jalisco new generation cartel text messages

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); As you can see, the bogus Jaslico Cartel text message contains graphic pictures, attached. [56] At this time, the Sinaloa Cartel allied with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel to fight off Los Zetas. We are an organization that belongs to the second generation of the Jalisco Cartel. my name is PABLO OSEGUERA member carte Jalisco New Generation and pimp of the domestic sexual service house I've been calling you cause you've been speaking to one of my girls which offered you her service and you only made her lose her time. Carlos Enrique Snchez, known as El Cholo, is believed to be the latest gruesome hit by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), whose ruthless rise to global dominance has left an appalling . They sent my son also videos of people getting tortured and decapitated. He's the most powerful drug kingpin you've never heard of", "Why the Jalisco Cartel Does Not Dominate Mexico's Criminal Landscape", "Secretara de Hacienda y Crdito Pblico | Gobierno | gob.mx", "Cartel territorial battles escalate in Chiapas as CJNG attempts to muscle in", "U.S. sanctions 2 for money laundering, prostitution tied to Mexican cartel", "Nobody has seen a cartel like this': DOJ targets one of Mexico's most powerful drug organizations", "Training CJNG recruits: they eat their victims", "CJNG captures a Carteles Unidos leader "EL Ghost Rider" and torches his face-Video", "CJNG's "Payaso" Flays the face of FM/Viagras Member, then taunts the victim who is still alive", "Mexican Cartels Are Arming Themselves to the Teeth With Powerful US Sniper Rifles", "Fresnillo, Zacatecas: Grupo Guerrero Of Cartel Jalisco Capture Grupo Flechas Gunmen", "Zacatecas: Grupo Guerrero Interrogate 3 Grupo Flechas Operatives", "CJNG vs los Correa: dejaron siete descuartizados en taxi de Ciudad Hidalgo", "What is Grupo Delta, the violent CJNG cell implicated in the death of Aristteles Sandoval and Felipe Tom", "CJNG Destroy Camp Of CU Hitmen & The CU Extorting Families, Michoacn", "Los Cabos Leave Ice Chests With Remains and Threats for CAF in Snchez Taboada, Tijuana", "Surge nuevo cartel aliado al CJNG en Zicuiran", "Alianza contra el Crtel de Sinaloa: confirmaron que el CJNG y La Lnea se unieron en Chihuahua", "Al alza, la disputa en estados del norte por trasiego de fentanilo", "Las alianzas estratgicas del "Mencho": quines seran sus socios en la Familia Michoacana, el Crtel del Golfo y Guerreros Unidos", "Veracruz: Ana Lilia aka La Contadora, Leader Of Los Pia Arrested", "VIDEO: CJNG muestra a sus "Caza Templa-Viagras", comando encargado de conquistar Michoacn - La Opinin", "Brutal Gang Rises as Mexico's Top Security Threat", "On the Front Line of Mexico's Forever War Against the Cartels", "Quines seran los funcionarios en la mira del CJNG", "Trafficked with Mariana van Zeller: Season 1 Episode 8: Guns", "18 Dead in CJNG vs Sinaloa Cartel Clash in Zacatecas/Jalisco Border", "CJNG is going for control of all national territory after breaking alliance with El Mayo Zambada", "El ocaso del Crtel de Santa Rosa de Lima: porqu la organizacin del Marro se desmorona", "El CJNG entreg juguetes de Da de Reyes en el Aguaje, zona donde ha sembrado el terror por aos", "The New Criminal Group Hitting Mexico's CJNG Where It Hurts", "Hay guerra CJNG vs los Templarios en Michoacan, 16 ejecuciones se adjudican al CJNG", "El crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin rapta al hijo de El Chapo Guzmn", "Mas sobre de la Guerra de CJNG vs Los Zetas: suman 321 muertos para los zetas y 56 para La Nueva Generacin", "Is Mexico's CJNG Following in the Footsteps of the Zetas? [92] They also criticize the politicians who have protected Los Zetas. [150] Then they went on to say that the CJNG was going to start a turf war "against the Knights Templar Cartel, who were reportedly "abusing of innocent people" and operating through "kidnappings, extortion, protection racketeering, property theft, and rape. [179] Two of his bodyguards and a female pedestrian were killed in the assassination attempt as well. Are You a Scam Victim? The content that targets the men states: Listen, I am a man of a few words. [120] Upon the arrest of several members of the cartel, the authorities confirmed in August 2012 that the CJNG was responsible for killing five journalists in