]V?ooJY&dbYEP2iIzX~p(V_Kqe?h'V_1/Af`(3=ZA1hFzB|AC@rF;Erw&q8;`&Q!E$1DeI^Q/2w>i~6c/8Ey Additionally, there are concerns internally about the need for prioritisation. Report Author Karen Bradford, Chief Executive 01476 406100 karen.Bradford@southkesteven.gov.uk . Summary of the peer challenge approach, Membership and services for councils and councillors, LGA principal advisers and regional teams, Licences, regulations and trading standards, resources for elected members on equality, diversity and inclusion, including a workbook, resources for elected members on community leadership, including a workbook, Further details on the East Midlands website, Stephen Baker, Chief Executive, East Suffolk Council, Cllr Abi Brown, Leader, Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Kirsten Burnett, Head of Policy and Organisational Development, Hyndburn Borough Council, Paul Ellis, Director of Services and Deputy Chief Executive, Craven District Council, Stephen Cooper, Senior Workforce Adviser, LGA. Neighbourhood Management, We wanted to make an immediate impression, and that meant avoiding the very stereotypical (and easy) approach of using lovely images of the rural location. This provides a great opportunity to capitalise on the enhanced community focus achieved through the experience of managing the effects of COVID-19. endobj 0{b7'K~U2kmpc2(i0BR x>`p*`2!%5J1#5$p~p,aA1g[q MDNYbIyxcxlc_h\f!mDe+[z4K REG3c2j.\GIArr,N(k^c5l(I? SocietyWorks Ltd There is a strong commitment from the political and officer leadership to improvement, with leadership from Leader and Chief Executive integral to the significant progress made to date. E.g. South Kesteven District Council, Download a zip file of all correspondence, LG Act 1974 Part III Section 32(3) notices, Bullying in South Kesteven District Council, Deficit and promised merger savings from CEO, Fees relating to staff and consultants of InvestSK Ltd. Steps to improve behaviours, cross-organisational working, and performance of services, some from a low base, are making a positive difference to the council, its partners, and its community. Search. During this financial year a senior management restructure was approved, and the total exit costs incurred during the Continuing to deepen and systemise this engagement with communities would further enhance SKDCs understanding of its citizens and strengthen its role as a place and community leader. This will be important to address inconsistences and make culture change sustainable. There is a strong understanding of the areas of challenge, with swift action taken to address these through actions including: improvement plan, service reviews, strengthening governance and a focus on performance management. Putting people first is what we are committed to doing as a Council. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Brian Bealings. Within this, SKDC may also want to consider conducting a skills audit. mark.edgell@local.gov.uk would be happy to discuss if you would like to explore this further. Get verified emails for These interests are represented by the councils 56 elected members who in turn are accountable to our residents. (See Financial Planning and Management paragraph). 1.3 Aidan Rave has been with the Council for two years and has steered the authority through a period of significant change. The Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) is forecasting deficits of 0.899m for 2022/23 (6.6 per cent of net budget), and 1.105m (8 per cent) for 2023/24. More housing means more council tax and more businesses means more business rates. David Steels - Assistant Director - Environment and Public Protection, Building Control, We're sorry, this feature places cookies in your browser and has been disabled. South Kesteven District Council This has all been underpinned by a resolute commitment to improvement from political leadership. South Kesteven is a district full of promise and potential. The CPC process includes a six-month check-in meeting. There is a desire from the VCS for SKDC to go further to deepen partnership working and dialogue. Deputy Chief Executive (Growth) Adrian Sibley. Is it delivering effectively on its priorities? Search engine powered by Artificial Intelligence. Similarly, assistance for all elected members to understand their roles has been highlighted as something that would be welcomed. Clearly defining the bounds of the strategic decision-making role of elected members, and the operational leadership of officers, will address the current imbalance and support a positive environment for collaborative member officer working. This report seeks approval of Council to implement the proposed corporate restructure for South Kesteven District Council. In their accounts they show that in 2008/9 there were seven employees earning more than 50,000, by 2009/10 this had grown to 10 but according to this answer there are now 13 employees or consultants drawing such excessive salaries. endstream A great tool; we use it daily., Contact Out has tripled the yield to our InMail strategy traditionally exclusively on LinkedIn, which isn't delivering us ROI anymore. Please give this data in 5,000 bands and include any managers appointed but not yet in post. This is something SKDC can look to capitalise on. The policy will be reviewed every three years or sooner subject to changes in Policy. No credit card required. 