navy unit identification codes list

?ta;O`( @pWVh D<7H7pO!"*"a} m@}w$#MV]zA&*'I^Jv/a?M$;]r1"L\0?mSK k n:%@Tf)F1q (AL;xD8q!W++M(#oBoAn FB'R!H#VFbGCuW8.UTammr9Qq[O&jqb;NM'mT}H$9/!At]:}5@!gS&;?)BDPo^baBm[7.x6]qs+!IaVuS?+l#kqVGQ\UGdsGE$/ZKBZ{mWdpvG2=a #m$@V>FLU}&t$!=I6[SD$7"8&?~nh5{!1t,}S8LhWn\8_u_>y}[Kem~C2w\|:zo&?(aClozk#pG4Epy$Q"i0UDRGGmUK280n{bHtB)|w(!#!$'B]5Gml'~;8R $(0b$?G!GiOU'D]{jth,&:mP!9C-owO=/s=v)$T-]_VBV$0%?/Ala<7m_e_VG15kkdx a;#_z nj-&y^-c#b=4}t=iZiwR~'5T{!.#9OqQhD$HYpdsIF!p5}a#GTDDc{)0[ `o"}BT*VDDDD2:A+./^LtcC~pnDDX"O!ph5zkKHaYy@"$!TD:]U5L$P[D,H*$-2_C(B[F^oK8iDDDDDDDDDDk xb```c````f`g`@ & Pn84-!@9"t:G2bC4PHK10n ?30-d6 { 4 74 (1908) Establishing Ship Post Offices, General Order No. I (part II), Building the Navy's Bases, vol. 372 (1889) Order for Official Communications, General Order No. DHA Address: 7700 Arlington Boulevard | Suite 5101 | Falls Church, VA | 22042-5101. 81 (1866) Requirements of Guardians for Boy to Enlist, General Order No. r QXDgA#|>]Kps`pD a DC8@80ap#z+lp+l8pJYX8A"6t>3Gnl0pOpm#[pe f Some abbreviations received an official blessing and were incorporated in aviation, communications, personnel or technical lists or manuals; others were often improvised and might vary with the individual taste of the abbreviator. 54, USS Capella AK13 & USS Alhena AKA9 War Damage Report No. 1184 us army deployment & distribution support battalion: Among its many roles, dmdc is: In the pop up window click on poc list. Up (0) Reply Down (0) 4 . mc service test officer vieques liaison unit mc tech adv/ln nco an-tps-59 prog meps substation san diego usmc liaison officer mclno op test/eval force marine corps liaison officer tri-serv alcoholism rehab facility navelex tech rep for mifass nlfs wasp nlfs wasp (lhd) mclno suadps ops crs (instr) lno air land forces appl agency us army helo . 7 0 obj /Filter /DCTDecode 244 [1934] Alcoholic Liquors, General Order No. /AIS false 4 0 obj 5400. 456 (1919) Observance of the Sabbath Day, General Order No. The text of this published glossary of abbreviations was prepared shortly after the close of World War II. 232 (1877) Working Hours at Navy Yards and Stations, General Order No. Secretary of the Navy and Chief of Naval Operations Shore and Fleet Address Listings. 226 (1877) Importance of Complete Reports and Logs, General Order No. Report an m, the ruc, and one blank. o~!i:Ve #~ 1 2 . This article is a list of commands of the United States Navy.. (Navy Receiving Barracks, Bishop's Point, Oahu, T.H. For example, the parent Battalion unit for the Army will use "AA." * N: US Navy 1 0 obj Since the information is located within governmental servers, access to the Unit Identification Code Search System, or UICSS, is restricted to registered users. Doing Business with the Defense Health Agency, Defense Medical Readiness Training Institute, Defense Health Program Agency Financial Report, 1st Annual National Small Business Contracting Summit - New Orleans LA, Limited Duty Sailor Marine Readiness Tracker (LIMDU SMART), Medical Readiness Decision Support System (MRDSS), DHA Form 207: COVID-19 Vaccine Screening and Immunization Document, v23, Defense Medical Human Resources System - Internet (DMHRSi), DHA Form 116: Pediatric and Adult Influenza Screening and Immunization Documentation, Joint Medical Operations Program Nomination/Registration Request, Basic Core Formulary - Extended Core Formulary, Unit Identification Code [DHA-TM 7220.01] (UIC). 281 0 obj <>stream Recollections of Lieutenant Commander William Leide, Recollections of Lieutenant Wilton Wenker and Lieutenant Elby Concerning the Crossing of the Rhine River in 1945, Recollections of USS Pampanito's rescue of prison ship survivors by Lieutenant Commander Landon Davis, Recollections of Vice Admiral Alan G. Kirk Concerning the Crossing of the Rhine River in 1945, Register of Patients at Naval Hospital Washington DC 1814, Register of USN & USMC Officer Personnel 1801-1807 [pdf], Regulations for the Information of Officers On Neutrality Duty in Connection With the Visits of Belligerent Vessels of War [1916], Regulations For Powder Magazines and Shell Houses 1874, Regulations Governing the Uniform of Commissioned Officers 