Veracruz. [211], According to the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit in Mexico City, the cartel has territory within the regions of Jalisco, Nayarit, Aguascalientes, Colima, Guanajuato, Veracruz, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Zacatecas, the Islas Maras, Sinaloa, Michoacn, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, Chiapas, Tabasco, Quertaro, Tamaulipas, Hidalgo, San Luis Potos, Edomex, Morelos and Puebla. [204] On 11 April 2020, CJNG cell leader Mara del Carmen Albarrn was arrested in the Venustiano Carranza borough of Mexico City. [195] On 28 May 2018, they arrested Rosalinda Gonzlez Valencia, who is the wife of Cervantes. [179] The same day, it emerged that the CJNG still controlled organized crime in Jalisco, Guanajuato, Quertaro, Hidalgo, but no longer was listed as having such control in any municipality in Veracruz and still was unable to take away territory in other parts of southeastern Mexico controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel, Los Zetas and the so-called Los Pelones group. In response to the multiple executions between the drug cartels, the federal government launched a military-led operation in the state of Veracruz, known in Spanish as Operativo Veracruz Seguro. During the day when my husband would be at work I would stay at my daughters place. [4], In 2017, the CJNG reportedly broke its alliance with Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada of the Sinaloa Cartel. [128] At around 7:00pm, the Guadalajara police received numerous anonymous calls from civilians reporting that "several vehicles with more than 10 bodies had been abandoned" in a major avenue. I only wish I would had received this email last year. [34] By 2018, the CJNG became the second most powerful cartel in Mexico, and was believed to have over 100 methamphetamine labs throughout the country. [166] Nuevo Laredo is the fourth-busiest border crossing in terms of passenger vehicles. But what these people do was, they made up a fake profile or a young girl. PORT. Yes,we were victimized by some scammers. [citation needed], On 28 June 2020, it was reported that the number of CJNG members arrested for 26 June 2020 assassination attempt of the Mexican City Police Chief had grown to 19. My son lived with my daughter, whom he also told her sorry. And after work my husband would go to my daughters and he would follow me home. [67], In March 2019, Texas Republican congressman Chip Roy introduced a bill that would list the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, the Gulf Cartel and the Crtel del Noreste faction of Los Zetas as foreign terrorist organizations. And he said no. But my son was very terrified and feared for us as well as for himself. [206] Judge Villegas had gained notoriety in 2018 when he ordered the transfer of Rubn Oseguera from a jail in Oaxaca to a maximum security prison in Jalisco. You have lost the time of several of my girls on adult websites by losing their time from work. [153] Officials stated that they found a "message signed by a criminal group," but they did not release the content of the note,[154] nor if those killed were members of Los Zetas or of the Gulf Cartel. A drug cartel in Mexico is forcing new members into cannibalism and started sharing videos of gang members feasting on the hearts of their enemies.. You have lost the time of several of my girls on adult websites by losing their time from work. We went ahead and sent 490 dollars. Friday, May 7th 2021. Im guessing she was 18 years old, on Snapchat. Got verbatim message as above. We have evidence you were talking to one of my girls, and I have evidence. [146] Upon the arrest of the four alleged killers, one of the cartel members confessed that they had plans to "repeat" what had happened in the 2011 Guadalajara massacre, where 26 bodies were dumped in a major avenue for public display. I didnt feel safe to stay in my house alone, so I asked my husband who I had seperated from, if he could move in with me. RALEIGH, N.C. (WTVD) -- A new text scam left a Raleigh man. Don't forget that I'm your true father. [186] On 7 August 2012, it was announced that Ortega's successor, Eliot Alberto Radillo Peza, was captured in the Zapopan, Jalisco. However, by midsummer, the group appeared to have been reunited with its former partners in the Sinaloa Cartel. They were requesting 500 dollars to just get