dirty southern sayings

You could have a stroke out here. "Flub the dub" means to evade one's doodyNo, duty. You cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear. I'll slap you to sleep, then slap you for sleeping. 18. Grandma would not recommend buying something sight unseen. 9. Means: Be quiet and stop talking. Theyre common. 7. -Cowboy Proverb. Funny, Kitchen. With that culture comes some of the greatestsaying you may ever hear, to us Southerners its just normal talkbut to others I realize the southern slang may not be so easy to understand. "Happy as a tick on a fat dog." I needed to laugh tonight to take off an edge. Merriam-Webster points out that "druther" has its origin in classic American fiction, where Mark Twain'scharacters Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn used it as a shortening of "would rather.". Someone said to be having a "dying duck fit" is pretty upset, to put it mildly. 2. One of the most common and most Southern phrases that's still in use, this one means that you're about to (or thinking about) doing something, whether that's make a snack, go to work, or give someone a piece of your mind. Maybe you've heard that "still waters run deep." 11. But theyre quite useful. There are just some things that are a little different in the South. In the '20s, pregnancy tests involved injecting the urine of a person into a small animal such as a rabbit, according to the Oncofertility Consortium. Apparently, Southern men are not stuck up.). If he were an inch taller, he'd be round. Also, do you have any good comebacks when someone asks you, "What do you know?". I couldnt buy a hummingbird on a string for a nickel. I could eat the north end of a south-bound polecat. Happy as a dead pig in the sunshine. When you travel down South, "as all get-out" is the only superlative you need. Over the years, however, the phrase referred to young men going through a phase of promiscuity, according to World Wide Words. She has her nose so high in the air she could drown in a rainstorm. Do you have a favorite saying not listed? Question: Is there a saying for that pleasant time around dusk when the temperature cools off in a few minutes, in a pleasant way? This one may sound a little blue, but it has a practical source. It can be used to mean anything from, "you sweet thing" to "you're an idiot". It was used to described a part of something being assembled incorrectly. ", Funny as a three-legged dog in a horse race. Alas, the Federal Trade Commission forced the drug-group to drop the liver portion of the ad, claiming it was deceptive. Ive said it so often to my grand nieces as they were growing up, this expression is now used by the girls. Real meaning: Talking of volume and sound, here we have yet another one of those old sayings from the late 19 th century. to move or function in a slow sloth like way, esp. Within these general guidelines, its possible to create your own Southernisms, expressions that one day might find their way into the common parlance. But which Southern phrases are authentic and which ones came about because we all grew up watching Foghorn Leghorn and the Dukes of Hazzard? It is not a particularly a Southern saying. She's so ugly I'd hire her to haunt a house! Only female dairy cows produce milk. ", Run with the big dogs or stay on the porch.". ), Skedaddle now aka get out of hereor go on now, Gussied up Dressed up or snazzy looking aka youre not wearing jeans and a t-shirt, Supper The meal that comes after dinner which is the meal that comes after breakfast, we dont have lunch down here, Im just hunky dorey Youre happy, thats all there is to it, Fixin to I am about to do this or that (really this ones easy), cattywampus Meaning screwed up or out of place, Coke aka anything that fizzes or soda, soda pop for the Yankees(coke was born in the south and we prefer to reference everything with carbonation down here as Coke), Aint are not, is not.. whatever you want to say, Umpteen A lot of times or countless times, Tan your hide Youre in for a good whoopin, Sweatin like awhore in churchActuallyrefersto being overly hot and sweaty (because the humidity here is HORRIBLE) much like an uncomfortable prostitute in church, Too big for his britches That guy (or gal) thinks too highly of themselves and needs to bring it down about 5 notches, She was just knee-high to a grasshopper Seriously short, short enough to be compared to a random insect, Snug as a bug in a rug Meaning extremely comfortable, My eyeballs are floatin' This person has to pee, plane and simple, and theyre apparently so full its reached their eyeballs. Colder than a banker's heart on foreclosure day at the widows' and orphans' home. Theyd be pretty pissed, right? Deep in the South where sushi is still called bait. If he were an inch taller, hed be round. What sayings does your grandma always use? Answer: I believe that the expression is "Happy as a lark", a bird noted for it's cheerful, happy song. Lexicographers dont really know how it evolved, though. If you are moving to the South, here are the cuss words you need to place into your vocabulary (TIP: They don't work if you don't say them with a Southern accent): 1. 