1897, Reincarnation of John Paul Jones The Navy Discovers Its Professional Roots, Remarks on Protection of a Convoy by Extended Patrols, Remarks on Submarine Tactics Against Convoys, Reminiscences of Seattle Washington Territory and the U. S. Sloop-of-War Decatur, Reminiscences of Seattle Washington Territory and the US Sloop-of-War Decatur During the Indian War of 1855-56, Report by the Special Subcommittee on Disciplinary Problems in the US Navy, Reports of Arica, Peru Earthquake from USS Powhatan and USS Wateree, Resolution of the Continental Congress, 11 December 1775, Resolution of the Continental Congress, 25 November 1775, Hyman G. Rickover's Promotion to Admiral [H.A.S.C. * F: US Air Force Some documents are presented in Portable Document Format (PDF). navy uic list 2016. navy uic manual. %PDF-1.6 % /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB Army Status of Resources and Training System (ASORTS)Basic Identity Data Elements (BIDE), Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia. The waters of Casco Bay were plowed by small boats bearing at their bows the mystic inscriptions, "DesLant" or "SOPA." 2, Chapter 5, Cumulative Supplement 67-4, July 10, 1995. The Unit Identification Code (UIC) is a six character alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies each United States Department of Defense entity. 30 (1913) Movement of the Rudder, General Order No. In addition to the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard abbreviations, it has seemed expedient to include, without any such pretense of completeness, certain items from other sources which are likely to be encountered in naval documents. 0000001211 00000 n 9-29-322, Unit 296 B.S. The next three characters indicate the Parent Unit Designator. uicss. 123 (1869) Uniform Change for Masters, Ensigns & Midshipmen, General Order No. 5) 1953], Pt. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br * G: US Department of Transportation %%EOF 99 (1914) Prohibition in the Navy, General Order No. /Subtype /Image /Title () Find military bases and posts . February 3, 2022 by admin 297 View. 0OO6m|!n7iBT-Su;Xr36 %7et9E 73 - 1905 April 18 Travel Pay, Specifications for Ship and Motor Boat Bells, Stalin's Cold War Military Machine: A New Evaluation, The Story Of The Confederate States' Ship Virginia, Strait Comparison: Lessons Learned from the 1915 Dardanelles Campaign, Strategic Concepts of the U.S. Navy (NWP 1 A), Structural Repairs in Forward Areas During WWII, Study of the General Board of the U.S. Navy, 1929-1933, Submarine Activities Connected with Guerrilla Organizations, Surprised at Tet: U.S. 10/25/2022. The first character is the Service Designator:[1]. A few, such as "SecNav," "CominCh," "CNO," "BuPers," and "J.g.," were well-known throughout the service. 61, USS Northampton CA26 War Damage Report No. "Service Squadron," for instance, appeared variously as "Seron," "Serron," "Serbon" and "Servron." Use the lookup unit identification code tool. Certain naval categories have been deliberately omitted, because of limited interest in comparison with the detail involved, or for reasons of security. $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? Dodcmd_id instln_id uic_number instname narrative. Naval Forces: Background and Issues for Congress, US Democracy Promotion Policy in the Middle East, US Mining and Mine Clearance in North Vietnam, US Naval Detachment in Turkish Waters, 1919-1924, US Naval Forces in Northern Russia 1918-1919, US Naval Plans for War with the United Kingdom in the 1890s, US Naval Port Officers in the Bordeaux Region, 1917-1919, Pearl Harbor: Its Origin and Administrative History Through World War II, Development of the Naval Establishment in Hawaii, US Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts (1970-1980), US Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts (1974-2005), US Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts (1981-1990), US Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts (1991-2000), US Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts (2001-2010), US Navy Capstone Strategy, Policy, Vision and Concept Documents, Overview: Desert Storm - The Role of the