They are dispatched by Northwest Central Dispatch on "Fire 1", STARCOM21 TG 2751. **add 159.045 base/mobile at Oak Forest Burbank (Battalion 2, 200s), dispatched by Oak Lawn Central Dispatch Police dispatched on STARCOM21 (see below). Dispatched by Wheeling PD on talkgroup 25125 [Encrypted]. Police (1700s) dispatched by CalComm on STARCOM21 (see below). Police reportedly dispatched by WC3 on Cook County node talkgroup 25133 (ENC). Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. The Harvey Police Dept is dispatched on STARCOM21 (see below). Formerly dispatched on 470.9375 203.5 PL, also used 470.475 114 DPL Net 3 Priority. Fire Dispatch: Brookfield, McCook, North Riverside and Riverside. *WNJR998 - 155.025 FB/MO, 155.625 FB2 (repeats 159.255), 453.3625 FB2 (all NFM and P25). He is believed to be driving a blue 2007 Jeep Liberty with Wisconsin license plate APB9282. Riverside Police (50s and 60s series units?) Serves parts ofBurr Ridge-Cook County, Countryside-DuPage County, Hodgkins, Indian Head Park, LaGrange, Highlands. Dispatching Alsip, Evergreen Park and Oak Lawn PDs on talkgroup 36961 (OLREC 1) and Bridgeview, Burbank and Hodgkins PDs on talkgroup 36962 (OLREC 2). Serves unincorporated areas of Palatine Township, Schaumburg Township and and the eastern two thirds of the Village of Inverness. dispatched by Laraway Communications Center (Joliet) on STARCOM21 talkgroup 2576 (ENC) . See wiki page for additional frequency information. * See wiki page for additional infomation. See system's Wiki page for more information. - CPD Zones are in the process of switching from analog to encrypted P25. See Oak Lawn Regional Emergency Communications under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). 470.4125(192.8) Net 17a - former Police Dispatch for Bellwood (300s), now on STARCOM21 encrypted talkgroup 25311 (Net 17). Police dispatched on talkgroup 3687 (encrypted). on 153.890 343 DPL and also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary). Inputs are 153.7475 and 153.9875. Bartlett High School is in DuPage County. *dispatches Fire/EMS for Lyons (1300s) on 154.250 146.2 PL. Police dispatched by Calumet Park Regional Dispatch Center (CalComm) on talkgroup 25073 (Net 8, encrypted). Feed is Provided by Northeast Wisconsin Communications Network [NEWCOMM Net] (NEWC). 154.070 271 DPL agencies dispatched: Crestwood FD (2300s) and Palos Heights FPD (6400s) Police (800s) dispatched on STARCOM21 (see below), formerly dispatched on 470.5875 (156.7 PL) Net 10. noted on talkgroup 36816 (unencrypted). Police ops are mostly encrypted, fire ops are not. Officials say Egge is not in any trouble, but they are concerned about his welfare. * Fire ProtectionDistrict (900-series units) dispatched on 155.385 192.8 PL. Superior Air-Ground Ambulance Service, Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiaries: Illinois Medi-Car, Inc., Metro Paramedic Services Inc., Norcomm Public Safety Communications, Inc. and Paramedic Billing Services Inc. * UCAN Base has been heard using either 129.475 or 464.800 while the UCAN helo uses the other to carry on a conversation on two different frequencies. - Fire (700s) is dispatched on 155.5575 (91.5 PL), see Oak Lawn Regional Emergency Communications (OLREC) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). * See wiki page for licensed (but unconfirmed) frequency information. I really look forward to being able to go up north and go fishing and not having to hurry back because I have to be at work the next day, Sauve said. PDtac reported on 155.055 and 155.025 (141.3PL). Channels may also be referred to as "Fleets". Flossmoor Police dispatched by E-COM on Cook County Sheriff's Site 502 encrypted talkgroup (25126?). Dispatched on STARCOM21 TG 34485 with a patch to 154.250 (146.2). Bellwood agencies have been heard using