rid of the pictures. The "40" in the message is a reference to Miguel Trevio Morales, a top leader of Los Zetas based in Nuevo Laredo, and longtime adversary of Joaqun Guzmn. Share via Text Message MEXICO CITY Ten men and a boy were killed and a woman and another boy were wounded in a shooting attack on a home in western Mexico Saturday. From text messages to fake TVs,, If you are one of those people wondering how to remove your information from the, Here are a few simple tips and tricks to ensure you get what you pay, Lets look at five employment scams you should watch out for when searching for a, Here is a list with 9 common money transfer scams and what you can do, A virtual private network creates a secure and encrypted connection between your device and a, The Pig Butchering scam has emerged via text messages and consists of a combination between. But it really is just horrible that these scammers can impact peoples lives without feeling any remorse. [185] By this point in time, Mezcales, which previously acting as the CJNG's local enforcers, was no affiliated with CJNG. These scam texts usually contain three attached images, some of which depict guns and one even showing a decapitated person. I told him to ignore it that for sure it was just scammers. 10 SEATTLE ( KOMO) Federal drug investigators say there are many homegrown . La Resistencia accused CJNG of giving up Oscar Valencia ("El Lobo") to the authorities and called them Los Torcidos ("The Twisted Ones"). The area is caught in the midst of a territorial dispute between the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG). The vehicle on fire was a Ford Ranger, and inside were four bodies with bulletproof vests and handcuffed. My son cried and kept saying he was sorry, and since I lived by myself. [168], In March 2017, infighting within the CJNG showed when Oseguera ordered the murder of high-ranking CJNG member Carlos Enrique Snchez, alias "El Cholo". my name is francisco Montoya member cartel Jalisco New Generation and pimp of the domestic sexual service house I've been calling you cause you've been speaking to one of my girls which offered you her service and you only made her lose her time. [4] Although the CJNG is particularly known for diversifying into various types of criminal rackets, drug trafficking (primarily cocaine and methamphetamine) remains its most profitable activity. [85] They opened the doors of the trucks and pulled out the thirty-five corpses, leaving a written message behind. After that it was all bad. ", "Federal Police arrests cartel boss in western Mexico | Fox News Latino", "Cae en operativo "el 85", lder del crtel de Jalisco Nueva Generacin", "Erick Valencia, el detenido que caus los bloqueos en Guadalajara", "Capturan a Erick Valencia Salazar, lder del Crtel de Jalisco", "El presidente felicita al Ejrcito por captura de un capo en Jalisco", "Ofrece CJNG "disculpas" por bloqueos con narcomantas", "Mexican cartel says no violence during papal visit", "Drug Cartel Members Arrested in Eastern Mexico", "Cae 'El Menchito', segundo mando del crtel de Jalisco", "Mexican army helicopter shot at in drug cartel attack", "Mexiko: Frau von mchtigem mexikanischen Drogenboss gefasst", "Capturado un capo mexicano relacionado con la desaparicin de tres italianos en Jalisco", "Aqu capturaron a "El 20", lder del Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacin", "Detienen a 'El 20', lugarteniente de 'El Mencho' y del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin en Tequisquitln, Jalisco", "Federal forces capture two cartel chieftains in Jalisco", "DEA carries out largest-ever strike against 'remorseless' Mexican drug cartel", "Feds score major hit against bloody Mexican drug cartel", "DOJ takes new aim at violent Mexican drug cartel CJNG; 250 arrests in the U.S.", "Busted in Chicago suburbs, top aide to cartel boss 'El Mencho' wanted grenade launchers: prosecutors", "the most wanted criminal by the United States who leads the CJNG from the mountains", "Narco queen': wife of cartel leader 'El Mencho' arrested in Mexico", "The downfall of Rosalinda Gonzlez, leading figure of a powerful Mexican drug cartel", "What the arrest of El Mencho's wife means for Mexico's powerful Jalisco cartel", "Mexico arrests brother of leading drug cartel boss", "Mapa de crteles del narco en Mxico segn Inteligencia Financiera", "El "Vaca", el operador del CJNG que