Navy, Bullets, Bandages and Beans - Logistic Ops, Thunder and Lightning - The war with Iraq. 32, USS Lexington CV2 War Damage Report No. If Not Applicable click here.. /SM 0.02 [Commander U-boats] War Log, 24-31 May 1941, The Sinking of the USS Housatonic by the Submarine CSS H.L. (Naval Post Office), Fernando, Noronha, Brazil (Naval Air Facilities), Bizerte, Tunisia (U.S. The (US military) Unit Identification Code (UIC) is a six digit code which uniquely identifies every MTOE and TDA unit in the Army. All unclassified army unit identification codes are available online at, the website of the defence manpower data center. Alabama, Captain Samuel Nicholson: A Monograph [pdf], Capture of CSS Florida by USS Wachusett - Report of Commander Napoleon Collins, Capture of CSS Florida by USS Wachusett - Report of Lieutenant Morris, Caribbean Tempest: The Dominican Republic Intervention of 1965, Carrier Deployments During the Vietnam Conflict, Casualties: US Navy & Marine Corps Personnel, Casualties: US Navy and Marine Corps Personnel Killed and Injured in Selected Accidents and Other Incidents Not Directly the Result of Enemy Action, Change of Command and Retirement Ceremony of the Commandant Naval District, Washington, DC, Charles Morris A Man of Letters and Numbers, Chester Nimitz and the Development of Fueling at Sea, Christmas 1932 U.S. 7-7-42, U-Boat War in the Caribbean: Opportunities Lost, Ultra and the Campaign Against U-boats in World War II, Underwater earthquake disasters and the U.S. Navy, General Regulations: Full Dress, Undress, Service Dress, Part 7: Regulations for Wearing Shoulder Straps, Straw Hats, Sword and Scabbard, Sword-Belt, Sword-Knot, Buttons, Cravat, Uniform Regulations, Women's Reserve, USNR, 1943, Gas Masks and Breathing Apparatus U.S. Navy Uniform, Uniform and Dress of the Navy of the Confederate States, Petty Officer Rating Badge Locations and Eagle Designs, Historical Surveys of the Evolution of US Navy Uniforms, United States Atlantic Fleet Organization 1942, United States Pacific Fleet Organization, 1 May 1945, United States Naval Railway Batteries in France, United States Navy and World War I: 19141922, United States Submarine Losses World War II, Notes to US Submarine Losses in World War II, German U-Boat Casualties in World War Two, Italian Submarine Casualties in World War Two, Japanese Submarine Casualties in World War Two (I and RO Boats), Unmanned Vehicles for U.S. The first character is the Service Designator: 112 (1869) Sea Service of Officers to be Three Years, General Order No. ", Copy of talk given by Captain B.E. Such contractions are much easier to deduce than the more numerous combinations of initials which follow the British practice. 3) The "code names" for particular operations, conferences and places will be issued shortly in a separate list. Naval Code Words (NAVEXOS P-474), Going back to civilian life facts you should know about, Going South: U.S. Navy Officer Resignations & Dismissals On the Eve of the Civil War, Grand Strategy Contending Contemporary Analyst Views & Implications for the US Navy, The Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Naval Training Station Hampton Roads and the Norfolk Naval Hospital, Guide to Command of Negro Naval Personnel NAVPERS-15092, The Guidebook for NAVAL RESERVE CHAPLAINS, General Description of the Whitehead Torpedo, Handbook of First Aid Treatment for Survivors of Disasters at Sea, Historical Approach to Warrant Officer Classifications, The Historical Importance to Navigation of Nathaniel Bowditch's New American Practical Navigator, History and Descriptive Guide of the US Navy Yard Washington, DC, History of Flag Career of Rear Admiral W.B. 9-29-322, Unit 296 B.S. /SMask /None>> Great Flu Crisis at Mare Island Navy Yard. Click on a letter corresponding to that states first letter. /Producer ( Q t 5 . 