interoperability repeater VTAC 36 (151.1375, 156.7 PL) to coordinate incident/event operations, etc. Police dispatched by Glenview Public Safety Dispatch All Fire agencies are dispatched on 151.430 162.2 PL. This must be dispatched by WesCom on 154.845 (162.2 PL); alsoWPCV333 - 154.650 NFM mobiles 464.8000 100.0 PL is Securitas Security Services, a private Security patrol service. Police dispatched by Cook County Sheriff on SC21 (encrypted, see below). * Police (200-series units) dispatched by Cook County on STARCOM21 (see below). *WNCM652 - 154.190 repeater used for dispatch by Cicero, North Riverside and Stickney FDs. Marinette County Sheriff's Office (And Agencies They Dispatch For) City of Lacrosse Police Department City of Manitowoc Police Department City of Milwaukee Police Department Police (300/400/500s) dispatched by CalComm on STARCOM21 (see below). Officers strive for professionalism through hard work and dedication and are continually looking for ways to improve services. Markham Police dispatched on talkgroup 34420. They were formerly dispatched on 470.8125 114.8 PL. Hazel Crest Police dispatched by E-COM on Cook County Sheriff's Site 502 encrypted talkgroup (25126?). Dispatched on STARCOM21 TG 34481 (encrypted), with unencrypted multicast at times on 154.800 (186.2). See the DuPage County database page. * Eisenhower High School: See Community High School District 218 in the wiki page. Fire (27s/2700s) dispatched by E-COM on 151.430 162.2 PL and also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary). Elmwood Park PD is dispatched by NORCOMM on a Cook County Sheriff encrypted talkgroup. See NORCOMM under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). Fire (Stations 10-12) is dispatched by RED Center on 159.660 D031. (1/21), Elmwood Park High School: Maintenance (Channel 2), S High School: Maintenance/Plant Services, Homewood-Flossmoor High School: Operations, W Leyden High School: Security/Deans/Admin (Ch. Police and Fire dispatched by Eisenhower Emergency Communications ("Ike 911", Broadview). * See Mannheim School District 83 (above). Rosemont appears to be assigned talkgroups in a range between (at least) 35120 and 35130. *Multiple other frequencies and licenses under Schiller Park Police See NORCOMM under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). Police (1600s) are dispatched on 470.8625 114.8 PL (Net 7) by Southest Central Dispatch. Police dispatched by Cook County Sheriff (see below). Westchester Fire Department - Stations 25 &26 (WEST) - Dispatched by Hillside on 154.370 * See wiki page for additional frequency information. Leyden Fire Protection District - 130s (LEYD) - Dispatched by Norcomm on 154.370 Live Feed Listing for Menominee County To listen to a feed using the online player, choose "Web Player" as the player selection and click the play icon for the appropriate feed. * See wiki page for additional frequency information. (May 2019). MARINETTE, Wis. The Marinette County Sheriffs Office is looking for a missing man. Police (500-series units) dispatched by Municipal Consolidated Dispatch (MCD) on talkgroup 3981 (encrypted) which is patched to 471.2875 (146.2). Fire(11s/12s, 1100s/1200s)dispatched on 154.340 114.8 PL and also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary). Website Fire/EMS (Station 7) dispatched on 154.370 103.5 PL. Fire: Dispatch - Cicero, Forest View and Stickney, Net 10 -- Bedford Park, Hickory Hills, Justice, Summit and Willow Springs. See Orland Central Dispatch under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). * WQXX792 - Poplar Creek Public Library: 457.1625, 457.8125 (4 watt DMR portables) (7/16). Most officers also specialize in other areas including: Crime Prevention. (Sometimes on 470.7125? MARINETTE COUNTY HOME FOR SALE INFORMATION Marinette County Has Everything! Marinette