament Scriptures record the history of this momentous conflict over the millennia preceding the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Twice we are given the information that cush was hisFather, 3 times we are told that he was a mighty warrior and or he began to be mighty and once we are told that Assyria was known as the land of Nimrod. We should constantly be changing from glory to glory into the image of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ, and thus be open to correction and updates as necessary. It would seem that history and myth have converged together and the Greek hellenistic writers have created a goddess out of a queen. Ninus died not long after the birth of Ninyas and so Semiramis ruled alone as queen. Tammuz, the son of Semiramis and Nimrod, falsely calling himself the sun god, was born on the Winter Solstice, which on the ancient pagan calendar is December 25th. Alexander Hislop creates this story himself a story that is never told or known by anyone before him. It merely demonstrates that Semiramis lived at the same time as Nimrod. When Inanna arrives in the underworld she tells the chief doorman it is because the husband of her eldest sister has died. Nimrod became the Roman god Bacchus, which means, 'the son of Cush.' Bacchus was god of wine and revelry. Just to be clear, the concept that God is a Trinity is nowhere in the Bible. The whole thing comes from the fictional work, The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop. Hislop acknowledges that scripture is silent on the death of Nimrod. [41] These claims are still circulated among some groups of evangelical Protestants, [41] in the form of Jack Chick tracts, [42] comic books, and related media. So this story regarding Nimrod and his wife is not in fact a biblical story. The Egyptians depicted their sun god, Osiris, as the sun surrounded by a serpent. Its adherents realized the danger of practicing their religion in the public domain. Then it is said that Semiramis set out to build her empire. Richard T. Ritenbaugh Thus, then, Nimrod, or Ninus, was the builder of Nineveh; and the origin of the name of that city, as "the habitation of Ninus," is accounted for, * and light is thereby, at the same time, cast on the fact, that the name of the chief part of the ruins of Nineveh is Nimroud at this day. His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. Thereafter, Satan realized his time was short, for the sons destiny is to terminate Satans reign over the world of mankind. She is also known as Shammuramat or Sammuramat. They found Babel, Ninevah, and Calah . . Hislop however overcomes this slight problem in his reasoning by then claiming that Nimrod can be linked to Ninus and in fact Nimrod was none other than Ninus or maybe better put Ninus was Nimrod. Birth of Tammuz From Nimrod and Semiramus in Bablyon - Tower of Babel Tammuz was the illegitimate son of Semiramus, which led to Nimrod's death and battle for control of Babylon and the tower of Babel by Tammuz Christianity Beliefs The Fuel Project - Exploring the New World Order from a Christian Perspective. After Ishtar's descent into the underworld sexual activity on earth ceased. Now Thoth is universally known as the "counsellor" of Osiris. Nimrod married his own mother, whose name was Semiramis. He had not anticipated the resurrection of Gods Son. A look at the evidence. The name Tammuz seems to have been derived from the Akkadian form Tammuzi, based on early Sumerian Damu-zid, The Flawless Young, which in later standard Sumerian became Dumu-zid, or Dumuzi. . . Around this same time, Nimrod dies a violent and untimely death. There is an inscription engraved in an Egyptian temple of Isis that reads: I am all that has been, or that is, or that shall be. Semiramis is also credited with building other cities along the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.It is then stated that she built the stone obelisk to herself. She became a stumbling block for the Jews and their leaders who first settled this area for many generations. Eusebius says that Ninus and Semiramis reigned in the time of Abraham., For the age of Shem see Genesis 11:10, 11. Onnes sent for his wife who having observed the battles gave Ninus a plan of attack that finally led to the King taking hold of the city. That's it. Erec-ki-gala gave instructions that the 7 gates of the underworld would be locked and Inanna must go through each shedding one divine power at each gate. While this all might seem like it does what it is supposed that it does, and prove that Nimrod was none other than Ninus and Semiramis was married to Ninus who was Nimrod and so therefore also proves Semiramis was indeed married to Nimrod, there are some major and irreconcilable flaws in the evidence used to prove it. Many Hamitic civilizations (Ethiopians, Hittites, Chinese, Japanese, and American Indians) have favorably portrayed dragons and serpents. That name, as found by Layard on the Assyrian monuments, is Ishtar. Inanna (Semiramis) was known as Ishtar in Babylon, Isis in Egypt and the son/husband was Osiris - the sun god. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. (linking seemingly unrelated people, gods or things together plays a major part of Hislop's theory). Estando siempre preparados para responder a todo el que nos pida razn de la esperanza que hay en nosotros. Hislop even dismissed parts of the Bible and changed their meanings in order to force his understanding into it. A very interesting Biblical reference describing a dragon is located in the prophetic New Testament Book of Revelation (Rev. Whereas Ninus is the founder of Nineveh, she is said to have founded the even greater city of Babylon. The Seed of God lives today, and one day He will deliver the mortal blow to the dragon. Gilgamesh states that she had decreed weeping for Tammuz. For this she is judged by the Anuna,the 7 judges. The fictional work of Greek hellenistic writers who combined reality with myth creating nothing more than a Frankenstein's Monster of a character, a goddess named Semiramis. Please do not hold us to these views forever. Having subdued, therefore, his neighbours, when, by an accession of forces, being still further strengthened, he went forth against other tribes, and every new victory paved the way for another, he subdued all the peoples of the East." Gilgamesh kills the bull under the instructions of his friend Enkidu. He wrote many works. With the help of Semiramis the wife of one of his men, Onnes,who having watched the ongoing battles noticed a weak spot in the defence of the opposing army and then advised Ninus on how to overcome them. Medo-Persia controlled a larger territory than did Babylon, so it was certainly not inferior in political or military might. First Hislop rather than seeing an error in one of both of the understandings of who the most ancient of Assyrian kings may be as surely having conflating accounts would incline a person to deduce, Hislop concludes that one must in fact simply be the other. The child awaits delivery by the laboring woman (Israel). Through assumption, comparative theology, the use of incorrect and inaccurate historical information, association, misrepresentation and a whole heap of amalgamating together numerous and unrelated ancient myths and stories based on similarities ,cherry picking pieces of information while simply ignoring others or imposing any one or any combination of the aforementioned. . But its principle of dualism lived on in Gnosticism and the mystery religions of the Roman Empire. Clinton, who is of high authority in chronology, places the reign of Ninus somewhat earlier. Nimrod and Cush also contributed significantly to its development. Ishtar has her mind set on the underworld. Alexander Hislop used an Egyptian myth that was associated with Osiris, Isis and Horus and because as he claimed they are Egyptian versions of the earlier gods he proceeded to input those beliefs back into history even though this story is not told of anywhere by anyone that included Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz. Each gate removing her items of clothing. There is no mention of this goddess in Norse writings. must watch antichrist nimrod semiramis tammuz ancient babylon witchcraft by doc marquis These heathen trinities, found in most polytheistic religions, follow the Father-Mother-Son pattern: Osiris, Isis and Horus; Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz; Zeus, Diana, Dionysus; Jupiter, Venus and Cupid; etc. Due to the fact that we are critically-thinking human beings, who are also Holy Spirit led, these views are subject to change at any time. As perfectly shown by his Inclusion of Ninus and Semiramis . This daily newsletter provides a starting point for personal study, and gives valuable insight into the verses that make up the Word of God. Moreover Ishtar is actually the Akkadian name for the older Sumerian goddess Inanna. [viii], Nimrod forced his subjects to worship him as a military and political hero. Ishtar is then reinstated with all the things that were removed. The resurrected Seed ascended to sit at Gods right hand. Neither Ninus nor Semiramis are attested to by any of the kings lists which the Assyrians themselves compiled. Bringing with it the revelation that previously believed history was actually not history at all. She,wanting to accomplish greater things than her predecessor and wishing to establish her fame went about building a city in Babylonia. Calming Nimrod's wrath temporarily, she later gave birth to a son named Tammuz. Cyrus, a Persian, initiated the growth of the empire by usurping the Median throne with the help of the Median nobility. Ninus using this information would eventually capture Bactra. There is no mention of her being married to him or having a son. Therefore we cannot take one version and overlay it onto each other version or we would then have to dismiss versions that do not follow the story with which Hislop has derived. called me Chaos.