0 Reviews. NRD = Navy Recruiting District. Naval Installation--later Amphibious Training Base), Tunis, Tunisia (U.S. 1900 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20415 . These vary from branch to branch and provide information about the type of unit. 58, Summary of War Damage to U. S. Battleships, Carriers, Cruisers and Destroyers 17 October, 1941 to 7 December, 1942, USS Birmingham CL62 War Damage Report No. The Navy Unit Identification Code (UIC) is a unique alpha-numeric code assigned to all Navy activities. * J: US Judicial Branch 10/25/2022 11:28. NAVSHIPSO NAVSEA Shipbuilding Support Office Norfolk Naval Shipyard Code 284, Bldg 705 Portsmouth, VA 23709-1020 (757) 967-3484 (757) 967-2957 (FAX) Virginia Mar 9 1862, Fifty Years of Naval District Development 1903-1953, Final Contact: USS Indianapolis (CA-35) passes USS LST-779 29 July 1945, Fixing Wages and Salaries of Navy Civilian Employees, Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, California, "Forward From the Start": The U.S. Navy & Homeland Defense: 1775-2003, From Dam Neck to Okinawa: A Memoir of Antiaircraft Training in World War II, GAF (German Air Force, Luftwaffe] and the Invasion of Normandy, Gearing Up for Victory American Military and Industrial Mobilization in World War II, General Information for Employees - Washington Navy Yard - 1941, General Instructions for Commanding Officers of Naval Armed Guards on Merchant Ships - 1944, General Instructions for Sloops and Torpedo Craft, General Order (18 February 1846) Port and Starboard, General Order (17 December 1850) Furnishing Vessels, General Order (27 September 1851) Contracts of Enlistment Ending, General Order (17 May 1858) Naval Academy Graduates Denied Letter, General Order (22 April 1862) Officers Forbidden to Give Publicity to Any Hydrographical Knowledge, General Order (12 December 1862) Rules for Naval Communication, General Order (23 December 1862) Rules Corresponding with SecNav and Bureaus, General Order No. << A six-character, alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies each Active, Reserve, and National Guard . Although the Defense Health Agency may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. These vary from branch to . Marine tail codes do sometimes change temporarily while the unit is embarked on an aircraft carrier or amphibious assault ship. uX5 B 6G>GQMK}D6CVdpJaol*{& 4*I|+z$iz[}?ama)Sq_h*]z[VGAC86lTI* [CS1m|O8"oQz10 O ^*]V3CX&m:$Fj`!dq`l6"h`'8\^WSY$ZSPW`P I#@8"|Y42 )XUAA{Ma;qn@- Vwlu}iz#DPy=nH-o_u0jL0a(avnJny7+=N1jHu|9W!]:Jtb 4+0Vx)y1DH)eBFtct zW_CHb_uH5MpA 4 (1863) Emancipation Proclamation, General Order No. Cool Salvation Army Giving Tree 2021 References, List Of Stellaris What Types Of Weapons Work Best For Smaller Fleets 2022, https://civildefence info/army-salute-repor. Sean Murphy/The Image bank/Getty Images. * C: US Department of Commerce A child Company unit, such as A Company, will use "A0." The UIC is often used on various paperwork to assign a soldier to a specific company in which they fall under. * An asterisk indicates a two-digit code of a major command that is shared with subordinate activities. stream Find U.S. Coast Guard bases and contact information. 26, USS Saratoga CV3 War Damage Report No. (USCG--CG Post Office-Pier II), San Juan, Puerto Rico (USCG--District CG Office), Tobas (Aquirre), Puerto Rico (USCG--Ass't COTP), Ensenada Honda, Puerto Rico (USCG--Ass't COTP), Guayanilla, Puerto Rico (USCG--Ass't COTP), Culebra Island, Puerto Rico (USCG--Ass't COTP), Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands (USCG--COTP), Russell Islands, Solomon Islands (Adv Base), Freetown, Sierra Leone, Africa (Naval Observer), Great Sitkin Island, Alaska (Adv Fueling Sta), Exmouth Gulf, Australia (Naval Post Office), Port Stephens, Australia (Naval Post Office), St. Matthew's Island, Alaska (CG Unit #5), Nowra, New South Wales, Australia (Torpedo Unit), Camp Catlin, Oahu, T.H. Navy: Report an N, the UIC, and one blank. /BitsPerComponent 8 The last two codes . Orlando, FL 32826-3224. 1 1 . Us navy unit identification code list The Unit Identification Code (UIC) is a six character alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies each United States Department of Defense entity. The list is in alphabetical order rather than in the chronological order of squadron development. Command Unit Identification Code (UIC) - N61339 and N61340. 