there will be glory after this sermon

Scriptures: Amen! Dr. Tamiquia T. Simon is the eldest of four children born to Maurice and the late Theresa D. Lacey in Jamaica, New York. This setback is the end of you." In John 2, after the miraculous water-to-wine conversion, Jesus ordered that some of the wine be given to the master of the banquet. i came to tell somebody to today there will be glory after this it may not look like right now you may have never trusted God for anything in your life. i came to tell somebody.. that your here today because the prays of the rightous availeth much you might be year because some made you come but you were like some of the Israelites your content right were you are it made be a little difficult but its alright.. but even though you were content.. you cam anyway. Tolkein provides a stirring image of this glory at the death of the great king Aragorn (that is, after his . Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : There Will Be Glory After This! CLICK HERE to learn how to submit your prayer request. Its beauty attracted visitors from all over the known world. Evangelical/Non-Denominational. Piper adds, But in fact the point of our miseries, our futility, our corruption, our groaning is to teach us the horror of sin. Includes initial monthly payment and selected options. How does it damage people? Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. Glory is being revealed in due time. Moses prayed, "Show me your glory," only after the children of Israel began to worship the golden calf. In other words, this paragraph is the result of Pauls careful, biblical thinking about suffering. read more, Scripture: As we sit hear today .. many of us couldnt even imagine not retaliating .. let alone talk about.. well you know the Lord giveth and he take it away.. oh naw.. we feel like God owes us something.. we feel like I done worked to hard.. its I..I I.. thats why .. we are so ready to faint and fall out thats why those things that we are asking God to do in our life seem like its so far way. No matter .. your situation .. God is going to get thru do I know his word says .. he has a expected end.. so he expects you to get over yourself your feelings and emotions.. and trust his plan.. At the center of the story, we find Tamiquia, who is forced to armor in the most Holy Faith as she witnesses and encounters the disenfranchisement of her family and life as she once knew it. Sometimes God will choose the most unlikely candidate to do His greatest work. Because the glory of the sun is a greater glory. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. The practical conclusion is, if we keep our eyes on the future promised glory, then we can endure present sufferings with perseverance and hope. Think about someone who has lost hope and perhaps his faith in Christ because of trials. 17So Job died, being old and full of days. The Christian life is a call to glory through the path of suffering. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. There is a fourth observation from our text: Getting Spiritually Fit 1 ( Corinthians 9:24-27), Steps to Biblical Reconciliation (Luke 17:1-4; 2 Corinthians 5:15-21). But were still living in these fallen bodies that are prone to temptation and sin, with all of its terrible consequences. A must read! It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.". The Christian life is not a playground but a battleground! But for many of us.. after we lost our job or if someone broke into our businesswe would be ready to go postal and shoot up the place. Would you like pie with that or no pie? The statistics are not fuzzy: We all are going to die (unless Jesus returns in our lifetimes). It comes to take total dominion over everything in your life. Verse 14 presents a specific example of Christian suffering: "If you are insulted for the name of Christ." Their suffering had not become physical persecution yet. How and why The Lord turns our sorrows into Joy. Your tax deductible gift would really help my nonprofit organization to help those in need and continue sharing the Gospel. in our text we have God telling .. Moses.. to tell the people to .. one version says move on. another version says .. move forward.. i personaly like the KJV when it says move forward.. because if you just say move on .. to me that means to you can turn to your left or to your right.. or you can even trun around as long as your moving but if I tell you to move forward.. .. forward means .moving towad what ever is in front of you the Lord told them to move forward.. but you see the issue was.. there was an obstacle in front of them that was nine miles long. have you ever looked out and saw your destinationyour dream but the route you had to take to get there was unclear.. when i frist started studying the text I thought i was gong to go one way but. He gets glory by changing outcomes; shifting circumstances; healing diseases; giving increase where there is lack; saving lost souls; restoring what is broken; erasing guilt and shame; picking up the pieces and making something amazing from what was shattered. The outcome of birth pains is the hope of new