[vii] Chaos is the god of confusion and is derived from the name Cush. In an effort to retain power and to hide her misdeeds, Semiramis makes a most audacious claim. What means the term Easter itself? Through assumption, comparative theology, the use of incorrect and inaccurate historical information, association, misrepresentation and a whole heap of amalgamating together numerous and unrelated ancient myths and stories based on similarities ,cherry picking pieces of information while simply ignoring others or imposing any one or any combination of the aforementioned. In fact, they think that the Romans borrowed Persian ideas in forming their own. She is almost certainly the amalgamation of a historical figure and Greek Goddesses created by classical Greek writers. Nimrod Ninus Nordic Odin Pagan Trinity Phoenicians Ra Rome Semiramis Tammuz Thor Trinity Virgin Mary Vishnu Zeus Contents Just to be clear, the concept that God is a "Trinity" is nowhere in the Bible. God often judged His own people, the Israelites, more severely than the pagans adhering to these practices. Ereskiga wonders why Ishtar has set her sights on her. To which much detail is given regarding this war in which she eventually lost. must watch antichrist nimrod semiramis tammuz ancient babylon witchcraft by doc marquis He was a Greek who lived mainly in the 5th century BC. (SYNCELL) Whatever view, therefore, be adopted in regard to the age of Ninus, whether that of Eusebius, or that at which Clinton and Layard have arrived, it is evident that Shem long survived both Ninus and his wife. The simple fact is the story has no historical basis and when studied is shown completely fictional. There is no historical evidence for the claim beyond the writings of the Greek historians. Tammuz and Nimrod are names for the same person. In like manner, some Catholics attribute to Mary the position and characteristics of the third person of their unscriptural trinity, the Holy Spirit. While Josephus attests to the historical figure of Semiramis he states that Berossus, (c. Apion I., 20), opposes the view of Greek writers who make Semiramis the founder of Babylon. Some versions have Semiramis commanding 40 days of mourning for Tammuz and even that a wild pig should be killed and eaten after the 40 days as a remembrance to Tammuz. So it cannot be stated that the story is a biblical one. Genesis 10-10 And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. Alexander Hislop creates this story himself a story that is never told or known by anyone before him.Hislop used historically incorrect information of Eusabius, Diodorus Siculus and Ctesias of Cnidus in particular, in his work and so came to conclusions that were simply shown incorrect when new historical data was found. It is said that tempests of wind sent by God against the Tower of Babel overthrew it, and that Nimrod perished in its ruins. [ii] http:www.onesimus @ix.netcom; author Bryce Self, [iii] Alexander Hislop: The Two Babylons; pp 5, 20-21, 30-31, 74-75, 141). She would give birth to their son Ninyas and shortly after this Ninus died. The beginning of his kingdom is said in the Genesis passage to be Babel, Erech, and Akkad in the land of Shinar. Ashtoreth and Tammuz, the mother and child of these hardy adventurers, became Isis and Horus in Egypt, Aphrodite and Eros in Greece, Venus and Cupid in Italy, and bore many other names in more . Damuzzi was a shepherd god and associated with vegetation. The Old Testament records the name of this fertility goddess of the Canaanites as Ashteroth (Baals counterpart Jdg. The Sumerian name Sammur-amat was the original name of this woman. This story of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz in any form regardless of the details or variation is found nowhere in the Bible. People revered Zoraster through the generations as the promised seed of the woman, destined to bruise the head of the serpent in Genesis 3:15. Marduk was also the Roman god Kronos, whose name means, 'the horned one.' Ancient artists often depicted Nimrod wearing a crown of bullhorns. This article will focus initially on the Nimrods wife, Semiramis, as she was instrumental in the formation of the wicked mystery religion of Babylon. It will then explain how Nimrods father, Cush and ultimately Nimrod, himself, were incorporated into this system of worship. There was an ancient tradition that he came to a violent end. It was believed that it was the tears shed by the vegetation god that brought the rains and so during the wetter months the god was in the heavens however during the hotter summer months when the rain stopped this was when the vegetation god was in the underworld. Nimrod appears