atent contra Garca Harfuch, revel que el gobernador de Jalisco es el siguiente en la lista del Mencho", "Criminal violence, politics, and state capture in Michoacn", "Mexico's Jalisco New Generation Cartel blazes a bloody trail in rise to new power", "Los Mata zetas o el cogobierno del crimen organizado", "Jalisco Cartel Sets Off Alarm Bells Along Mexico-Guatemala Border", "Guatemala: CJNG Threaten National Civil Police Force", "Dispute Breaks Out For Control Of Maritime Traffic In Guatemala And Peru Between CDS And CJNG", ""El Mencho" est muerto? My son just contacted the girl. [117], On 3 May 2012 in Boca del Ro, Veracruz, three photojournalists who covered the crime events in Veracruz were slain and dumped in several plastic bags in a canal. It is however the dominant criminal actor in Jalisco, Nayarit, Colima, the port of Lzaro Crdenas in Michoacn, the eastern state of Veracruz and in the oil-rich central region of Guanajuato, Puebla, Quertaro and Hidalgo. "[126], On 24 November 2011, three trucks containing 26 bodies were found in an avenue at Guadalajara, Jalisco. [171][172] Lpez, also known as "Dame of Death", was suspected of being the CJNG leader in Mexico's Tierra Caliente region. [187] Their apprehensions prompted over a dozen blockades throughout the city. Amber Phillip told KOAT that her. [97] And a day after his resignation, 10 more bodies were found throughout the city of Veracruz. [86] The gunmen then fled the scene. [23], Combatting CJNG is proving difficult because of police corruption. [54] While this cartel is best known for its fights against the Zetas and Templarios, it has also fought La Resistencia for control of Aguililla, Michoacn and its surrounding territories. According to the text of the bill, the president may use force against foreign actors, countries, or organizations that the president determines to have participated in a number of illegal . And after work my husband would go to my daughters and he would follow me home. This is the only thing these people (Los Zetas) can do. Port Hueneme police say they have seen several reports of a new scam in which a person is sent a text message demanding money or threatening harm to their families from a cartel. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. An Albuquerque mom is alerting parents after her 12-year-old daughter was sent a threatening text message from a supposed drug cartel. It is an extortion message threatening recipients with the killing or the disfiguration of their family members. He said that we were the 12th person that had went to file the same thing and that the only difference was that we were the only ones who actually sent them money. [157] Following the attacks, the Sinaloa cartel's kingpin, Joaqun Guzmn Loerabetter known as El Chapo Guzmnsent a message to Los Zetas that they will fight for the control of the Nuevo Laredo plaza. Este es el origen del Crtel de Santa Rosa de Lima", "Analysis | Center for Strategic and International Studies", "Mexico's Wild West: vigilante groups defy president to fight cartels", "Rep. Chip Roy Releases Bill Asking Sec. [215] Politics in the regions where CJNG has control are skewed, and citizens have little options to combat the cartel. We went ahead and sent 490 dollars. After that it was all bad. [67] Vigilantism is one way in which these communities are resisting the control of cartels and the government. Only for my son to get another call saying that they never received the money and were requesting to send them the money. [112] On 25 December 2011 near Tampico, Tamaulipas, a city on the border with Veracruz, 13 bodies were found inside an 18-wheeler truck. [85] Once the traffic stopped, armed men abandoned two trucks in the middle of the highway. The Americas Mexico's Jalisco New Generation Cartel blazes a bloody trail in rise to power By Kevin Sieff July 10, 2020 at 5:29 p.m. EDT Police officers guard the scene of the June 27 gun attack. The content that targets the men states: "Listen, I am a man of a few words. [134], Authorities concluded that this massacre was almost a "replica" of what happened two months earlier in Veracruz,[135] and investigators mentioned that this massacre is a response to the killings done by the Matazetas against Los Zetas in the state of Veracruz. [5] However, CJNG still had strongholds in the Mexican states of Jalisco, Guanajuato, Quertaro, Hidalgo and Veracruz. People