2 0 obj A growing population and a growing economy creates jobs, secures infrastructure and attracts investment. Find Info Learn More How It Works. It will be important to plan ahead so that SKDC has a route map for how when the time is right - it will transition to a more proactive external-facing approach to leverage its local leadership position more fully. 2.7. It requires the least amount of effort to help find information needed. This clarity will enable timely, informed, focused decisions to made, and address uncertainty which can distract focus from delivery. The peers were: The peer team considered the following five themes which form the core components of all Corporate Peer Challenges. A priority should now be to invest in training for managers to develop their skills and confidence to manage performance, address poor behaviours and lead by example. There is much SKDC can nevertheless be proud of and celebrate. It is recognised that senior political and managerial leadership will want to consider, discuss, and reflect on these findings. Gathered information and views from more than 38 meetings, in addition to further research and reading. Brian Bealings made this Freedom of Information request to South Kesteven District Council Find emails on Linkedin and Github. Your donations keep this site and others like it running. % These include reviews of Good Governance, constitution, scrutiny, assets, and plans to introduce the new model Code of Conduct. Several initiatives are already underway to strengthen governance across the authority. In the meantime, Mark Edgell, Principal Adviser for East Midlands is the main contact between your authority and the Local Government Association. Printed from https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/senior_management on January 18, 2023 23:54. You are not currently accepting cookies from this site. Business engagement - at a grassroots and strategic level is something the council are proud of and has been visibly championed by the Leader (e.g. Regards endobj It will be important for SKDC to invest in good governance in its widest sense to ensure positive behaviours, effective relationship building, and shared values are embedded and sustained across the council. View as HTML, FW Freedom of Information request Senior Management.txt, 1K stream Sign up for a free account. One example of this is the workforce planning tool, which has received positive reviews thus far. This will strengthen SKDCs understanding of its communities and role as a place leader. South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) is a local authority in England which exists to serve the best interests of our residents. /ID [<31322D43302D34312D34332D42352D30><39352D42372D44302D36352D37342D43>] South Kesteven District Council. Get a Free Account. stream Whilst recognising the challenge of a multi-centred geography, SKDC should consider if the districts full potential is being realised, in terms of brand and exploiting its assets. Architectural Design and Investment, The following are the peer teams key recommendations to the council: Developing the discipline and mindset required for strong operational financial management will support effective prioritisation, informed decision-making, and setting and delivery of realistic savings targets. 5. /Size 153 /Prev 238394 The council recognises that use of reserves is not a sustainable long term financial strategy. Housing Repairs, Email address safeguarding@southkesteven.gov.uk. Looking for a particular South Kesteven Council employee's phone or email? Consideration should be given to how SKDCs change agenda continues in a sustainable model that mitigates against 'single points of failure given the critical roles of the Leader and Chief Executive in this. Furthermore, whilst silo working remains a challenge, there has been an emergence of some cross-organisational and multi-disciplinary team working across Directorates, across elected members as well as on ad hoc initiatives such as resettlement of asylum seekers locally. 6. Staff morale however whilst clearly improving after a period of uncertainty and change could be further strengthened. stream Could you please confirm that you only require Senior Management employed "yesterday" actually on the 14th September 2010? This can have a broad impact, such as the officer resources required to service these, the diversion of elected members capacity from strategic decision-making, and adverse bearing on service delivery. Organisational structure and senior salaries Home Your council and democracy Open data, data sets and the transparency code Organisational structure and senior salaries Organisational. Effective budgetary management will be important foundation for reliable financial outcomes upon which to base difficult decisions going forward. SKDCs political decision-making process can, however, be time consuming, with a demanding committee cycle frequency. Search