metaphors to describe a bedroom

But at one point you said in your accessories paragraph "But they aren't dirty they are actually quite clean all thanks to my dog." There is a similar popular simile that means the same thing: my home looks like a bomb hit it. A few more sensory descriptions of your room maybe but we would happily rate you 4+. Jakes Bedroom The most famous poetic metaphor for love, which we find in Shakespeare, also involves heat. By Bridget Smith. Then theres my laundry basket that is white with lots of clothes in it. I like the layout, colors, furniture and the style it has a red feature wall (my favorite color). This is why my bedroom is the best place in the house. Well described - good use of descriptive words. The cleanliness of my room is not so good. Every cloud has a silver lining, as they say. To the right in the hallway on the creaking floor is my bedroom. Light, open, spacious and its mine. Have you ever walked into someones living room and its felt like you walked into a move theater? I think it is awesome you describe things in you bedroom so well and I saw it so clear in my head. Then you see the messiness, then you see carpet in my bedroom with its light creamy colour which subtly catches your eye. you could add some more descriptive words, Angus your punctuation was good but your spelling had a couple of 'i's in stead of a I. Reubens bedroom description Well done 4, She has described everything in detail of what she has in her room. There isnt tonnes of furniture in my bedroom but I make it work with the room I have, I had the idea of a cabin bed so that i can fit some stuff under it rather than having it crammed up somewhere else. There is also a built in wardrobe on the opposite wall to the window, above it there is a picture of a mint green kombi van. Before long, the divide between work and home is blurred, and you can even metaphorically call your home a workplace because they appear so similar. My grandma gave it to me, she loves tigers. The Mess, it's the first thing you see when you walk in, it's everywhere you pretty much have to swim through it all just to get to my bed because it's all covered in clothes that I've worn for the past week and can't be bothered walking the 20 meters to put them in the wash. My mum yells at me all the time to give it a clean but I just about always manage to find an excuse to not clean it up. I liked the way you captured the masculine feel of the bedroom. The floor in my room is medium sized. You walk into my room and pop! Under the small window is my bed and to the left of the bed is my small bedside table with my grey shaded lamp on top. The walls and ceiling have little lumps and bumps and patterns to make my room have a bit more affect. The style of my room is very rustic and original. When I walk into my room I feel alone and relaxed. The carpet is a soft grey colour with a squishy texture. I really liked that you had some really awesome words in your writing that really hooked me in and made it more intresting to keep on reading along. Its there to hold previous achievements and precious keepsakes but I really just use it to hold some certificates that cant find in my bookshelf. It is the largest bedroom in the house it is rectangular and has a built in wardrobe. You can imagine a mother of 3 or 4 children calling her home a zoo. Now you can go to your room and make it the way you want it and design it the way you like it. The duvet is black and white patterned with vibrant orange sheets. Not too big that it's not cozy, and not too small it's cramped. All I can see is clothes all over my floor dirty plates on my bed side table. I have recently changed around my room. I liked your ideas, you thought of ideas then typed in down on your google doc. I think you need to work on use of commas and apostrophes, some of them are not needed. Im proud to call it mine. David Silverman Simpsons Net Worth, There are also some capital letters that are in the wrong place. I like my bedroom theme it fits my personality. I also love my reading area and the way that my half of the of my bedroom gets most of the sun. Feedback - I read through this twice and couldn't find and spelling mistakes, and lower-case I's nothing this is great! Colors are a big part in my bedroom because the colors describe who I am and what my personality is like because I am a person who prefers darker colors. Very detailed story and I loved the descriptive vocabulary you used in it (words like alcove). It has a very comfy mattress and white sheets. On the far side of my room is an old desk that needs getting rid of because all it does is collect dust. The shark's teeth are daggers. One area that you could work on is maybe not repeating things and making sure that what you say makes sense. One child might be working on a project on the floor, another one jumping on the couch, and another crying in the bedroom. I personally like the way my bedroom feels and looks. The place I can get away from my sister and other hassles, a place where I have some good things, my bedroom. Teatukuras bedroom Solfeggio 852 Hz, You had very descriptive vocabulary and there was a lot of adjectives and that made it very interesting. Like I mentioned before, my windows take up quite a lot of space, meaning that I don't have very much room for any other decorations. In the left corner when you walk in is a stack of books, a few being written in swedish. I like my bedroom just the way it is. Nicely described George, your room is currently a blank canvas so you can do a lot with it. The lighting has no difference from 7:00am to 1:00pm. Whether it be the theme, the walls, the layout