life. Why are there famines where people starve to death?, Mom, why did my friend at school get cancer and die? 10 Must-Have Tips For Giving A Public Invitation, I'd Rather Preach To Angels Than A Megachurch Crowd, Five Preaching Applications From The Movie Gravity, There Will Be Glory After This! 1 James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings.2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. The glory of God is a visible power. for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this. Many reminisce and call the former days better. While 80% of poeple who hear things like this in the news ..may drop a tear shake their head.. smoke a cigeritt vapand silently think.. and say glad it wasnt anyone i know.. and keep on pushing throw thier day thre is 15% that when they hear things like this .. they become so bogged down and stressed.. to the point they turn the news off and then begin to worry about any and everything else. they have no control over.. but like the bible says there is a remnantthere is about 5% of people around there world and US that when they hear things like this going on.they begin to thank God why because #1 there name is written in th elambs book of life.. #2 because know they know what to pray for . like a card player who has a tell. the once the devil the enemy moves if your paying attention.. he shows yoou his hand, Have you every began to develope a prayer life and after about a day or two.. crazy things begin to happen have you ever made a consious deceision in your mind to better husband or wife and then the other person in the marriage wants to act a plum nut. In the sovereign purposes of God, some suffer more and some suffer less. How should we as Christians think about these difficult matters? And in the future, when believers receive the full redemption that has been promised in Christ, all of creation will be restored at least to its original state, if not to an even greater level of glory. Our payment security system encrypts your information during transmission. I just can let go, my heart is filled with sorrow. My great glory will be displayed through Pharaoh and his troops, his chariots, and his charioteers. To help you anticipate the good things that are on the way for you and get your expectation up, Im stirring Psalm 34:10 NIV into your cup of inspiration. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. Such movies portray this as the natural order of the world, in which the fittest survive by preying on the weaker species. 2:10; 1 John 3:2. He also uses the analogy of birth pains (8:22). The seniors could still remember the temple, temple worship, and all the former glory and splendor of the house of God. Methodist. Also the cow and the bear will graze, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. He gets glory by changing outcomes; shifting circumstances; healing diseases; giving increase where there is lack; saving lost souls; restoring what is broken; erasing guilt and shame; picking up the pieces and making something amazing from what was shattered. Scripture says Jesus' water-to-wine miracle was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory. So from that we see that the wine running out, which appeared to be a problem, was no problem at all for the Savior. You're Preaching, But Do You Know Who's Listening? Understand what a privilege we have to pray. And as Gods grace reaches more and more people, there will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more glory. The Apostle Peter uses his address to domestic servants (1 Peter 2:18) to illustrate the calling of all Christians to share in the sufferings of Christ. Either He was mistaken or it is our certain future. Introduction by Eugene Merrill, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Old Testament, Dallas Theological Seminary. assignment today is to bring you into. I get one thing back on track then the bottom falls out.. So anyway, I am beyond grateful to God for letting me live. When I first started preaching about 4 .. 5 yrs ago .. Sermon Take Away: To God Be The Glory. the reality of a coming latter glorion. Ezra allows us to see the reaction of the people as the foundation was completed. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now., Paul personifies creation groaning as it anxiously awaits the culmination of salvation for Gods people, because that will trigger the release from corruption to which all creation has been subject since Adam and Eve fell into sin. The rich man was isolated, even from his brothers. Yet today, there is more revelation, understanding, and insight into pleasing God. My great glory will be displayed through Pharaoh and his troops, his chariots, and his charioteers. If you want to see Jesus.. Give him some praise.. For this sermon series, if you hear something that stirs you, dont say Amen but Hooah! read more, Scripture: Why is the health and wealth teaching heresy? We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. He comes back to discover a national crisis. Acts 1:9-2:8, Denomination: There was a reason for your testing, and He allowed you to go through because on the other side, there would be a strong testimony. If you are presently waiting for manifestation, your wedding at Cana moment is about to happen. While singing the song, my thoughts centered on how do we give God glory, when glory . The called congregation of Jews was a mixed crowd; the old and very young, from skilled craftsmen and common labors, from priest and Levites, and others from every walk of life. *other. If the fallen creation is this beautiful, just think how spectacular the new heavens and earth will be! It all belongs to You. He expresses the same thought in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. After Saul has been anointed king and given kingship publicly, we find him out attending his fathers fields. Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph. In another stunning scene filmed at night, a group of lions bring down an elephant for their next meal. God, the struggle has been difficult, but I will endure it faithfully so that You will get glory through my life. The history of individuals is also in large part a history of trialsthe trials of growing up, figuring out what to do with your life, whom you will marry, rearing children, wor, ing through struggles in your marriage, providing for your needs, gro, God has promised it and He cannot lie. Everything changed after this. Thank you God. I dont want it.. but in the midst of saying take.. he said.. nevertheless let thy will be done.. And I came to tell somebody thats crying out to God.. Lord take this..Lord .. this is too painful.. God says we really need to understand that when God's glory comes, he comes to fill the house, not just a particular room. But God has promised future glory. there will be glory after this sermon September 15, 2020 Job 42:16-17. I have an expected end for you.. Yea I know its annoying.. its frustrating.. to tell everyone else that I can do anything but fail.. and you still suffering. Church Of God. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. And as God's grace reaches more and more people, there will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more glory. I stand on Your word and I believe that the best is yet to come. Year of the Nurse: A 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic Memoir, 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, No Import Fees Deposit & $9.64 Shipping to Germany. read more, Scripture: Our world is enemy-occupied territory (C.S. We had the pest control folks treat the house with good success. We don't always have the tools to navigate an emotional roller coaster, especially if we're dealing with something that we've never faced before. People who think nonviolence is easy dont realize that there is a level of spiritual discipline thats required .. as well as a great deal of strength, growth and purging of ones self. Yes, we live under constant danger of death because we serve Jesus, so that the life of Jesus will be evident in our dying bodies. And in our text, Paul gives part of the biblical perspective that we need to persevere through the suffering that we surely will encounter. Philosophers, theologians, pastors, and others have written scores of books on the subject. Hallelujah! visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me. James 1:10 calls on a rich man to "glory in his humiliation," indicating a glory that does not mean riches or power or material beauty. 12 But many of the priests and Levites and chief of the fathers, who were ancient men, that had seen the first house, when the foundation of this house was laid before their eyes, wept with a loud voice; and many shouted aloud for joy: 13 So that the people could not discern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people: for the people shouted with a loud shout, and the noise was heard afar off. The Jews had an assignment to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem. Q. Please use a different way to share. When he sipped it, he was so impressed. We know that God, who raised the Lord Jesus, will also raise us with Jesus and present us to himself together with you. The Bible tells us of many who responded to the call of God. Catholic. The Prophet Haggai to encourage Zerubbabel, Joshua and the people to be strong and work because God is with them and promises to fill His house with Glory There will be Glory after this! The Christian life is a call to glory through the path of suffering. by Timothy Lin, Ph.D., Former Pastor, Professor and Seminary President. To persevere in present sufferings with hope, keep your eyes on the future glory that God has promised us. But as I also said, Ive never seen one of these false teachers live to be 120. Friend, the best is on the way for you. read more, Scripture: Enhancements you chose aren't available for this seller. We are reminded in Ecclesiastes that we are not the first to feel this way, E Ecclesiastes 7:10 Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? These two forces are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions. Moses was called from the burning bush while he was tending sheep in the wilderness of Midian to go Stronger than the Sands of Time Job left a legacy that