over 700 e5x 2=gO6l4 &U Follow us on Facebook; Follow us on Twitter; Follow us on Linked In . Finally, we created a strapline which encapsulated the brief in a very succinct and meaningful way: Public sector pace setters. SKDC seems to have learnt something from the bankers. Ask a question about working or interviewing at South Kesteven District Council. The introduction of a Corporate Plan, appraisal system and performance management approach are having a positive impact. To raise awareness of the opportunities, we advertised on the Guardian using theirAudience Match behavioural targeting technology to deliver banners to both active job seekers on their job board as well as passive ones on the news site and relevant professional networks. In conjunction with the illustration, we used the Selima script font, which is also very different to the typical typography used by local councils and even before the message would have been considered, it gave SKDC a very strong point of differentiation in the media. JFIF C However, it may want to reflect on whether its ambitions are understated, clearly articulated and if its true potential is fully recognised, such as its vision for Grantham and wider locality offer. <> Join the community to connect with real employees and see what other professionals are saying about their companies. The team then spent three days onsite at South Kesteven DC, during which they: This report provides a summary of the peer teams findings. 4. endobj Income Management, Future ways of working: Hyndburn Borough Council have given consideration managing the multitude of issues that sit within future ways of working so Kirsten Burnett (Kirsten.Burnett@hyndburnbc.gov.uk) would be happy to share reflections on their current thinking around this. The 2011 census reports 133,788 people at 1.4 per hectare in 57,344 households. Get contact details including emails and phone numbers Manager of Global Recruiting, WarnerMedia, This is definitely my preferred extension for finding email addresses. This could include: continuous dialogue; more active community leadership role for councillors; systematic approach to resident and community engagement; promoting equality, diversity and inclusion; collaborating on shared priorities; and co-design. Corporate Information, Joint Chief Executive. SKDC can be proud in recognising and celebrating what it has achieved in the past 18 months and looking ahead to achieving its full potential. endobj 6 0 obj Run by Volunteers and powered by Alaveteli. These are compounded by the challenges of recovering from COVID-19 whilst at the same time pursuing growth and investment aspirations. Efforts to establish a new positive and performance-driven workplace culture are having positive impact but are not yet permeating consistently across the organisation. The Council is very grateful for all of Aidan's hard work in The Cabinet is increasingly aware of the financial challenges ahead and there is a recognition that tough decisions about services and investments as financial pressure builds will need to be taken. The Trade Unions are a valued and trusted partner, whose views are proactively sought, listened to, and acted upon. Historically at South Kesteven District Council these bands are published in the pay policy statement using a minimum range bracket of 5000, this is based on the Local . The current refresh of the Corporate Plan which is underway provides a great opportunity to achieve this. SKDCs commitment to establish a positive organisational culture, and measures taken to drive this, are widely recognised and are showing results. In terms of content, we wanted to convey that South Kesteven District Council wasnt standing still. Details may be made available to specified external agencies, . Waste and Street Scene, Evonne Rogers- Assistant Director - Corporate and Community Services, IT, Deputy Chief Executive (Programme Delivery) John Leach. Capacity for improvement - Is the organisation able to support delivery of local priorities? WhatDoTheyKnow also publishes and archives requests and responses, building a massive archive of information. Sustainability, PDF of the report on the South Kesteven District Council website. In partnership with Davidson & Partners, WDAD were asked to help with raising the recruitment brand awareness for those two posts to improve the quality of applications. Environmental Health and Licensing, 78FlU;WB2tjALNg*J@&R!Lr[5WNg=EzSBos[{^'qcW,XTi'I4[w3lk_}]-X{WSbYx7Z ^1m Neither had high, glossy production values, but were deliberately shot in a very down-to-earth way to convey an honest and authentic message from both individuals as to why someone should consider joining SKDC. Tel: 01476 406080. Decisions taken in recent years such as investments in leisure centres, a new depot and public realm - will continue to have a major financial impact for years to come. A growing population and a growing economy creates jobs, secures infrastructure and attracts investment. ;,3`p;}M;=cRob~?a0k2 B_X. Last year seven thought they deserved a salary band of 60K or more, the same as our MP, but now their numbers have increased by a staggering 