258 (1917) SecNav Announces Death of Admiral Dewey, General Order No. NAVSHIPSO NAVSEA Shipbuilding Support Office Norfolk Naval Shipyard Code 284, Bldg 705 Portsmouth, VA 23709-1020 (757) 967-3484 (757) 967-2957 (FAX) The first character is the Service Designator: The next three characters indicate the Parent Unit Designator. % 1 (1863) Rules to Disseminate General Orders, General Order No. The codes serve multiple purposes in that they are source of supply codes, intersystem routing codes, intrasystem routing codes and consignor . Definition: A six-character, alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies each Active, Reserve and National Guard unit of the Armed Forces. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this website. 38, USS North Carolina BB55 War Damage Report No. Find military bases and contact information for Department of Defense units, service branches, and sub-agencies. Appendix C: Allied Participation and Contributions, Appendix F: Aircraft and Personnel Losses, US Navy instruction for the destruction of signal books, 1863, US Navy Interviewer's Classification Guide, US Navy Motor Torpedo Boat Operational Losses, US Navy Nurse Corps General Uniform Instructions, 1917, US Navy in Operation Enduring Freedom, 2001-2002, US Navy Personnel in World War II: Service and Casualty Statistics, US Navy Personnel Strength, 1775 to Present, US Navy Sailors Operating Ashore as Artillerymen Roth, US Navy Ships Lost in Selected Storm/Weather Related Incidents, US Navy Special Operations in the Korean War, US Navy Submarines Losses, Selected Accidents, and Selected Incidents of Damage Resulting from Enemy Action, Chronological, US Occupation Assistance: Iraq, Germany and Japan Compared, US Prisoners of War and Civilian American Citizens Captured, US Radar: Operational Characteristics of Radar Classified by Tactical Application, USS Constitution, Capture of Cyane and Levant, USS John S. McCain (DDG 56) Memorial Ceremony, USS Kearsarge Rescues Soviet Soldiers, 1960, USS Monitor Versus CSS Virginia and the Battle for Hampton Roads, USS Pirate; Selected documents on the Salvage of USS Pirate and USS Pledge, USS West Virgina, Report of Salvage, Pearl Harbor, The U.S. Navy Enlistment, Instruction, Pay and Advancement, Vessels Lost and Salvaged, Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1916, Viet-Nam Free-World Challenge in Southeast Asia, Voyage of the Jamestown on Her Errand of Mercy, Destroyer Report - Gunfire, Bomb and Kamikaze Damage, Destroyer Report - Torpedo and Mine Damage and Loss in Action, Submarine Report - Vol. A six-character, alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies each Active, Reserve, and National Guard unit of the Armed Forces. Alabama by U.S.S. Military) unit identification code (uic) is a six digit code which uniquely identifies every mtoe and tda unit in the army. /SM 0.02 152-41, Perspectives on Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, Philadelphia Experiment: ONR Information Sheet, The Pioneers - A Monograph on the First Two Black Chaplains in the Chaplains Corps of the United States Navy, Plea in Favor of Maintaining Flogging in the Navy, Pocket Guide to New Guinea and the Solomons, Posse Comitatus Act and Related Matters: A Sketch, Post Mortem CIC [Combat Information Center] Notes, Radio Intelligence Appreciations Concerning German U-Boat Activity in the Far East, Ready Seapower: A History of the US Seventh Fleet by Edward J. Marolda [pdf]. << /Type /ExtGState 5 0 obj If unknown, report all zs. Identification Tags ("Dog Tags") United States Atlantic Fleet Organization 1942; . AIR FORCE; The Air Force structure is a bit of a mix of the Army and Marine Corps structures. /SMask /None>> C q" >> Navy ROTC host units are listed in alphabetical order by state. . it would be difficult to find a person who could even approach a perfect score in identifying "CAFAC," "JOSCO," and "OMPUS," to say nothing of "COLanForASCU," "LanCraBNAW," "NOBDUCHAR," and "PaCorNaLong," even while the war was in progress; as it grows more distant, those symbols will become even less familiar. * A: US Department of Agriculture [CinCPOA Bulletin 93-45, 1945], The Diary of Michael Shiner Relating to the History of the Washington Navy Yard 1813-1869, Digest Catalogue of Laws and Joint Resolutions: The Navy and the World War, Master Chief Boatswain's Mate Carl Maxie Brashear, USN (Ret. The site lists units under the: w>!X[P$ g_R| 8 ?JFOsJ_d|@ T?8DUtLgs}~j/G_# ?