went beyond his life. read more, Scripture: Streets of gold and gates of pearl and mansions prepared for us are limited analogies that say, You cant imagine how wonderful it will be!. If there was no bruising.. there would be no deliverance from our iniquities.. All they seem to see is weakness, ungodliness, and worldliness. Meet Jesus at the Cross Matt Woodley [ Read More ] The Glory of the Groan Introduction God started a revival with the preaching of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. YES, THERE WILL BE "JOY" AFTER THIS! have you ever said you know what.. i want to build a relatship with God then all of a sudden .. some women or man starts showing you some attention of all of a sudden things starts happening with your children or in your family i just want you to know.. that.. its the enemies job to get you so distracted.. so off tract.. that you give up, The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have. My promises and my covenant are as sure now as they were from the beginning. 53:3). Yet, God would use the band of Jews to rebuild His temple. As you read it, ask God to instill His wisdom in your heart for how to handle suffering. OVERCOMING MEDIOCRITY 1 Peter 5:10-11. Weve watched the magnificent DVD series Planet Earth, which has a spectacular scene in slow motion of a great white shark leaping out of the ocean, grabbing a seal in its mouth, and plunging again beneath the water to consume its meal. Back in the mid 80s I had a friend at college named Reed who loved to fish as much as I did. Our Lord Himself was a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief (Isa. They criticize the preachers, the choirs, the modern music, their salvation experience, their Holy Spirit experience and many other things. This leads to a third observation: Note Pauls opening phrase (8:18), For I consider . The word means to reckon, think about, consider, or ponder. The suffering we endure matures us in faith, equips us to minister, and prepares us for glory ( James 1:2-4; 2 Corinthians 1:4, 4:17-18 ). There will be glory after this the God in you will turn it around. Stay here and keep watch with me.. Haggai 2:1-9, Ezra 3:10-13, Hebrews 12:25-29, Denomination: In 2013, your testimony will be a . Shipping cost, delivery date, and order total (including tax) shown at checkout. hear me I'm gonna say it again my. But, why? And of course, NO banner ads and NO pop-ups ever on any SwapMeetDave . Her story was so raw I felt at times what she was feeling. I will move forward.. i know its hard you might not even know how but if you stand still and believe God .. you will begin to see the way being made you will begin to see the doors being opened.. but you cant fearyou have to forget about your past.. where you came from.. once you walk thur the door.. once you begin to follow the leading of God.. the Lord will begin to wipe out everything and everybody that was trying to destroy you.. trying to hinder you. and when you get to the other side once God is done .. others will see.. and know the power of God. you will know an recognize the power of GOd. and you will have no other choice but to give God Glory cmon and clap those hands and begin to give God some praise.. if you belive GOd is telling you to move forward today.. why dont you stand to your feet and give him some praise.. God has promised it and He cannot lie. INTRODUCTION: For many, what we give to God is little more than our leftovers. But I remember a preacher tell me you preach what God tells you.. dont worry about their faces.. or the size of the crowd.. And little by little I got over myself.. and God began to bless little by little.. What are you saying brother preacher.. Im simply saying that want all Job went thru his friends turned on him his family .. his wife.. his body was afflicted , But dont you know.. he still had enough faith to say.. He loves displaying His majesty and authority through even the most unfortunate situations. If you are in a waiting season, Ive got good news: after this, glory is coming. And in the rest of the chapter Paul unfolds a, son that we need to think biblically about suffering, namely, that. Pick up your staff and raise your hand over the sea. What are some practical ways to gain a clearer vision of the future glory promised to us so that it affects your daily walk. God himself.". job was a honorable man..he feared God.. God didnt have to threaten that he was gone beat him if he didnt take the trash out.. wash the dishes or do what he knew he was supposed to do he just did it.. job was a honorable man..he feared God.. God didnt have to threaten that he was gone beat him if he didnt take the trash out.. wash the dishes or do what he knew he was supposed to do he just did it.. Many of the Priests, Levites, and chief fathers, who were ancient men, begin to weep, as many of the younger men rejoiced. Yes, there is present suffering because we live in a fallen world. God will glorify His Church. I could run and shout right now! . Have been trying so hard to secure a new job all to no avail, I ventured into freelancing because man must wack. He organized several nonviolent protests in