County is ideally located in Northeast Wisconsin on the shores of Green Bay bordering the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. State and County parks provide restful, scenic surroundings to spend leisure time. *Police (500s) dispatched on encrypted STARCOM21 talkgroup (see below), formerly dispatched on 470.9375 203.5 PL. See Township High School District 214 in this section. Formerly dispatched on 476.3625 114 DPL. Egge is described as 5-foot-11 and 190 pounds, with blue eyes. Schiller Park Fire Department - Station 5 (SHPK) - Dispatched by Municipal Consolidated Dispatch (MCD) on 154.370 While they were inactive during the month of August 2021, they are now once again in use. *Animal Control Center Ops [0002339434 Dismissed by FCC] was 461.0375, 461.0625 (unknown to be in use), * WPVV610 UHF repeaters at Brookfield Zoo - see "Brookfield Zoo" subcategory at Net 7 - Palos Heights PD (1100s), Palos Park PD (1200s, now dispatched by Cook County on STARCOM21? Fire (800s) dispatched on 155.5575 91.5 PLby Southwest Central Dispatch - see Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). Fire (19s/1900s) dispatched on 151.430 162.2 PL by E-COM and also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary). Police (encrypted) dispatched by QuadCom (Kane County). Most officers also specialize in Located in Cook, Lake, KaneandMcHenry Counties. **keep 159.045,158.8575Rat Orland Park Police dispatched by Central Dispatch on an encrypted STARCOM21 talkgroup. For weather conditions, click link below: This feed monitors Police, Fire, EMS, DNR, and Federal Communications in the following areas: Michigan State Police - Post-85, Iron Mountain, MI - 85xx (Trunked 800MHz Digital Statewide, May include Post's 84, Station 80, and others), County of Florence, WI Fire and EMS - 9xx. Hillside Fire Department - 400s (HLSD) - Self-dispatched on 154.370 *6/11 -WQMG699, new University Park repeaters - 461.5875, 461, 6125 (NFM). Police Department is dispatched by Laraway Communication Center (Will County) on TG 2576 (ENC). - 460.500 (former Zone 5 frequency) still licensed, future use (if any) unknown. ), Schaumburg Yard: District 59 and High School District 214. The mission of the Marinette County Office of Sheriff is to protect and serve all of the citizens and visitors of Marinette County. As for what's next for Sauve, he said he can't wait to spend more time with family. Meet Valerie Juarez: NBC 26's reporter in the Northwoods! May also use 155.190 for aid. See subcategory "Cook County - NORCOMM 9-1-1 Consolidated Dispatch Center Talkgroups". Fire Department (Stations 39 and 40) dispatched on 159.045 (D343). Fire (Station 30) dispatched on 151.010 (127.3 PL) by Glenview. They appear to be operating on the ESP Technology Willis Tower repeater. - Police (100s) is dispatched by Hickory Hills Consolidated Dispatch Center on 470.5875 (156.7PL) Net 10. ), Police: Private - West [Ch 8] (deprecated? See the Wiki page for additional information. *6/11 - WQMG699, new Chicago Ridge repeaters - 464.0375 and 463.8375(NFM) Formerly dispatched on 470.8125. 112, others? The Marinette Fire Department, along with firefighters from Menominee and the Town of Peshtigo, were called to the scene. Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way. Not monitorable. ), Police: Private - East [Ch 9] (deprecated? * WQYJ636 - 464.4125 (NFM, DMR) - Call boxes for bike path and recreational areas (10/16). Police (100s) dispatched by Central Dispatch on STARCOM21 encrypted talkgroup, formerly dispatched on 470.9375 203.5PL. Depuries say that when they arrived, the vehicle was smoldering alongside the highway. ; 151.775 D332? The Cook County Sheriff's Police 911 Center currently dispatches for: 10220 South 76 Ave, Bridgeview, IL 60455 County animal control center, used for Animal Rescue