1. (Most of these comments are made about women. Southerners don't say "you guys"they say "y'all." (And "all y'all" for five or more people.) I swan, you all musta pissed God off somehow. Required fields are marked *. Would be better without the Typos: 1. Read Also: How do you say pen and pin? (Your fly's down.) Question: What does "Wake with the South In My Mouth" mean? Here in Appalachia, we've heard all of these and many more. Still, if you want to sound like an authentic Southerner we are fixin to explain some phrases that you might not find in Google translate. She's so stuck up, she'd drown in a rainstorm. This is the couth Southerner's way of insulting your intelligence without using so many words. When the Lord was handin' out brains, that fool thought God said. It was also once used to warn against saying the devil's name for fear he would appear. #6 a squirrel in a nut factory. Busier than a one-legged man pushing a wheelbarrow. He couldnt find his ass with both hands in his back pockets. Whether you're an astrology buff or just a newbie, these bits of trivia will surprise you. Wild oats were a type of weed, so the phrase began as a way to mock somebody for wasting time. or, "He doesn't have the sense to come in out of the rain, bless his heart.". This describes someone with an unfortunate set of buck teeth. Colorful Southern Expressions About Liars. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Sale Price 13.54 This here internet aint much help. This joke may contain profanity . Answer: I think that "law" is actually a form of "Lord", possibly calling on the lord tor help or understanding. 23. This phrase describes a person whos blissfully ignorant of reality. Its hotter than two rabbits screwin in a wool sock! The storm knocked the clothes on the clothesline all cattywampus! 3. But Long, a good ole boy, fought back. 34. Tags: dirty humor, dirty saying, dirty sayings, dirty . Made famous by Forrest Gump, this phrase reminds us to look a little deeper. I am here to help with that, Well Bless Your Heart This one has two meaning, youre either being called an idiot or its a true term ofsympathy.. its all in the tone, Hes as useless as tits on a bull Well, bulls do not have these.. cows do my friend. Who would waste all the effort it takes to plant weeds, after all? Husband Jumps Out Of Car Telling Wife Take The Food Home And Come Back And Get Me. Hes so ugly, he didnt get hit with the ugly stick, he got whopped with the whole forest! Because those walls aren't shatterproof. In one sense, to be bumfuzzled is to have wandered face-first into someone or something so incredibly incoherent or stupid, that it rubs a little off on you. (Translation: He's cold-hearted and cruel.). You're now subscribed to the latest stories. And the truth is, from Louisiana to Rocky Top, from Pensacola to Memphis, we do enjoy a good colloquialism. Expressions such as these dont come out of nowhere; most commonly, theyre reflections of the culture from which they arise. This phrase is from John Keats' Endymion. #7 a wolf in a chicken farm. Either somebody's in real trouble, or there's a fight brewing if you hear Now these are really unkind, but funny as heck! Research shows that certain astrological signs have more dangerous driving habits. Thats about as useful as tits on a bull. #8 a flopping fish in an ice chest. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. You probably like to assume that you're smarter than this water fowl, but if a Southerner thinks you aren't, they'll surely set you straight. 