Birmingham, Alabama. Once He moves, youll look back and clearly see that He was there all along. Colossians 1:9-14, Denomination: To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. He has another victory planned. For this is grace, he quite literally says (1 Peter 2:19): this is . Try. Scripture: I Peter 5:10-11, I Peter 4:12, James 1:2The Pulse ExperienceSermon: There Will Be Glory After ThisA Network That Beats To The Heart Of GodGuest Speaker: Isaac CarpenterSunday, September 11, 2022For Booking Information: 304-364-4164Email: info@thepulsewv.comThere Are Three Ways to Financially Support the Pulse-GassawayPayPal:https . A. It makes you feel properly small and God properly big! Pastor John Piper (Subjected to Futility in Hope, part 1, on points out that if you think that somehow the suffering in this world is out of proportion to what is deserved, then you do not grasp the infinite holiness of God or the unspeakable outrage of sin against this holy God. Eph.6:18 Tells us to pray on all So, when he heard that Lazarus was ill, he stayed two days longer in the place where he was. 1:2; 11:3). Abraham was called while living in Ur of the Chaldees to leave his homeland and set-out for an unknown land that God would show him. on Yesterday moring.. about 6:30am the news rang out like.. a bell girl in a wedding. shouting .. the bride is coming.. the bride is coming the news rang out that a man.. who manipulated.. raped.. and assaulted.. hundreds of women.. who just happed to be a millionaire.. and connected to other politicians and billionares had died in what looked like a suicide.. Either He was mistaken or it is our ce, tain future. I may be sick.. It is easy to forget that this the Lords church and the Lord know how to make His ready for His coming. I could not put this book down, such a touching, heartbreaking real story that this awful virus known as COVID-19 has done to so many families, as the author mentioned in her book one of the reason for writing this book , all these people that were affected are not just numbers they were friends mothers brothers sisters fathers uncles aunts , grandmothers and grandfathers, Reviewed in the United States on March 19, 2022, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon, Independently published (February 27, 2021). Tomorrow is my 42nd birthday. The argument is especially emotional when we consider little children suffering physical or sexual abuse or the horrible effects of war or natural disasters. Surely He will move by His power. Death was not a part of the original creation, which God pronounced as good. And he prayed this way after he had broken the tablets of the Ten Commandments, and after 3,000 Israelites had died, and after he had interceded with God several times. In our text, Paul wants us to understand two certainties and a practical conclusion that flows from them: First, the present time is marked by sufferings because of mans fall into sin. Gods call to us is fourfold. The Prophet Haggai to encourage Zerubbabel, Joshua and the people to be strong and work because God is with them and promises to fill His house with Glory There will be Glory after this! While I cannot deny that God desires the best for His creation, we must Second, the future will be marked by glory for believers as God fulfills all His promises to us. Call your sorrows Benjamin and not Benoni. Gods final purpose both for fallen creation and for His adopted children is the glory of complete salvation. Get read!!!!! But if Jesus was raised, then the dead will be raised. Congregational. Legal or official authority Denomination: Methodist Summary: The Prophet Haggai to encourage Zerubbabel, Joshua and the people to "be strong and work because God is with them and promises to fill His house with Glory" There will be Glory after this! And in the rest of the chapter Paul unfolds a fourth reason that we need to think biblically about suffering, namely, that God is using it to conform us to the image of Christ. A sermon preached by Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr., Pastor Emeritus at the Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles Lord's Day Afternoon, July 5, 2020 For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Paul mentions the sufferings of this present time (8:18). In either the millennial kingdom or in the new heavens and new earth (depending on your view of prophecy), Isaiah (11:6-9) gives us this vision: And the wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little boy will lead them. Once God is done.. others will see.. and know the power of God, some less... If you are in a fallen world an elephant for their next meal and his. All over the known world been anointed king and given kingship publicly, we find out... To gain a clearer vision of the people to.. one version move., why did my friend at college named Reed who loved to fish as much I... An recognize the power of God Preaching about 4.. 5 yrs ago.. take. God is done.. others there will be glory after this sermon see.. and know the power of God dominion over in... 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there will be glory after this sermon