of Veracruz, do not allow yourselves to be extorted; do not pay for protection; if you do is because you want to. [186] At the time of Peza's arrest, it was announced that twelve suspected members of the Jalisco Nueva Generacion cartel, including leaders Martin Arzola and Abundio Mendoza Gaytan, had been arrested since July 2011 on extortion, kidnapping and drug charges. He also suggested to close all social media accounts, change my sons phone number and that should take care of that. It all started when her husband received an alarming. The message does not mention the fact that the Gulf Cartel is probably supporting the Sinaloa Cartel in carrying out the executions. At the beginning of April, the CJNG released messages threatening . CJNG remains the domineering force in its namesake state of Jalisco - where the former governor was gunned down on Friday, in what many believe to have been the work of the cartel - and its . Nevertheless, Guzmn retreated after a few years of bloody turf wars. They kept calling my son every 3 minutes, saying that my son had requested nude pictures of one of the members of the Zeta cartel. I asked my son if he had sent nude pictures or requested any to the profile? [209], On December 20, 2022, El Mencho's brother Antonio Oseguera, alias El Tony Montana, was captured while in possession of weapons in a suburb of Guadalajara. [39] The plot to murder Snchez, who was targeted by Oseguera after murdering a CJNG financial operator nicknamed "El Colombiano", failed. [189] Felipe Caldern, the president of Mexico, congratulated the Mexican army for the capture of rick Valencia Salazar. [173][172] The number of arrests was revised to 750, though it was still thought the CJNG could still partake in trafficking within the U.S. so long as it keeps its base of operations in Mexico. An Alexandria woman didn't want to share her identity but went into elaborate detail about a phone scam that she faced over the weekend. The scam features text messages of mutilated bodies, followed by threats to attack family members with their addresses included. [210] El Tony Montana was said to have overseen violent actions and logistics, and bought weapons and laundered money for the cartel. [61][62][63][39] The CJNG are currently fighting the Nueva Plaza]] cartel for control of the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco; La Unin Tepito for Mexico City; Los Viagras and La Familia Michoacana for the states of Michoacn and Guerrero; Los Zetas in the states of Veracruz and Puebla; Crtel del Noreste in Zacatecas; the Sinaloa Cartel in Baja California, Sonora,[64] Ciudad Juarez, Zacatecas and Chiapas; as well as the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel in Guanajuato. My son just contacted the girl. [116] President Felipe Caldern attributed the low homicide rates to the Operation Veracruz, the military-led operation implemented in October 2011. [70] By 2020, U.S. counter-drug officials considered CJNG its "biggest criminal drug threat" and Mexico's former security commissioner called the group "the most urgent threat to Mexico's national security", "the most technologically advanced, sophisticated, heavily-armed, dangerous, and feared criminal organization in the world", and "Mexico's most dangerous criminal organization. The "H" is presumably Hctor Beltrn Leyva, the last remaining brother of the Beltrn Leyva Cartel. [62][63] They also were still waging war against the CJNG and had even formed an alliance with the Sinaloa Cartel. [133] The family of one of the kidnapped victims claimed that their loved one was "a teenager without vices or problems," and that the versions of him being part of a cartel are unjust and false. And that my son had sent pictures of him as well. [204] Alderate's brother Roberto Alderete was arrested in Kentucky in 2018 with two pounds of methamphetamine. [113] According to officials, the truck had license plates from Veracruz. [163] The Sinaloa Cartel's first attempt to take over Nuevo Laredo happened in 2005, when Los Zetas was working as the armed wing of the Gulf Cartel.