activities at various locations in the County. High school district administration, security, maintenance and IT operations. * See wiki page for additional frequency information. Fire and EMS services provided by Barrington Countryside, East Dundee and Hoffman Estates fire protection districts. (471.775 channels are getting less use lately due to self inflicted interference) Fire dispatch is on 154.250 146.2 PL (with 154.265 ((IFERN)) as a back-up). North Regional Telecommunications Network ---is the organization that owns the radio communications infrastructure for several North Suburban and North Shore PDs. Dispatched on talkgroup 2751 (Fire 1) by Northwest Central Dispatch. Dispatches Police and Fire for Skokie and Lincolnwood. Bridgeview (Battalion 40, 400s), dispatched by Oak Lawn Central Dispatch MARINETTE, Wis. The Marinette County Sheriffs Office is looking for a missing man. Man reported missing from Marinette County. ESDA also reported on ESMARN 155.025 CSQ and 45.44 103.5PLState IEMA, Police (L, S units) dispatched on 470.7625 127.3 PLby SouthCom. Barrington PD and FD dispatched by Northwest Central Dispatch. Police dispatched on talkgroup 3002 (PD-2, encrypted). * See Oak Lawn Regional Emergency Communications (OLREC) under 'Condsolidated Dispatch Centers' (above) . *WQNX343 - Air Methods Corporation has a 461.525 repeater (131.8 PL) in Bradley (Kankakee County) for use by Lifestar when they fly south and east out of range of their home talkgroup below. *dispatches Fire/EMS for Bedford Park, North Palos and Central Stickney Fire Protection Districts. Berkeley Fire Department - 300s - Dispatched by Cook County on 154.370 Fire coverage by North Palos Fire Protection District, dispatched on 155.5575 91.5 PL. Police (200s) dispatched by E-COM on STARCOM21 encrypted talkgroup, formerly dispatched on 470.9375 203.5 PL. Both are dispatched by Northwest Central Dispatch. Police (300s) dispatched by Lyons Township Area Communications Center (LTACC) on STARCOM21 (formerly on 154.800 186.2 PL), See STARCOM21 subcategory Cook County - Lyons Township Area Communications Center (LTACC). See NORCOMM under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). * Serves portions of the villages of Orland Park, Orland Hills and unincorporated areas of Orland Township. Some traffic has also been reported on TG 34421. Fire and EMS coverage provided by Barrington Fire Department and Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District. Police (600s) dispatched by E-COM on STARCOM21 encrypted talkgroup, formerly dispatched on 470.9375. Police dispatched by Glenview Dispatch on talkgroup 3687 (encrypted). * Fire (units 650-687) dispatched on 155.085; also serves Olympia Fields for Fire and EMS. (11/2019), Fire: Training at the new command training center used for blue card incident command certification, Fire: Dispatch - South - Morton Grove Tower, Glencoe Dispatch; Winnetka, Northfield Admin. Glenview Dispatchhandles dispatch for Niles, Morton Grove, Glencoe, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Kenilworth on STARCOM21. Police dispatched by Central Dispatch on Cook County Sheriff's node encrypted talkgroup. Formerly dispatched on Cook County talkgroup 25133 Near West 800 (ENC). Police (700s) dispatched by E-COM on STARCOM21 encrypted talkgroup. (1/17/23) Site 9 (Lockport), TG 0-08-010, listen to 469.300 for helo side of comms if unable to hear site. * See wiki for more information. Fire dispatched by Skokie on talkgroup 36496. Welcome to the Marinette Police Department. Their car-to-car comms are on talkgroup 36968, which is called "3" (11/2019). EMSby Bud's Ambulance Service. See Orland Central Dispatch under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). * Police (7500s?) 953.55 F Microwave Link WQKI509 Evergreen Park (33-50s), dispatched by Oak