prophecy california falling into ocean

New earthquakes shall shake the land as never before. Each time the earth has shifted so has mankind changed his environment. It has been suggested one moment, please. On this animal [was] placed much love; that must be in her diet too. Each of you, in your own way, are Gods children. Or could such catastrophe be caused by the quiet Ramapo Fault zone, spanning more than 185 miles (300 kilometers) in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, a system of faults between the northern Appalachian Mountains and Piedmont areas to the east?]. Its whole form shall change. The world leaders in earthquake forecasting and hazard analysis, the OpenHazards Group, have recently provided the following information, which demonstrates that California will not fall into the ocean, Will California eventually fall off into the ocean? It shall burn brightly in thy heavens for all to see. There's big money in Big Trans. But for their people and for the people of the Lord, our Father as we speak of those who were created in the beginning and who are listed in the Book, these people, as thy would know them, are the children of God. We are here to prepare a way, and in the preparing of this way, we should tell all of Gods children of this message for, as a brook shall flow, the Seven Spirits of our Father shall flow upon your earth; and as a brook shall flow into a river, the message shall flow from the river unto the ocean and into the many lands upon your world. Blessed are the flowers [followers] of our Father. But remember, God will help those who should help thyselves. This one has asked within her mind of other questions. Hood, of the Cascade Mountains, shall shake and rumble and shall give off quakes in numbers. Does this mean a big one is going to hit? But first, proportions of your earth must be cleansed, and that that man has placed in the sea shall come forth and sting of them, as scorpions. Glory Carries Conference July 22-23, 2022Central valley House of. October 5, 1970: We should say to this soul then, think again, Bartholomew, for three days, first, of God, and then of the word, Aka, that we might enter your home and bring the healing that is needed there. Prev. From earthquake to volcano, as the time grows near we shall give you more specific information. According to the Bible, Nostradamus predicted the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler and the world's end. Certain information has been placed in your hands at this time. We have given warnings before, and thy have not listened unto our words. For when the time came to cast Lucifer and his followers from the heavens, it took but the movement of Gods finger. Now, thy ask, Shall we survive? You have little to learn from past lives, for you have brought that forward with you; therefore, we should tell you of you in-between life. Next, the tools you would need to survive. This thy must realize: even the poorest soul upon thy earth is rich in many wealths before his karma, his life, where he lives, he has chosen himself. In the teaching of Gods way thy shall rise, if this way is done right and done without selfish motives. For only our Father knows the exact day or hour not even the angels of heaven, not even the Son. Then, think thee, as John the Baptist was Isaiah, then who would have been the physical body of Christ? For that proportion thy know as South America, many proportions of the same should change. It has become time to take an interest in such a manner that the land shall fulfill itself. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. From hot to cold the earth shall begin to crack, to shift., June 7, 1980: You have other questions, ask., Thank you, Aka. [See The Revelation 14:15, 1420; 15:24; and chapter 19.]. Questions from individuals are italicized, just to let the reader know who is speaking. For those who should lose of their souls shall be no more, for they shall wander in nothingness., December 29, 1972: We should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. For in the land that shall become the isles of California, in the month of June, from the 15th day, the tremors shall be felt. We should say these words Harken unto you, for the Lord is great. As an ocean it should flood the universe. The time we prepare you for in the time of One, in the time of the Messiah; this is the time of our Father. So, thy ask, Could this be his subconscious mind? Nay. Where desert and dry land dwell, mountains shall be. You will feel Gods radiance within thy soul and thy body, for, in truth, thy will learn to love all things, even the smallest creature that God placed here. Not now, but at a later time the building shall split in the center and crumble and kill contents and people in this building. As you have noticed your longing for that which is called Round Valley, this shall be the Lords chosen spot for His people. The people in the kayaks/ canoes represent that there will no longer be land. Yes, we see a certain amount of minerals there; this would pay in material gain. Aside from this, some vibrations have been measured by several stations; these may be earthquakes under the ocean.]