57% to eleven. Bringing together plans around blended working, staff accommodation, asset management and IT investment will support long-term joined-up planning, aligned to SKDCs future organisational vision. SWB2+_WQBwW(7jZ_VnFwr#tfWo2>g_nLelZ6K6&tj?u:=0#. South Kesteven is a local government district in Lincolnshire, England, forming part of the traditional Kesteven division of the county. Bins, street care, recycling and commercial waste, Request a repair to your council property, Moving home - update your council tax bill, Report garden fire and bonfire complaints, Report an overflowing or damaged litter bin, Open data, data sets and the transparency code, Organisational structure and senior salaries, Senior management salary information [94kb], SKDC Gender Pay Gap Information 2021 [106kb], SKDC Gender Pay Gap Information 2017-2019 [80kb], Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, Expenditure exceeding 250 (supplier payments). The staff the Peer Team spoke to were passionate, dedicated, spoke highly of their immediate teams, and proud of what they do for the council and its communities. Thanks for this tool! It was also reported to the Peer Team that unpredictable planning outcomes are affecting the views of developers and could adversely impact their investment decisions. . It will also be important to ensure that as the performance management approach evolves it remains proportionate and outcome driven. View as HTML. References to micromanagement, a blame culture, and them and us mentality were reported in relation to the attitude of some councillors towards staff. SKDC produces an Annual Equality and Diversity Position Statement and seeks to promote equality of opportunity across its functions in line with its public sector equality duty. SKDC may wish to consider similar initiatives which can help create a positive, empowered environment for collaborative member officer working. Read what this employee has to say about working at South Kesteven District Council: Housing Department - extremely poor pace to work. The multitude of measures taken in recent times to strengthen governance demonstrates SKDCs commitment to this. View as HTML, Your request is acknowledged but as per my previous email we do seek SKDC had ambitious plans to meet the economic and political challenges it faced in what were, and remain, challenging times for as a small district council. However, there could be greater clarity around individual priorities as this was not always clearly understood by partners. Website: www.southkesteven.gov.uk Headquarters: Grantham, United Kingdom Size: 501 to 1000 Employees Type: Government Revenue: $5 to $25 million (USD) Competitors: Unknown South Kesteven District Council Reviews 3.7 61 % Recommend to a Friend 5.0 Current Employee, more than 10 years "Up & Coming LA" 4 Sep 2022 - Anonymous Employee stream This report is prepared solely for the use of Council and senior management of South Kesteven District Council. <> Robert Barlow. Transitioning to a more external facing approach when SKDCs organisational improvement journey allows will enable SKDC to articulate, and leverage, more clearly its vision and ambitions for place. Many long service highly skilled staff have lef. To realise this, SKDC should reinforce and create links across all partners to restate and secure buy-in to its vision for economic growth. 3 0 obj Michelle Sacks. It covers Bourne, Grantham, Market Deeping and Stamford. 8.1 The senior management within housing are responsible for the effective implementation of this policy. Based on 25 reviews. % South Kesteven District Council Council Offices St Peter's Hill Grantham NG31 6PZ. 3. These are bespoke and tailored to the context. | South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) is a local authority in England which exists to serve the best interests of our residents. Enter employee name to find & verify emails, phones, social links, etc. South Kesteven District Council contact details, Interim Head of Service Support and Improvement at London Borough of Camden, Leisure and Cultural Services Team Manager at West Lindsey District Council, Deputy Content Editor at Lincolnshire Media, Assistant Chief Executive at South Kesteven District Council, This is such a great and simple tool to use., "Find personal mails seamlessly. Such shots and associated headlines appear week-in, week-out in the recruitment media and by using such images we wouldnt be standing out; but rather blending in. They are working hard to develop trust with the political leadership and wider workforce. This request has been closed to new correspondence. It will also ensure the plan remains relevant and help secure further buy-in. Drew joined South Hams District Council in 2005 as Head of Environmental Health, before taking on . Clarifying the roles and responsibilities of members and officers will be important to rebalance this organisational dynamic. Governance and culture - Are there clear and robust governance arrangements? 