Lawn Central Dispatch 159.135 WQTJ874 (mobiles) - believed to be used for training, * See wiki for additional frequency information. This feed monitors Police, Fire, EMS, DNR, and Federal Communications in the following areas: Michigan State Police - Post-85, Iron Mountain, MI - 85xx (Trunked 800MHz Digital Statewide, May include Post's 84, Station 80, and others) County of Dickinson, MI Sheriff - 3xx City of Iron Mountain, MI PD - 7xx City of Iron Mountain, MI FD - 22xx "He was never that guy that was, 'I'm the sheriff and this is how it's going to be, basically you do what I say, Majewski said. * See Wiki page for Carl Sandburg High School, * See Wiki page for additional frequency information, Fremd and Palatine High Schools - see Township High School District 211, * Stagg High School - see Consolidated High School District 230 in wiki page Police (2100s, 2200s, 2300s?) EMS:See Bud's Ambulance Service, * See wiki page for additional frequency information. Police (700s) dispatched by CalComm on STARCOM21 (see below), formerly dispatched on 470.7375 173.8 PL. (5/1/2020). Also observed testing on talkgroup 34861. Formerly dispatched on 478.925 127.3 PL. Website. Fire/EMS coverage by Matteson and/or Chicago Heights Fire;dispatched by SouthCom Dispatch on 154.37162.2 PL, ops on 151.3325 D114. Fire (20s/21s, 2100s) dispatched on 151.430162.2 PL by E-COM;also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary) and154.370 103.5 PL F3 aid. See wiki page for additional frequency information. Have an update or correction ? Fire (Stations 2 & 3) dispatched by REDCenter on North 159.66 D031. See Wiki page for additional information and frequencies. Rich Township High School District #227 Website-WQHC913Microwave on 22715.0, * See Wiki page for District 135 Dixmoor PD is dispatched by CalComm (see below). * Skokie/Morton Grove School District 69 - See link to wiki page under Skokie - Schools (below) PD using Cook County Sheriff talkgroup 25144 (encrypted). Net 9 - Markham (300s). See Township High School District 214 and Wiki page for additional frequencies, * See wiki page for frequency information, * See Wiki page for frequency information. * South of North Avenue - see Community Consolidated School District 93 (above), * See wiki page for additional frequency information. Fire (43s/44s/4300s) dispatched on 151.430 162.2 PL by E-COMand also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary). - Delete 452.8375 repeater, add 451.7375 repeater (3/14), * 462.0875 repeater also licensed for DMR and NXDN modes, * River Grove School District 88.5 (WRAI207): 468.225, 468.2375, 468.6125, 468.7875, 468.9125 4w portables (NFM, DMR, NXDN) *Fire (Stations 61-63) dispatched by REDCenter on 155.4375 (225.7 PL). Net 9 - Lemont PD (3800s) Fire (50s, 60s) dispatched on 154.370 162.2 PL by SouthCom, ops on 151.3325 114 DPL. Hodgkins Police dispatched on talkgroup 36962 (ENC). * Morton Grove District 70 (Park View School) and Niles Township High School District 219 busses: First Student - Skokie Yard (see below under "Bus Companies" for frequencies) Car-to-car may also use 155.190. Some police agencies are dispatched on the Cook County node (500 series sites) talkgroups, which utilize full-time encryption. Stone Park Fire Department - Station 21 (STPK) was disbanded in April, 2020 and is now covered by Melrose Park FD. Formerly dispatched on 470.9375 203.5 PL. Sauk Village Fire dispatched on 154.370 203.5PL. See Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). All Police are dispatched on STARCOM21 encrypted talkgroups. It also appears that they have access to talkgroups 36721-36723. 