50 Colorful Southern Sayings Making The Rest Of Us Laugh Out Loud. Lawd, people will be able to see to Christmas! Someone who's "sowing their wild oats" is enjoying sex with a variety of people, in other words. Bestlifeonline.com is part of the Meredith Health Group. Your email address will not be published. If that boy had an idea, it would die of loneliness. Stay informed and entertained for free. Now, if you want to graduate to PhD level the Southern way, you start making your own. According to Book Browse, the phrase "knee-high to a grasshopper"which refers to smallness associated with a young agefirst appeared in The Democratic Review in 1851. If it's dirty, it's not funny, but if it's funny, it's not dirty Buddy Hackett. A little effort now may save you lots of effort later. And even if you could milk anything with nipples, bulls tend to be rather ornery. Hes so rich he buys a new boat when he gets the other one wet. Of course, there are the good old standbys we all know and love, like "y'all" and "down yonder." Catawampus adj: askew, awry, cater-cornered. So tits on a bull serve no purpose and are therefor useless, Poop or get off the pot (poop isnt generally used here) make a decision or stop worrying about it, Ya Dern Tootin' Meaning they agree with you (I admit, I use this too much for own good), Uglier than sin on Sunday This one should be self explanatory, youre not an attractive person to put it nicely, Well Shit fire and save the matches My grandmother said this, often, even when she hadAlzheimer(the true Southern in ya never leaves!) The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. "A butter and egg man," has nothing to do with breakfast preferences, it's actually, according to one . In reality, the phrase has little to do with religion and more to do with a passive-aggressive way to call you an idiot. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. If his lips's movin', he's lyin'. Some people say it's a derogatory statement, others have told me it's a good thing. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. 37. Hottern a fresh fried fox in a forest fire. She was madder than a wet hen. If at first you don't succeed, there's surely another strategy to try. The beginnings of this Southern saying are lost to timejust suffice it to say that it means that the speaker is ravenously hungry. (Translation: That's as good as it gets! Question: Do you think that "bless her/your/his heart" is an insult? According to Useless Etymology, the word "cattywampus" has changed meanings over time. Two Southern Belles are sittin' on the veranda, when one points at the big shiny car in the driveway, and says, "my Daddy bought me that brand-new Cadillac". 1. They've passed down their recipes, their china patterns, and their parenting tips, for starters. Any idea? He ran like a scalded haint. Hotter than hell and half of Georgia. For example, here is an expression I've never ever heard above the Mason-Dixon line: "That possum's on the stump!" I'm gonna whup you where the sun don't shine! -Arthur Baer. The expression is used when one is speaking about a person who is absent and then suddenly shows up. We heard all of these adages growing up, and we couldn't help but pick up a few ourselves. Question: Is there a southern way to say Merry Christmas? Favorite Southern Slang. From adages and proverbs to their favorite Southern turns of phrase, these ladies sure do have a way with words. It's cold enough to freeze the balls off a pool table. "Farmers thus dunk hens in cold water to 'break' their broodiness and hens don't like that one bit.". Useless as hen-s**t on a pump handle. He doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=72297c88-e802-4ada-9cac-261ce95be11f&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=8894411616138032559'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); If youre not from the Deep South, you might be about as confused as a fart in a fan factory when it comes to understanding the slang that comes out of a homegrown Southerners mouth. A Southerner . Southern colloquial expressions (as my pappy used to say in his down-home way) are multifarious and, in fact, possibly infinite. Im so poor I couldnt jump over a nickel to save a dime. Slicker than greased owl s**t. (Something looks nice or has a smooth surface. She has a dying duck fit. Do you have any idea of its origin? She's busier than a cat covering crap on a marble floor. While their images and colloquialisms tickle the funny bone, Southern expressions usually convey exactly what the speaker intended. What did you think of these quirky Southern sayings? "Beach day is everyday in Cali.". Reckon so, is a particular favorite. Shes so ugly, Id hire her to haunt a house! If someones got the red ass, theyre madder than dammit. He's tighter than a bulls ass at fly time. Im especially fond of the -er than dammit. 39. They tend to stick up and outward, like a horses teeth. We have inherited their styles, their heirlooms, and more than a few of their favorite sayings as well. Bumfuzzled is like being hammered drunk, spun around three times and let loose in a fog to find your way home. I even use it as a resource for my other projects! Busier than a cowl with half a tail in the seasons of flies. ), Or this one: "His heart is a thumpin' gizzard." 