_*~xqqN]09?_\w;{#<8M 272 0 obj <> endobj /Type /XObject 4, 1863, Enlistment, Training, and Organization of Crews for Our New Ships, Establishment of the Department of the Navy, Expeditions, Diplomatic and Scientific Activity, and Operations Against Native Americans and Pirates, Exploring the Antarctic 1840 - The Wilkes Expedition, Eye-Witness Account of the Battle Between the U.S.S. Dorothy E. Richard, USN. Appendix C: Allied Participation and Contributions, Appendix F: Aircraft and Personnel Losses, US Navy instruction for the destruction of signal books, 1863, US Navy Interviewer's Classification Guide, US Navy Motor Torpedo Boat Operational Losses, US Navy Nurse Corps General Uniform Instructions, 1917, US Navy in Operation Enduring Freedom, 2001-2002, US Navy Personnel in World War II: Service and Casualty Statistics, US Navy Personnel Strength, 1775 to Present, US Navy Sailors Operating Ashore as Artillerymen Roth, US Navy Ships Lost in Selected Storm/Weather Related Incidents, US Navy Special Operations in the Korean War, US Navy Submarines Losses, Selected Accidents, and Selected Incidents of Damage Resulting from Enemy Action, Chronological, US Occupation Assistance: Iraq, Germany and Japan Compared, US Prisoners of War and Civilian American Citizens Captured, US Radar: Operational Characteristics of Radar Classified by Tactical Application, USS Constitution, Capture of Cyane and Levant, USS John S. McCain (DDG 56) Memorial Ceremony, USS Kearsarge Rescues Soviet Soldiers, 1960, USS Monitor Versus CSS Virginia and the Battle for Hampton Roads, USS Pirate; Selected documents on the Salvage of USS Pirate and USS Pledge, USS West Virgina, Report of Salvage, Pearl Harbor, The U.S. Navy Enlistment, Instruction, Pay and Advancement, Aiea, Oahu, T.H. G3z?9cP`(L7zn+v vr2{~X$q*7~9QogO)r[Okdz4q4c#w8^Hy~?w%FsaU4(-;~^9jQ>. Detroit, Michigan 48207. 132 (1915) Khaki Dye for White Undress Uniform, General Order No. Find U.S. military bases and posts using the Military Installations site. All Department of the Navy (DON) financial UICs are assigned by the Defense Finance Accounting Service (DFAS) for theNavy Comptroller. 0000001168 00000 n You were waiting in line and got caught buying a 24 pack of corona extra at the shoppete by a sar mage. Manseau, USN, before the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Society of Naval Architets and Marine Engineers, The Corps' Salty Seadogs Have All But Come Ashore: Seagoing Traditions Founder as New Millennium Approaches, Cursor scales for the VG [Plan Position Indicator (radar), D-Day, the Normandy Invasion: Combat Demolition Units, Decatur House and Its Distinguished Occupants, Declarations of War and Authorizations for the Use of Military Force, The Defense and Burning of Washington in 1814: Naval Documents of the War of 1812, Demolition Units of the Atlantic Theatre of Operations, Destroyers transferred to Britain under Destroyers for Bases agreement, Destruction of CSS Albemarle - Report of A. F. WARLEY, Destruction of CSS Albemarle - Report of Lieutenant William Barker Cushing, The Development of Japanese Sea Power: "Know Your Enemy"! Source: Fifty-nine words which originally appeared in an addenda page have been integrated in the main text of the document. Users can look up a specific soldier and their demographic information or the description and organizational chart of a specific unit. Also called UIC. For example, in the US Army, the parent unit designation breaks down as such: The final two characters indicate the Descriptive Designator. 