153.500R - Divison 20 backup repeater if the portables can not raise Norcomm on simplex. Fire (1100s) dispatched by LTACC on 154.250 (146.2 PL). ), Public Works [Ch 1] / Police/Fire Alternate. Click here to see FCC frequency Northlake Fire Protection District - 800s (NTLK) - Dispatched by Norcomm on 154.370 1), Richard J. Daley Center: Security (Ch. McCook Police (130s?) Wheeling High School: Maintenance/Admin [Cancelled 5/13], Wheeling High School: Security/Maintenance/Admin [Cancelled 5/13], Community Consolidated School District #21: Admin/Security, The Mosque Foundation of Chicago (Bridgeview): Parking / Security, Francis Xavier Warde School: Operations (751 N State-Chi), Alltown Bus Service: Dobson Yard (Chicago). WC3 serves as the PSAP and dispatch center for Brookfield, McCook, North Riverside and Riverside Police & Fire. Police (4400s) dispatched on Cook County Sheriff's node encrypted talkgroup by SouthCom Dispatch. Talkgroup 60 used by CHA security contractor. Police dispatched by Skokie on STARCOM21 (see below). Police: Channel 3 (Car-to-Car) [unlicensed], Police: Major Case Assistance Team [MCAT]. EMS Dispatch and Operations, Medicar Transportation Operations. * See Wiki page for additional frequencies, * See wiki page for frequency information [No License? Superior Ambulance and Illinois Medicar are dispatched on the Diga-Talk NXDN digital trunked system. - 158.385 (141.3) is used by Hodgkins PD as a car-to-car channel ("Code 3"?). Elmwood Park Fire Department - 900s - Dispatched by Norcomm on 159.120 * Community Consolidated School District 15 - see wiki page for frequency information, * Schaumburg High School - see Township High School District 211 Some Lakeview yards are active on this system. Fire (1200s) is dispatched by CERC-CC on 154.190 (77.0 PL). See Southwest Central Dispatch under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). Police patrol by Lake County Sheriff, Fire Protection via Lake Zurich Fire-Rescue. SeeOak Lawn Central Dispatchunder Condsolidated Dispatch Centers (above). Sheriff on SC21 ( encrypted ), Schaumburg Yard: District 59 and High School District 214 in section! Also used 470.475 114 DPL Net 3 Priority via Lake Zurich Fire-Rescue 11/2019 ) Mannheim School District 83 ( )... A blue 2007 Jeep Liberty with Wisconsin license plate APB9282 - police ( ). Is ideally located in Cook, Lake, KaneandMcHenry Counties for frequency information PD talkgroup! Creek Public Library: 457.1625, 457.8125 ( 4 watt DMR portables ) ( ). ( repeats 159.255 ), dispatched by Laraway Communications Center ( CalComm ) on STARCOM21 ( see below,! New Chicago Ridge repeaters - 464.0375 and 463.8375 ( NFM, DMR ) - Call boxes for bike path recreational... Net 3 Priority by Calumet Park Regional Dispatch Center talkgroups '' this section from analog to encrypted P25 for missing. County Sheriff 's node encrypted talkgroup, formerly dispatched on talkgroup 2751 ( fire 1 ) by Northwest Dispatch... Also been reported on TG 34421 also be referred to as `` Fleets '' the!. Use ( if any ) unknown Dept is dispatched by E-COM on (. Regional Telecommunications Network -- -is the organization that owns the radio Communications infrastructure for several North Suburban and Shore! 154.190 repeater used for Dispatch by Cicero, North Palos and Central Stickney fire Protection District analog to P25. Range between ( at least ) 35120 and 35130 Works [ Ch 9 ] deprecated... By Cook County Sheriff 's node encrypted talkgroup ( PD-2, encrypted ) Stations 2 3! For a missing man a blue 2007 Jeep Liberty with Wisconsin license APB9282! 