[164]. [218], As of September 2021, the Jalisco Cartel has recently made increasing advancements into the southern regions of Mexico such as Chiapas near the Guatemalan border where it is facing an escalating dispute for territory with its arch-rival the Sinaloa Cartel. We will never be the same. We are narcotics traffickers and we don't mess with honest working or business people. From being a mere stop on the smuggling route to the United States in the 1980s and 1990s, Mexican cartels have largely taken over the business, financing drug manufacturing in Colombia and . It was very gruesome, just horrible. Establish intelligence agencies to not only capture the cartel members, but to also dismantle their financial and operative networks; Evaluate and inspect the police forces in Veracruz for any possible correlation with the cartels, "in order to count with loyal" police officers; Increase the federal and state funding to improve security measures; Ensure that the government is the only entity that carries out law and order. Because unfortunately that there was nothing they could do to track the people. He also suggested to close all social media accounts, change my sons phone number and that should take care of that. One of the witnesses said that some teenagers were "drinking soda in front of a store when armed men" in two trucks abducted them. [52] Its hitman training program is strict and professional. But my son was very terrified and feared for us as well as for himself. 2. Last but not least, feel free to use the comments section below to expose other scammers. [196], In July 2018, Mexican authorities arrested Jos Guadalupe Rodrguez Castillo (alias 'El 15'), a local leader of the cartel. [165], In 2018, InSight also stated that infighting had developed with CJNG by March 2017 which resulted in the killing of a cartel financier and the leader of the CJNG's hit squad. "[93], On 6 October 2011 in Boca del Ro, Veracruz, 36 bodies were found by the Mexican authorities in three different houses. [98] The CJNG was also responsible for 67 killings in Veracruz on 7 October 2011. "El Alacran" (The Scorpion), was arrested on 28 June 2020. To counter Los Zetas in the state of Jalisco, the Sinaloa Cartel affiliated itself with the CJNG.[71]. [39] Snchez and CJNG co-founder rick Valencia Salazar, alias "El 85", departed from the CJNG and formed a new cartel called Nueva Plaza Cartel. [90] The men in the video state that they understand and respect the government's decision of refusing to negotiate with the cartels. [9][4] The cartel has also been noted for cannibalizing some of its victims, sometimes during the training of new sicarios or cartel members, as well as using drones[10][49][38] and rocket-propelled grenades to attack its enemies.[50]. (Both assertions are not wholly true, but often reflect a popular sentiment.) The Jalisco Cartel text message targets both men and women with two different approaches. Jalisco New Generation Cartel started as one of the splits of the Milenio Cartel, the other being|La Resistencia. The death of over 130 political candidates in just one year is a striking reminder of how much CJNG controls areas of Mexico. Although the government has asked these groups to lay down their arms, the vigilantes continue with some success. [205], On 1 July 2020, it was announced that CJNG hitman Jaime Tafolla Ortega, a.k.a. I didnt feel safe to stay in my house alone, so I asked my husband who I had seperated from, if he could move in with me. I've implanted you a fee which you must pay. [39] According to InSight Crime, the Nueva Plaza Cartel retaliated against the failed murder of Snchez by successfully murdering the person in charge of the CJNG's hit squad, nicknamed "El Kartn" or "El Marro", in August 2017[39] CJNG co-founder Emilio Alejandro Pulido Salazar, alias "El Tiburn", would defect to the Nueva Plaza Cartel as well. "[191] On 18 March 2012, Jos Guadalupe Serna Padilla, another ranking lieutenant in the cartel, was captured along with another cartel member as well. Did you lose money to cryptocurrency fraud? [216] Political candidates are not the only victims of CJNGs violence. [191] They wrote that the blockades were "only a reaction for messing with their CJNG companion," who reportedly dedicated his work to "maintain tranquility in the state of Jalisco. text message from jalisco cartel It began with like 12 gorey images of people being brutally beaten up and killed in one way or another. [84] According to El Universal, at around 17:00 an undetermined number of vehicles blocked a major avenue in Boca del Ro. Prosecutors in the state of Jalisco said the bullet-ridden bodies of the 10 men were found by police on the sidewalk in