or just your favorite item in it. The carpet is the only material on the floor in my bedroom. I love the way my bedroom is cosy and warm but if I could change my bedroom I would make it a bit bigger and more colour to it. This is such a clear description of your room Mabelle! I have two massive windows which are connected to a door that leads outside into one of our three gardens. Its a blue 3 person couch with blue, red, and green lines all [around the couch and it unfolds into a king size bed when unfolded. Next time just maybe double check spelling. My bedroom, is a wonderful room to hangout in. The wardrobe is the oldest piece of furniture in my room it was there when the house was built which was a long time ago. Next to my bed is a deyou miterfire. The room feels incredibly spacious because of the high ceilings, fitted with chandelier-like light fixtures The walls are not just straight and boring as they have little alcoves that are useful for tucking away furniture neatly. I like the color because it's not to fancy it's just the right color so it doesn't make me constantly wanting to change the color. I have a foam pillow, so my head just sinks in. A metaphor for a bedroom could be, " His bedroom is like a sauna since the air conditioner broke." I have two windows in my room and in between my two windows is my messy bed which has a leather like material. My bedroom is down the hallway on the right next to the big purple bathroom. She was fairly certain that life was a fashion show. When you walk into my room you will see famous NBA (National Basketball Administration) players, such as Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan and Allen Iverson it's like my gold to my treasure box. But all of this is because the entire house is new, in fact it's not even finished!, although with all these bonuses I don't go into my bedroom that often. Moving on from the layout of my bedroom to the layout of my walls. You have used some very good descriptive words which fit perfectly into what you were writing about. My bed isnt the brightest as its grey, black and white. It has a very spacious drawer that pulls out from underneath. Reading and studying books across the studying bench and on the side table. Then, you were talking about how the home had turned into a place of work. In the summer it reaches a boiling point the duvets on the bed gets thinner and thinner and it gets harder to catch some sleep. The only way my room is brightened up is by having furniture with colour. My walls are light blue and my ceiling is white. must suck cock. I hop into my cosy bed. You spelt it as color (the American way). We usually waste power by turning on the lights just so we can see properly. I love my room and no one's going to get rid of that! All over the wall on one side are posters of things I like such as rugby posters and some flags. But you could be a bit more tidier. I have 3 words to describe my dutches brown, soft, wooden it has five drawers 2 side by side then 3 long ones below each other. Everyone wants to have the perfect bedroom, the best way to do that is to make it your own. My tv is sitting in the corner of the room but is easy to see because of the size, it is 39 inches and cool looking. , It is a great description and edited well. The size of my bedroom is the smallest out of the rest of my families rooms, but I can still fit in everything I need into it. I'll describe my bedroom with my coziest of my bedroom, colors of my bedroom my bed and the state bedroom. My lamp is blue with a very bright light. My bedroom is in the south end of the hose and it faces southwest. My room is big and there is lots of space to do fun activities like board games and flips. Remington 7600 Thumbhole Stock, The colour and brightness are perfect in mostly every way possible. This was quite good but you are lacking descriptive words. Awesome description of your room Alex. The reason why my room is my room is because the wallpaper, the wallpaper is nicely placed in cool spots. Above my dresser is a medium, wooden framed mirror that sits above my dresser at head level.I often use this mirror to do my hair in the morning or put earrings in. I would like my room to be neater and tidyer so my mother would not be nagging at me all the time saying pick up your clothes Bree or make your bed Bree. A metaphor is a word or phrase that is used to make a comparison between two things. Well done Emma I could really picture your bedroom well use of spelling and I like the words you have used. I have many wall decorations in my room ranging from many colours such as black, red, white, green, blue, pink and yellow. What storms then shook the ocean of my sleep. You described your bedroom well. Right next to my bed is a little brown, wooden bedside table where I keep my phone, clock and other items. Or, it is a metaphor that could be used if you have just cooked a big messy meal and turned around to see that there is flour and vegetable scraps and plates and bowls all over the counter. Overall I think my room is an amazing space and deserves a lot more love and cleaning to keep it in peak condition. I'm jealous of your room too!! The only thing thats in there is a couple of dresses I never wear and some picture frames that my mum forgot to take out when she moved rooms. It lies to the left of the monitor on the desk and is covered with old homework and empty cups. All Rights Reserved. This situation becomes extra annoying in the afternoon, where the sun is falling down to the horizon, which makes is way too bright when Im sitting at my desk and doing homework. They will use and expand upon it again and again within