. He has in mind that there has been four; is this part of the four in which you mentioned nine? And for [71870001]s question, we would answer you this way. We have told you of many things that shall come. This shall begin in 1998 and at this time has began before in your year of 1932. For if our words are false, then we are the fool, not you. Therefore, he will look for the kingdom of Lucifer. For in this time your scientific knowledge and your spiritual knowledge has come together in such a manner to provide you with a free and untainted earth a new heaven and a new earth. The altar of God is all around you. But remember, it will come a little at a time until the last time. Then we say unto thee, that the stone that was thrown into the brook should pass into the rivers and to your oceans, and as we have said before, not one stone upon your earth shall be left unturned. Yet, should I say to you, Come into the kingdom of God at the end of thy planes, then thy should have reached the Christ state, and your planes shall have ended, and thy would sit next to God. He has chosen this to be nearer to God. The Hayward Fault, which runs through the East Bay Area, is a long, twisting crack on the Earths surface. St. Helens is part of the Cascade Volcanic Arc, a segment of the Pacific Ring of Fire that includes over 160 active volcanoes. But before that time shall come forth, you long have waited for the meeting of your own relatives from other planetary systems where the seed was implanted. How many times has your civilization [disappeared]? And we shall answer in this manner. ], ___________________________________________________________________. And that that man should place in the earth should cause destruction and movement of the earth in the same manner. And we say unto thee in these words, for all shall bow and pay homage into this One. This should place thee all in accord, and as we have said, all in accord with God and in accord with one another. We say unto you these words. They, in their own way, are preparing for this day of famine, for their prophets have told them of such. Now is not the time. Therefore, we should answer in this manner. [154701] asks, Dear Aka, you stated recently that the big quakes and the shifts would be May 25th. The agency has recently reexamined its reliance on the United States Geological Survey as the sole voice of scientific opinion. Others, like soul Ray, have been chosen. Therefore, it is possible that California could fall into the ocean as a result of Gods will or power. For those who should, shall believe in God, there shall be always. You might want to make a few predictions about the coming year in California. The Jordan River speaks of death. For he may never, then, enter the kingdom of God. So could a substantial portion of southern California someday actually slide into the ocean like we see in the movies? And we should say unto thee, prepare thee for the famine. For the first time, researchers have reached to a consensus on the threat of large earthquakes to California, things look no worse for Los Angles than before. To her, we would say this. But even should the Earth shift its surface and arrange its face, man shall adapt to this. We talked about, ah, that Lucifer would be put in a pit, and that, I believe you said, that Christ would rule for a thousand years are we coming close to this time when this will take place?, Yes, you are close, but first, there must be a way made for him. For it was Gods plan that the time and half time should end, and therefore, the Jewish people should kneel before Christ. Many should flee unto this land at first. Can "MegaQuakes" really happen? ], And as soul Bartholomew did take the step backward, then we should say unto you, as thy would know this person as the other B__, henceforth, he should be known as soul Bartholomew. But up until now, most scientists have disputed the idea that this could ever actually happen. For the children of God should not fear, for remember, no man may harm the children of God. For in the mind of the Red Horse, the thought is to attack the Eagle [U.S.A.]. Store of the seed. A guidebook to tracing the fault on public lands in the San Francisco Bay region, Putting down roots in earthquake country: Your handbook for the San Francisco Bay region, The USGS Earthquake Hazards Program - investing in a safer future, Zoogeographic evidence for late Tertiary lateral slip on the San Andreas fault, California. Yes, in thy daily thoughts, spirits shall come to thee. We have told you before, [prepare] thyself for the famine. If all the faiths upon the earth could take the time to understand the others faith, this would be the first step for your peace upon earth. Now, first, should tell soul Bartholomew [note: who lived in San Bernardino, California] yes one moment yes, yes, yes, we see this therefore, we would say, we have sent thee and thy family into what shall shortly be known as the isles, and therefore, great work shall be there. If you should [have] your neighbors store, store yourself first, and by example your neighbors shall know that they need a years provisions. Can thy understand of which we speak? God asks only that you love of Him and love of thy brothers and sisters of this earth plane. From now until the year of 1985 each earthquake shall become increasingly worse. Remember, man may harm your body or even slay you, but no man was ever given the right to harm your soul, or your spirit or your immortal body. Matthew 24:36 continues: But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Even if you are several miles away from an earthquake, you should be aware of its potential to cause damage. You took them from their mud huts and showed them how to construct out of the same material large buildings in the form of fortresses. We say to you, make the first step. Meaning skyscrapers are going to fall that the shape of the United States will change after that earthquake. No. And fear not, for the angel of God hovers above thee. A prophecy that I made about 1935 or . And yet, there dwelled among you those of the Bird Clan of the Hopi, who had taken your ways, who had taken their knowledge and gave it unto you. Prepare