himself just 4 times in the Bible. Dumuzi and Inanna) married. This daily newsletter provides a starting point for personal study, and gives valuable insight into the verses that make up the Word of God. Each abomination is described as being greater in wickedness than the one before. Marduk was also the Roman god Kronos, whose name means, the horned one. Ancient artists often depicted Nimrod wearing a crown of bullhorns. They are most likely although I cannot say for certain intentionally so. Nevertheless, the dragon did await the birth of that infant (Jesus). We also reserve the right to delete any comments deemed to be threatening or rude in any way at any time. Inanna ordered that the people weep for Damuzi .The people would symbolically weep for Damuzi as in weep for instead of him. Also refer to Jer 49:1 and Jer 32:33-35. There is an inscription engraved in an Egyptian temple of Isis that reads: "I am all that has been, or that is, or that shall be. The biblical silence on the matter and so in actuality the lack of biblical support for the theory and so negating the theory is actually categorically supported by history itself as it must also be acknowledged that there is not one single piece of written historical evidence from anyone in antiquity that directly links Nimrod and Semiramis togetherin ANY way. Ishtar was an Akkadian goddess that PRECEDED the kingdom of Babylon. The views and opinions expressed in the blogs and video posts are exclusive of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and ideas specifically of Moms of Miracles. Their son, Tammuz, is Bacus, meaning Suffering Son. There is nothing in the Bible that would even hint at the narrative let alone give us this story. It is not historical, it is not Biblical, it is not accurate and it is not correct. So there we have it, if the Bible disagrees with history simply change the meaning of the Bible to fit history. Erekiga set 60 diseases against Ishtar. If you use these historians literally and as factually accurate, who themselves conflated fact and fiction together and then use those works as a pure historically accurate source then you will inevitably and unavoidably draw upon a conclusion yourself that itself is in fact not historically accurate. His history of the Assyrians is found in books 1-6 of his Persika called the Assyriaka which were written in opposition to Herodotus. The Egyptians commemorated Cush as the god Hermes, which means son of Ham. Hermes was recognized as the author of religious rites and the interpreter of the gods. It is not a Christian name. All of which seem, by its silence on the matter, to be irrelevant to the Biblical narrative. Osten is the German word for east. Ultimately invalidating both.The work of Justin were an epitome of Trogus Pompeius (cited by Hislop) whoes own works were based upon the works of Ctesias. They may have studied the sources cited by Hislop to support his theory but modern knowledge proves this false. These 3 characters being the start of pagan sun god worship throughout the world. THE TRUTH ABOUT NIMROD SEMIRAMIS AND TAMMUZ the babylonian trinity 4,176 views Streamed live on Jul 21, 2020 35 Dislike Share FollowInTruth LJ 915 subscribers The truth about nimrod semiramis. He has not been mourning for her so she allows them to take him in her place, Damuzi cries out to his brother in law Utu for help. The Anunnaki used to marry their first and second degree relatives, in order to preserve their "royal" blood and the right to the throne. Dicho hombre se uni con su madre que se llamaba Semramis, de esta unin naci un hijo que se llam Tamuz. The statement of Plato amounts to this, that the famous Thoth was a counsellor of Thamus, king of Egypt. So Inanna is synonymous with Ishtar and Dumuzi becomes Tammuz. Nimrod was the latter name of Dumuzi, Enki's son and Marduk's brother. The Bible never refers to the 3 together. The video on Youtube said so.They even gave the evidence, which so turns out to be the information provided in the 2 babylons bookand round in a circle we go. Further to that there is not one single historical writing, including the talmud orthe writings of Josephus, that places these 3 together before Alexander Hislops book, which was written in the 1850s..AD.Hislops claims are fanciful and catch the attention of those with itchy ears. And is it even important to know about these characters? If you liked this study please subscribe here. In the proceding writing of Diodorus he tells the story of Semiramis how she was found as a baby after her mother had abandoned her. Yes, he was god the father and god the son - The first divine incomprehensible trinity. The Two Babylons; Alexander Hislop, p.51. The symbol connected with Janus is a club, and its Babylonian name means to break in pieces, or to scatter abroad. 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nimrod, semiramis and tammuz