13.54, 15.04 On the other hand, there are some Southernisms that it might take a Yankee like me years to figure out without a translator. There's a Southern expression for every occasion. Once, a relative was on the phone with someone and tried to tell them how hard it was raining. To avoid the draft on either side, Cooter decided to stay drunk throughout the entire war, making him ineligible for battle. Learn how your comment data is processed. 4. Some of the humorous phrases listed below will help to bring a bit of laughter to your day. It's an old Italian proverb that proves at least one form of entertainment is available for pretty much anyone, as explained in Mental Floss. 2. As a transplanted Yankee living in the South, I am often surprised and amazed by the colorful Southern expressions I hear. Whether you are from another part of the country or from another country altogether, I hope you enjoy this collection of Southern sayings. What are YOUR favorite Southern phrases? You're gonna have old and new-monia dressed like that! With as hot as it gets in the Southern states, we need plenty of vivid expressions to illustrate just how steamy of a day it is. Hes about as confused as a fart in a fan factory. Southerners sure have a colorful way with their words and it couldnt be any funnier. ", Question: Happy as a lart? My mother and aunts used to say this if they thought someone was telling a tall tale. In this case, its clear that dogs are integral to the South and the character of its people. Hes slickern owl sh*t. (Eww, how do they know? In fact, the only thing we enjoy more than a good colloquialism is making up bad colloquialisms, slapping them all over a wide variety of knick-knacks and selling them to tourists at the gift shop at a 75 percent markup. Madder than a wet hen He or She is royally pissed off, I mean.. just imagine a wet hen running around. "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.". I'm so poor I can't afford to pay attention. 4. She's pretty as a pumpkin but half as smart. Her pants are so tight that if she farts it'll blow her boots off. A Southerner . 38. You better skedaddle before you get caught! 28. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. (Poor rock), 11. Meaning: (Phrase) When a person says "jerk a knot in your tail" it means to stop being unruly. 36. (Translation: Run and hide! Ive heard the expression 100 times but not sure if lart is the right word or if Ive been misunderstanding. It was in reference to the female royalists who dipped their petticoats in the blood of Charles I at his beheading, as further explained in BBC America. At any rate, telling someone "Charlie's dead" is a subtle way to warn that their petticoat was showing, according to BBC America. Below are just a few redneck sayings and quotes pages created by our guests. ), 12. 2. Ran like a scalded haint The opposite meaning of the previous phrase. Tall cotton bushes are easier to pick and yield higher returns. These are some of the most common (and not so common) Southern slang terms heard in Arkansas and throughout the South. Some folks might say she's cheap, but that can take on a whole 'nother meaning. She already knows anywaysomehowso you should go ahead and come clean. This is a random phrase I remember from my own background in the south. I'm so poor I couldn't jump over a nickel to save a dime. "Oh, my lands," or "land sakes," seems to be a deliberate substitution for Lord, a minced oath. ), 30. She was quick to speak up on the "Buffy" set. } So dumb he couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. The expression describes someone in an extreme state of upset and anxiety, and, of course, it was used by Tennessee Williams as the title of his Pulitzer-winning 1955 play. Southern Living. But be careful, if youre not quick on your feet, you can set yourself up for a spectacular crash and burn. And we're beginning to understand what a treasure that truly is. Grandma's good at offering much-needed perspective. Original Price 4.08 I feel like I been 'et by a wolf and sh** over a cliff. May 20, 2022 - Explore Marcy Sutton's board "Funny Southern Quotes", followed by 103 people on Pinterest. ILoveGrillingMeat. Hes so cheap he wouldnt give a nickel to see Jesus ridin a bicycle. Shes meaner than a wet panther. No, this isnt Southern sexual innuendo. "Well Bless Your Heart" This one has two meaning, you're either being called an idiot or it's a true term of sympathy.. it's all in the tone. 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dirty southern sayings