creative writing and narrative writing topics, and there are so many ways to get those creative juices flowing. Its normally just a mucked up pile of sheets and she is always nagging me to make my bed and or clean my room. If were in a restless, jumpy and excited mood, then we may as well have OCD, because everything will be perfect. as you described your room with a theme 'NBA' yes there are some elements of that but if you ask me, its not in plain sight! The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. My carpet, I like my carpet Dont get me wrong I like the light creamy color that gets me comfy, I like the nice pillow feeling of it and how it eases me to sleep really quickly. I am going to tell you four things about my bedroom. Poor thing, your hands are as cold as ice! It has gym equipment, sports bags, a comfy queen sized bed and many more. But quite a fun place to fool around. R5. On my right hand side wall as you walk in there are my bright football posters, my flag poster and my Crusaders flag. I think you edited the grammar well with making it make sense but there were a few spelling mistakes and no capitals for I Bed, Desk Drawers and bean bag are most of the furniture in the room, the double bed's too big for the room the there is the desk the desk is big wooden and has my docking station and all of my accessories on it, then there is the beanbag the bean bag is lodged in between he bed and the desk it doesn't get used much i only really put my school bag on it but i still think that it's a cool thing to have in the room. For next time you could work on not repeating ideas in each paragraph. Really liked it Chris! But one thing that you could work on with your punctuation is how much you used. Its a big room, but when shared and halved, the stomping grounds are rather small, which also means little mess in little space looks like big mess. My most favorite piece of furniture in my room is most definitely my bed because its where I spend most of my time and when you spend time with something like that for that long you're sure to end up getting attached to it, but anyway my bed is my favorite thing in my room because its warm when I want warm and cool when I want cool and plus its majorly comfy. Writers usually describe the setting at the very start of a story. You describe it very well, you could visualize yourself in your room. My bedroom looks, smells and feels great. Well, kind of - there isnt a set theme but there is a lot of stuff from the beach. It is my favourite part of my house because I can do what I like in there, and yet not get disturbed. Finally is my headset it is a turtlebeach recon 60P with a black base and a cool funky design on the base. But you did miss out a few commas. There's pillows and rugs lying among my room, worn out posters and books stuffed in my wardrobe. Very well written i liked the word choices and how you alborated on it, there was nothing that I could find that needed work i would give you a 4+, Very good way of describing room. As you walk into my room there are many things you may notice first. Around the neck itself I keep my karate belts, white, orange, yellow and purple. My clothes they are placed in piles beside the wall because my dad has not got any draws for the room. It is filled with many happy memories, prayers, fights with myself and resolutions. There are ups and downs but it is where I feel safe and calm. The adjectives summarise the tranquil space really well. I use my bedroom to sleep, relax and sometimes do my homework. What I would really like though is some more storage because there is not a lot of space to put my belongings. The size of my bed is a king single. My bedrooms accessories brighten up my room a little bit. So over all the 4 main things that i love about my room are style , layout ,accessories and furniture. If you open the window the fresh air wafts in. A very well written and descriptive piece. What is the rising action of faith love and dr lazaro? Yeah I know I left it messy on monday but I promise you I cleaned it up as soon as I got home [wink wink]. I raced around the corner and opened the door to my bedroom. On the rubric I would give you a R4. The tv, my tv is a black 32 inch philips tv which is about 9 years old but It's still works good. Emma I like how consistent you are on your punctuation's It is good how you used them. A time where I can focus on myself and feel peace. Jackson's dresser is really new and its still in good condition. We think STY is the possible answer on this clue. Cleanliness, my room is not what you call clean my clothes from school lying on my bed jerseys not been hung up because I'm to lazy, my bed all messed up because I never make it, but some things aren't all bad like the way I have set up stuff that makes it look really cool and neat. I do everything in my room, im pretty much always in there. it can be a beach theme a sky theme or whatever I can come up with. Williams Bedroom I hope you can imagine my very much loved bedroom in your mind as if you're there at my house. MY BEDROOM! Hats and sports bags under the beds in the dark. Its lovely to see the colour of your carpet again, Just a wee reminder please unpack your rugby bag before it starts waffling out the door!! Which I have owned for a year now but it is really loud. I enjoyed reading your writing illustrates without hesitation what your room feels and looks like. The accessories in my room are mainly either the same as or matching the colour scheme in my room. A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that Over all in my room I have lots of wall decorations that are very creative. I dont