front of the home. "[150] Vigilante groups consisting of local townspeople, known as autodefensas, have been taking arms against the Knights Templar for the past few years. Pompeo to Designate Cartels Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOsnuhhwwwa)", "Trump halts plan to treat cartels as terrorists", "Polarization and Sustained Violence in Mexico's Cartel War", "Cay lder del 'Crtel de Jalisco Nueva Generacin', Cartels unite in the fight against Los Zetas, "La Sedena presenta al presunto lder del crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin", "La Crnica de Hoy - Cae "El Molca" lder y fundador de "La Resistencia", "Cae "El Molca" lder y fundador de "La Resistencia" - La Crnica de Hoy", "Lidera ex agente a la organizacin de los 'matazetas', "35 bodies found in Mexican roadway during rush hour", "35 muertos de Boca del Ro seran Zetas: Autoridades", "Bodies of Innocents Used as Props in Mexico's Drug War", "Mexico gunmen abandon two trucks with 35 bodies inside", "Veracruz: tiran a 35 ejecutados en zona turstica", "Mexico Horror: Suspected Drug Traffickers Dump 35 Bodies on Avenue in Veracruz", "Arrojan 35 cuerpos torturados en una calle de Veracruz", "En Veracruz tiran a 40 ejecutados; narcomantas sealan que muertos son de Los Zetas", "35 bodies dumped in Mexican city as president begins effort to woo tourists", "Comando armado se responsabiliza por cdaveres arrojados en Veracruz", "Se disculpan 'Los Matazetas' por ejecutados en Veracruz", "Un grupo autodenominado Los Mata Zetas reivindica la matanza de Veracruz", "Video: Narcocomunicado de Los Mata-Zetas", "Marina reporta el hallazgo de 32 cuerpos en Veracruz; la Procuradura, 4", "Mexico: 32 Bodies Are Found in Veracruz Houses", "Son 36 los cadveres hallados en Veracruz", "El procurador de Veracruz renuncia a su cargo tras una ola de violencia", "Otros 10 cadveres son encontrados en el estado de Veracruz", "Caen 'Matazetas' ligados a cadveres en Veracruz", "Suma 100 muertos Veracruz en tan slo 18 das", "Fortalecer a policas locales, la clave en el nuevo operativo en Veracruz", "Veracruz, paraso amenazado por el 'narco', "Las 5 claves del operativo Veracruz Seguro", "Deja 16 muertos ataque a autobuses en Veracruz", "3 Texans among those killed in Veracruz attacks", "PGJE indaga ataque a autobuses en Veracruz", "Consulate issues emergency warning after deadly bus attack", "Autoridades de Veracruz encuentran 10 cuerpos en el norte del estado", "Hallan en camino vecinal de Veracruz los cuerpos de otras 10 personas asesinadas", "Hallan 10 cuerpos decapitados en Veracruz", "Archivo/Debate Hallan cuerpo de edil Tampico Alto, al norte de Ver. I had my rent money, and my son begged me to loan him the money so he could send it to them. I only wish I would had received this email last year. Domain age, Alexa rank, HTTPS valid, Blacklisting, SSL certificates, Source code, Location, IP address, WOT Trustworthiness, Spam reports, Advanced technology, Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, Contact options. [140] The attorney general of the state of Jalisco, Toms Coronado Olmos, stated that this massacre was a revenge attack for the 23 killed in the 2012 Nuevo Laredo massacres. The message also suggests the differences in the modus operandi of Los Zetas and the Sinaloa Cartel, because as authors of InSight Crime allege, the Zetas have a reputation of operating through extortion, kidnappings, robberies, and other illicit activities; in contrast, the Sinaloa Cartel is known simply for drug trafficking. They sent my son also videos of people getting tortured and decapitated. However, these pictures are widely available on the internet on many other websites. Also, there were some reports that the payment is required to be made through cryptocurrency. In the texts the scammer claims to be with the cartel and warns, "do not try to lock or turn off the phone because I have your address and that of your family too." The second text sent the. [69] From 2018 to 2020, the CJNG engaged in 298 reported acts of gang-related violence; more than any other cartel during the period. [115] According to government sources, by March 2012, the homicide rate in Veracruz and its surrounding territories had decreased. Because unfortunately that there was nothing they could do to track the people.

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jalisco new generation cartel text messages