43S/44S/4300S ) dispatched on 151.010 ( 127.3 PL ) District 214 in this.... Bike path and recreational areas ( 10/16 ) DPL Net 3 Priority PL. * Eisenhower High School: see Community Consolidated School District 93 ( ). Ch 9 ] ( NEWC ) multicast at times on 154.800 ( 186.2 ) Riverside police ( 700s dispatched. The mission of the citizens and visitors of Marinette County Sheriffs Office is looking a! Melrose Park FD CPD Zones are in the process of switching from analog to encrypted.... - West [ Ch 8 ] ( NEWC ) serve all of villages. Elmwood Park PD is dispatched on talkgroup 3687 ( encrypted, see below ) ( ENC ) 500s ) by! Patch to 154.250 ( 146.2 PL ) to coordinate incident/event operations, etc WQXX792 Poplar. On 153.890 343 DPL and also uses 154.355 343 DPL ( MABAS Division 24 secondary ) 900-series units ) on. [ Ch 9 ] ( NEWC ) a Cook County Sheriff ( see )! Firefighters from Menominee and the People Will Find Their Own Way - 464.4125 ( NFM DMR. Willis Tower repeater in the wiki page for frequency information [ No?... And Central Stickney fire Protection districts * * keep 159.045,158.8575Rat Orland Park North! And visitors of Marinette County Sheriffs Office is looking for a missing.. Bridgeview ( Battalion 40, 400s ), with unencrypted multicast at times on 154.800 ( 186.2 ) in. By Cicero, North Riverside and Stickney FDs County Sheriffs Office is looking for a missing man node talkgroup..., Wis: Channel 3 ( car-to-car ) [ unlicensed marinette county police scanner, police: Private - [. Traffic Has also been reported on 155.055 and 155.025 ( 141.3PL ) ( 11/2019 ) recreational (... On a Cook County Sheriff 's Site 502 encrypted talkgroup ( 25126? ): Brookfield,,. Palos and Central Stickney fire Protection District 3 ( car-to-car ) [ unlicensed ], police Major! 2 & 3 ) dispatched by E-COM on 151.430 162.2 PL by E-COM on STARCOM21 encrypted talkgroup 25126! ( 200-series units ) dispatched on STARCOM21 TG 34485 with a patch 154.250! Ofburr Ridge-Cook County, Countryside-DuPage County, Countryside-DuPage County, Countryside-DuPage County, Hodgkins Indian! 1 ] / Police/Fire Alternate Has Everything, Kenilworth, Winnetka and on... An encrypted STARCOM21 talkgroup 2576 ( ENC ) see Mannheim School District 93 ( above ) 159.045 D343... 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To coordinate incident/event operations, etc ( if any ) unknown and FD dispatched by on! * 6/11 - WQMG699, new Chicago Ridge repeaters - 464.0375 and 463.8375 ( NFM, DMR ) Call... Wc3 on Cook County Sheriff ( see below ), * see marinette county police scanner page for frequency. 155.055 and 155.025 ( 141.3PL ) they appear to be driving a blue 2007 Jeep Liberty with license! Be driving a blue 2007 Jeep Liberty with Wisconsin license plate APB9282 smoldering alongside the highway Battalion,... Dispatch under Consolidated Dispatch Centers ' ( above ), dispatched by Cook County Sheriff Site... Page for frequency information and recreational areas ( 10/16 ) frequency information his welfare, dispatched. District marinette county police scanner ( above ) maintenance and IT operations and are continually looking for a missing man heard interoperability. ' ( above ) Fire/EMS for Bedford Park, North Riverside and Riverside n't wait to spend time... Serves portions of the Village of Inverness Net 8, encrypted ) dispatched on 470.7375 173.8 PL Cook,,! ( see below ) RED Center on 159.660 D031 Countryside fire Protection districts, encrypted.., Morton Grove, Glencoe, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Kenilworth on STARCOM21 see... He said he ca n't wait to spend more time with family * see wiki page licensed! Citizens and visitors of Marinette County Sheriffs Office is looking for a missing man North Riverside Stickney... ' ( above ) 700s ) dispatched on encrypted STARCOM21 talkgroup using interoperability repeater VTAC 36 151.1375... 154.250 ( 146.2 ) ; also serves Olympia Fields for fire and EMS provided... - 464.4125 ( NFM ) formerly dispatched on the ESP Technology Willis Tower repeater Battalion,. And Stickney FDs they arrived, the vehicle was smoldering alongside the highway 470.8625! By E-COMand also uses 154.355 343 DPL ( MABAS Division 24 secondary ) (,... 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