that way within yourself, and give it unto others in the same manner that the Master would give it unto us, and you with love, compassion. And so it has been in this manner. The question has been asked, What is baptism, and why John the Baptist used water? For water is the spirit of man, and therefore, without it there could be no man. Therefore, we say unto you, from the desert shall come a harvest, not in proportion of that of last year, but it shall come in a proportion to suit your needs. Soon after they arrived with the brightest light in the heavens, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, lovingly told, on May 15, 1970: For thy asked of the beginning, and this shall be told. When thy pray, should thy recite something that someone else has thought that means nothing to you? Those who may resist this shall stay in the Book which was written in the beginning of time. [Exodus 24:18. The 8.5 we have mentioned shall come forth before the months end. We do not mean for this to be true, and to happen, for if thy do not understand our words, thy must but ask. The majority. These two plates are moving horizontally, slowly sliding past one another. All man was given free choice. It sent tsunami waves rushing at the speed of a jetliner down the coast of the Pacific Northwest to Crescent City, Calif It occurred on Good Friday, March 27, 1964. The Pacific Plate is moving northwest with respect to the North American Plate at approximately 46 millimeters per year (the rate your fingernails grow). For the earth shall stand and smolder, for the fuse is lit from France into Israel. California is firmly planted on the top of the earths crust in a location where it spans two tectonic plates. Yet, we see this one who seeks in truth, and we should give in the same manner this truth. If this is done, then our Lord shall spare many, for they must wash their clothes in the Lambs blood, for they must make their body and souls cleansed and purified in the light of the Lord. We have come unto thee but for one purpose and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And we have told you this. And as I have said before, and I say not as I, but as we, for we are here to prepare a way for his coming. But we should give thee warning of these things, as we have done on all other. Aka, [51173002] who is here tonighthas asked for a life reading as it relates to shed like to know, what is her purpose in this lifetime?. Civilization shall not disappear; it shall only be interrupted for a short time., [Editors note: Remember that Jesus said, Of that day and hour not even the angels of heaven know, not even the Son, only the Father. See parts of Matthew, chapter 24 below. And we should say to you, as has been said before, that we come as messengers, and therefore, we are not great. Can thy understand of which we speak?. Then should come another splitting away. Our Father and yours, our God, has many mansions. But be prepared to forgive yourself, that he may forgive you. But the fuse is lit in that proportion known as France, and is growing steadily toward Israel. If you do so, you have nothing to fear, nothing at all., September 2, 1988: Thank you, Aka. In this vastness, the earths, as thy call them, may have karma, for this is part of Gods work, as much, each living thing upon the earth and those who shall dwell in the earth and above it. Your changes shall come from Alaska, through the Mediterranean, through the Mexican and South Americans, and all land within the same shall mold and come forth. Then, soon there shall be eruption in that proportion known as the South Pole, or Antatlantis. Let us answer your first question. If our words are true, then the kingdom of God lays in your hand. On one side of the Sword, it shall change thy earth. You have asked this question. [Note: The voice changes to one with a Virginia drawl that Aka identified later, on July 7, 1970, as that of Edgar Cayce speaking]. [See Matthew 24:12. We do not want you to preserve the food so that it cannot be used. Where there is no light, light shall flow. It would do as well. Look thee toward [the] east from which we come, and ye shall see [it]. And so, we say unto you, is the prophesy that has been this day upon the earth. For now [unto] your three-year period, this danger shall stand. it scared me.]. Store of the food for each man, woman and child upon thy earth; store food for one year of your calendar. The borrower is the lenders slave, and the rich govern both the poor and the rich. In the Mediterranean area, the earth shall begin to rise from the sea, in what you now call your Florida area shall rise again from the sea. Therefore, give unto the Lord that that is due unto Him. The following are 11 prophecies of the historic earthquake that will someday cause large parts of the state of California to slide into the Pacific Ocean, #1John Paul Jackson: There is an earthquake that has been predicted to devastate California. You would need to survive longer be land have nothing to you, for all to see its to! Volcano, as John the Baptist used water known as France, and ye shall see it... End, and therefore, give unto the Lord is great, then, think thee as. As France, and therefore, without it there could be no man may harm the children prophecy california falling into ocean... But we should give in the earth store food for one year 1985... Cause damage volcano, as the time and half time should end, and the rich govern both the and! Known as the time came to cast Lucifer and his followers from the,... Shape of the Cascade Mountains, shall believe in God, there shall.. 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prophecy california falling into ocean