0000001025 00000 n JFIF d d C >> [Note: See Glossary of U.S. 27, USS Chincoteague AVP24 War Damage Report No. * Z: International organizations and foreign governments The next three characters indicate the Parent Unit Designator. For aircraft, the nickname as well as the official designation is given, and the general meaning of the initials indicating function and manufacturer. /ca 1.0 The Unit Identification Code Search System is here: . /Length 8 0 R The long list of port markings for overseas freight shipments has likewise been left out, as have the designations of naval radio stations and plane-to-plane communication signals. CHAPTER 1 OPERATING FACILITY AND DOD ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODES 1-1 A. 5 - Decorations Awarded By Foreign Governments, Pt. endstream endobj 277 0 obj [/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC] endobj 278 0 obj <>/Height 3300/Type/XObject>>stream Date Page Published: October 28, 2004. /Type /ExtGState The security accreditation level of this site is unclassified and below. In the box below, enter the 9-character duty station code to see the name, Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA), Combined Statistical Area (CSA) and Locality Pay Area (LPA) for the code. 45, USS New Orleans CA32 War Damage Report No. I would recommend using the Zip Code Search, expanding the radius to 5 miles. (j.g.) They describe the specifics characteristics of the unit. stream C: US Department of Commerce. * H: US Department of Health and Human Services and US Department of Education startxref Where the same abbreviation has more than one meaning, the several meanings have been arranged alphabetically. >> 1-3 CHAPTER 2 OPERATING FACILITIES CHANGE ORDERS (OFCO) 2-1 A. * R: Independent US Federal agency View a list of Navy ROTC Units and Maritime/Marine Academies Address and Telephone Listing. 1, War Damage Report No. UIC = Unit Identification Code. /Width 625 E: US Coast Guard. * Y: State governments Naval Academy, The Sullivan Brothers and the Assignment of Family Members, Historic Former U.S. Navy Bases and Stations, The African American Experience in the U.S. Navy, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Navy, Contributions of Native Americans to the U.S. Navy, The World Cruise of the Great White Fleet, Navy Underwater Archaeology Return Program, Annual Navy History and Heritage Awards - Main, Research Permits for Sunken & Terrestrial Military Craft, Scanning, Copyright & Citation Information, Obtain Duplications of Records and Photos, Title List: Each Letter as a Separate List, Abbreviations Used for Navy Enlisted Ratings, Abolishing the Spirit Rations in the Navy, Account of the Operations of the American Navy in France During the War With Germany, Action Report, Battle of Okinawa at RP Station #1, 12 April 1945, Action Report USS LCS(L) (3) 57, Battle of Okinawa at RP Station #1, Apriil 12, 1945, Advanced Intelligence Centers in the US Navy, Afghanistan: A Short Account by P.F. most of the rest, however, were thrown around in familiar fashion by those immediately concerned, but might be thoroughly mystifying to the rest of the Naval Establishment. Army reserve at a glance. 1504, FPO San Francisco.". He asked you what unit you're in and that he will be contacting your first sausage. Active. One should consult pertinent bureau manuals, for instance, for the designations of their administrative subdivisions and their more specialized equipment. 2 (part III), Building the Navy's Bases, vol. R. Donald Spencer, USNR, but the great bulk of the research and arrangement is the work of Lt. Comdr. View a list of Navy ROTC host units. %PDF-1.4 %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz 28, USS Princeton CVL23 War Damage Report No. C q" The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense of non-U.S. Government sites or the information, products, or services contained therein. 83-43, BUREAU OF NAVIGATION CIRCULAR LETTER NO. Preparation 2-3 C. Congressional Notifications 2-5 D. Concurrent Clearance 2-6 370 (1889) Copies of Books to the Navy Department Library, General Order No. /ca 1.0 41, USS O'Brien DD415 War Damage Report No. * L: US Legislative Branch 7F[tt'Djke h$ _/ J>xuLsq'?t_RO$c=!T[}0O On% OxqOK WJ)QV@s<7@=39 ?8. 248 (1880) Correct and General Understanding of Signals, General Order No. 110 (1869) Forbidding Applications for Duty Through Persons of Influence, General Order No. % Navy unit identification code lookup keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related.

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navy unit identification codes list