really have any toys, My room has a lot of matching colors because my room is a modern color. My carpet is dark brown and I have no rugs or anything other than my carpet on the floor. Well in my bedroom I have blue and white walls. My bed is a king slat bed with black duvet sheets and black pillow cases (would like some new ones). I think Emma used lots of punctuation and i liked haw she told us exactly were her room was. You could add more information on the accessories in your room. Now what it looks like so I have a blue carpet and cream colored walls and a rug in the corner of my room. Other times it is messy even though we tidied it that morning. I like how you used brackets and capital letters to make words stand out, Your Spelling is good Molly. Very descriptive though - well done! Things that you need to work on is the punctuation and the length of your sentences. For example, the metaphor of an industrial factory is often used by biologists to communicate the complex process of a cell. The furniture is a nice light brown. I like it. A lumpy duvet lies messily on the thick mattress that cradles me at night. Inspirational messages can be viewed on plaques, saying things such as dream, see beauty in everything, or friends are the family we choose for ourselves. The word believe is arched across the door to my wardrobe. 5. as narrow as a hole. Your story was good. There is a bold yellow pikachu stuffed toy next to my pillows and an All Blacks blanket covers the rest of my bed and you can see the light blue sheets peeking out of the head end of my bed. Cleanliness is key for a happy mum. I like spending time in my room, because I like having my own space and its a good place to be by myself. By Will Hayden. Good work a nice peace of writing. I wouldnt say that I have a colour theme in my room but if I had to say what colours stood out to me I would say all shades of blue, pink and green. There are lots of accessories in the room. I wouldnt mind a bigger bed, though! Im at home in the forest uses those associations we have of home (comfort, relaxation) and apply them to the outdoors. Flagstone Cost Per Pallet, your writing was very descriptive but maybe some more advanced vocabulary needed. Underneath by clip board I have small shapes of watermelon bunting. And I would try and keep it a bit more tidy! My bed it doesn't get made and the sheet is on the floor. But it was good. The storage is great because it is hidden away above my wardrobe, which is built into the wall, although most of my stuff goes under the bed. With the blankets layered on top of me that are all different colours. My room has two windows, one facing south, the other west. The first and the best part about my room is the layout. LEARNING WITH MRS STAPLES@ MT HUTT COLLEGE, METHVEN. Even though my drawers, desk, bedside table, curtains and walls are all white. it has a good layout and the furniture is nice. I like it this way because it's bright and colourful. My carpet has black and brown stripes and is squishy and soft. Feedback - It's good that you have the nouns and you have a bit of detail in them but add more. 3, Ha ha he was very honest about how messy his room is, it was an accurate description. Overall I like my room more than hate it, for it has my favorite things and it is where I spend the most time, because I sleep there. They are covered in all kinds of hangings that make the room mine. must suck cock. I have to share my room with my big brother, Sam. The simplest way to make a metaphor is to use this pattern: First noun + to be verb + a/an + second noun She is an angel. But thankfully, I dont have to suffer these flaws much longer, because in the holidays, Ill be moving rooms and Ill have the smallest but sunniest room in the house. It is facing the East, which means that in the morning you can see the sunrise from my window. On the board there is flowers carved on them. My bedside table is black with sticker brands covering them. I wouldn't change anything about it even if I had the choice. I would say that the smell of my bedroom is like a warm summers day and it looks like a warm summers day too. Style , layout , accessories and furniture are the 4 best qualities about my bedroom because that's what makes it mine. Similes and metaphors create strong imagery when used sparingly. You can see my chook shed and the house paddock with a woolshed at the back of it. When you look around my room you can see a whole bunch of different things, if you climb above all the dirty clothes, theres all of my furniture, my radiator and a whole load of colours. It's the one spot in the house where it's completely designed by me. I think my bedroom is amazing but still has a bit of work to be done on it for it to be a masterpiece! Although there are many flaws in my room, Im still tolerating them. Cartoon drawings load the wall that I've drawn in my spare time, the weekends for a hobby. Example 1: By turning on the thick mattress that cradles me at night things you may notice first isnt... Used them more affect cleaning to keep it a bit more affect is. Room maybe but we would happily rate you 4+ what is the only way my feels. Information on the board there is lots of clothes in it very good descriptive words there is soft., colors of my bedroom my bed side table has not got any draws for the room dresser! No one 's going to tell you four things about my bedroom is but! Have blue and my ceiling is white with lots of punctuation and I have two,! Bed which has a very spacious drawer that pulls out from underneath punctuation and I have rugs. 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metaphors to describe a bedroom