7 0 obj 4 South Kesteven District Council reviews. He has overall management of most of the council's workforce. %PDF-1.7 Up to 5 The process is not designed to provide an in-depth or technical assessment of plans and proposals. A site to help anyone submit a Freedom of Information request. >> It will be important to address unacceptable behaviours by clearly articulating a standard of behaviour for all SKDC members and officers. Governance and Constitution, This will require courage in political decision making, and collective ownership from political and officer leadership. (05798215). SKDC recognise the journey they are on, and that there is some way to go to be the type of authority it aspires to be. In the aftermath of the Coronavirus crisis we have three clear priorities: to protect the health of our staff, our members and our residents; to maintain our critical services; and to support our local businesses. Doing so will help build greater trust, accountability and shared understanding which are vital components in moving the authority forward. These areas are critical to councils performance and improvement. Enhancing opportunities for closer teamwork between members and officers will help foster greater trust, accountability, and shared understanding and create capacity for elected members to invest in other aspect of their roles. southkesteven.gov.uk. The Asset Disposal Strategy, due to be considered by Cabinet in December, is a great opportunity to provide clarity around plans for Assets, and associated actions required. No credit card required. This site uses cookies to store information on your computer, to improve your experience. Save profiles. 1.2 South Kesteven District Council's Chief Executive Aidan Rave is leaving the Council on 31 July 2019 to pursue new ventures. SKDC aspires to be a high performing council with this a clear and measurable objective in its Corporate Plan, however some services are starting from a low base. Examples included induction support for newly elected members on how the council works, as well as longer term skill development, including being a Company Director. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> %PDF-1.7 x Previous initiatives whereby councillors spent time with services to enhance their understanding of the practical demands and barriers encountered in service delivery have been received positively. Direct Dial: 01476 406113, 504K These interests are represented by the council's 56 elected members who in turn are accountable to our residents. One interesting feature of the site was the use of two videos from the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive. 4.2 We have scheduled meetings with members of the Senior Management Team in December 2010 in order to discuss the 2011/12 Internal Audit Plan, Registered address: Unit 1, Digital House, Peak Business Park, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 9RF, 2023 WDAD. The clear vision articulated through the Corporate Plan balances aspirations for growth with protecting the environment and developing healthy, strong communities. Does the council have a strategy and a plan to address its financial challenges? Where this has occurred, it has been successful and there is a desire for this type of approach to be expanded. 5 0 obj Seeking to learn from elsewhere and investing in individuals development will also be important in establishing a continuous learning culture to drive forward improvement. The council is at a pivotal moment, moving into new territory in terms of the financial challenges it faces. ",#(7),01444'9=82. And the biggest growth is amongst those who earn the most. Sign up for a free account. The council needs to continue to make further progress, building on the positive momentum it has created. Great product!, Sr. SKDC is moving into unfamiliar territory in terms of the financial challenges it faces. All traffic was driven to a dedicated campaign careers micrositewhere more information on the roles, location and rewards could be found. SKDC recognise there is still a way to go to achieve the culture and performance improvements it aspires to, and that sustainable improvement will take time to embed. Stoke City Council recently undertook a similar exercise so would be happy to share further information. Salary for positions lower than senior management is poor, Outdated culture with lots of long-standing staff who are resistant to change, . <> It's home to innovative entrepreneurs and savvy start-ups, a base for global enterprise, and an inviting landscape perfectly situated in the heart of England. Officers will be important to ensure that as the performance management approach evolves it remains and..., moving into new territory in terms of the financial challenges it faces and make change. Valued and trusted partner, whose views are proactively sought, listened to, and address uncertainty which distract... Has steered the authority through a period of south kesteven district council senior management and change could be greater around... The councils 56 elected members to understand their roles has been highlighted as something would. And officers will be important foundation for reliable financial outcomes upon which to base difficult decisions going.! 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